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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Couple aussie classics: "About as long as a piece of string" (arbitrary) "A donkey's ear" (long)
  2. Guess they do! Hehehe. Damn they're nice. Shame you have to trade your first born's soul to own one ;)
  3. Can/should I move this to 'User Projects' yet? I think so. BTW, where did you get that sexy-ass LCD?!? What is it? Give us the goss! :D The 'squares' make it look optrex, and the high contrast/wide viewing angle... but optrex don't do 4x40....
  4. hehe, if by "busy" you mean "having his innards sucked out through a straw" then yeh you might be right ;) He's doing bone marrow donation at the moment so there may be slight delays. Doug is trustworthy, so you needn't worry, he'll be with you ASAP.
  5. Please Read Before Posting New Topics: What is a "User Project"? Grr. Answer is yes. It's been covered in detail previously.
  6. You say, it uploded successfully and worked fine over midi, but the buttons don't work, correct? If so... Why are you testing midi?
  7. Done: Re: x0xb0x panels
  8. First: Newbies, just use this: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search;advanced;search= Thought this may be useful. Props to AudioCommander for finding this. I'm just filling in some extra info... First, the basic URL: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search2;advanced;search=<blah> Put your search term where it says <blah>, so if you wanted to find all posts where someone mentioned the word "foo", it looks like this: search=foo If you want part of a word, you can use an asterisk as a wildcard like so: search=foo* If you want to use multiple search terms, you can specify them like this: search=foo+bar Or for exact terms, you can use quotes: search="unsigned char foo" If you use multiple terms, you can tell the search how to use them as such: searchtype=1 is "Match all words" searchtype=2 is "Match any word" EG: search=foo+bar;searchtype=2 If you want to search for posts by a certain user, use 'userspec' like so: search=foo+bar;userspec=stryd_one or if you're not sure of the nick exactly: search=foo+bar;userspec=stryd* If you want to see messages of a certain post date, you can use 'minage' and 'maxage', so if you wanted to see stuff from last month, you might do: search=foo+bar;minage=30;maxage=60 To see posts between 30 and 60 days of age You can push maxage out to '9999' to get everything back to the beginning of the forum. If you want to see the entire posts in your results (not just the summary) do this: search=foo+bar;show_complete=1 If you only want to search for your text in the subject, try: search=foo+bar;subject_only=1 To control the sorting of your hits, use the 'sort' parameter as such: 'sort=relevance|desc' is Most relevant results first 'sort=numReplies|desc' is Largest topics first 'sort=numReplies|asc' is Smallest topics first 'sort=ID_MSG|desc' is Most recent topics first 'sort=ID_MSG|asc' is Oldest topics first For example to sort by most recent posts do: search=foo+bar;sort=ID_MSG|desc And to specify which boards to search, use 'brd=' as such: 'brd=1,36,33,37' is the 'Top' section of the forum 'brd=1' is Latest News 'brd=36' is Bulk Orders 'brd=33' is Frequent Writer Lounge 'brd=37' is Programmers Lounge 'brd=14,15' is the 'Archive' section of the forum 'brd=14' is Parts Archive 'brd=15' is MIDIbox of the Week 'brd=29,26,27,28,35,5,2,3,4,6,7' is the 'Construction' section of the forum 'brd=29' is MIDIbox HUIs 'brd=26' is MIDIbox SID 'brd=27' is MIDIbox FM 'brd=28' is MIDIbox SEQ 'brd=35' is MIDIbox User Projects 'brd=5' is MIDIfication 'brd=2' is Design Concepts 'brd=3' is Parts Questions 'brd=4' is Testing/Troubleshooting 'brd=6' is Tips & Tricks 'brd=7' is MIDIbox Documentation Project 'brd=32,31,12,13,38' is the 'Miscellaneous' section of the forum 'brd=32' is Sale Requests 'brd=31' is Fleamarket 'brd=12' is Miscellaneous 'brd=13' is Songs & Sounds 'brd=38' is Trash Can 'brd=16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24' is the 'Multilingual' section of the forum 'brd=16' is Nordisk 'brd=17' is Nederlands 'brd=18' is Deutsch 'brd=19' is Français 'brd=20' is Italiano 'brd=21' is Español 'brd=22' is Greek 'brd=23' is Russian 'brd=24' is Others 'brd=28,25,10,11' is the 'Software' section of the forum 'brd=8' is MIDIbox Tools & MIOS Studio 'brd=25' is MIOS programming © 'brd=10' is MIOS programming (Assembler) 'brd=11' is MIOS toy of the week So, for a big example of all of the options... Let's say you want posts by me, but you can't remember if I'm stryd_one or stryd_1... You want to search for posts where the word 'bitfield' or 'bitfields' or any word starting with 'bit' (in case i made a typo, like 'bitfeild', or said 'bit field') is used, but only in the subject... And posts only in the 'Software' section of the forum... excluding posts in the last 30 days, and only going back one year maximum... sorted to show the most recent posts first, and returning the full post as a result.... (phew) here's your example URL: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search2;advanced;search=bitfield+bitfields+bit*;searchtype=2;userspec=stryd*;minage=30;maxage=365;show_complete=1;subject_only=1;sort=ID_MSG|desc;brd=28,25,10,11 Enjoy!
  9. Ahh I got ya. That page is mostly aimed at people making their own apps; as you now know, the distribution packages take care of the need for the mios_* environment variables and the mios_base package - so they are easier to compile. If you're modifying an existing app, that is the easiest way to test the toolchain.
  10. Yeh just ask me to move them, that's what I'm here for! :)
  11. TK wrote a sysex handler framework that's on SVN if it helps. Python does seem to be widely used, you might be on the right track there :) Cross-platform good.
  12. Try to keep it on-forum if you can, it helps others. Also, posting your email address here will get you spammed, A lot. For general C programming info, you should go to google.com ;)
  13. Please don't delete posts. I have moderator rights especially for the purpose of things like doing a clean-up for you, if it's needed to keep the thread on-topic. Really you just did it to save face, which is just silly vanity. We're all newbies once! You never know when even "basic" stuff may be helpful to others. See you in the next thread then!
  14. I just noticed, the bookmarks links are gone too :( RIP extra smileys? :( Listen to me... nag, nag, nag. Where's the :X face? heheh
  15. Heh, those things are far from rare, don't worry you'll find another!
  16. Sounds like a gameplan. That seeedstudio site is interesting too, thanks for the link :)
  17. Another good one twinnie! Like phil, I'll probably chop-and-change this around. Dark theme for at home, especially night; light theme for work and on the train when it's sunny etc. I prefer your logo on the dark theme though.
  18. Yay! :D Any time dude! It's a pleasure to help when people help themselves like you do. Especially, I am very impressed that you fixed the 'cygwin' error. You can probably tell from google, some people never fix that one. What's more, you shared the link so that others can try your fix. Rock on. I'm sorry you had an unlucky time with the toolchain though :( Don't worry, it's usually not so tricky to do the midibox thing, the rest should be comparatively easy :)
  19. C:\sm_c>make --version GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath. There's your problem. 3.81 is the one you want. The current version of MSYS ships with 3.79.1. The 'candidate' release of MinGW has the later 3.81 version. Part of the quickstart guide Overwriting make.exe of MSYS shows you the command to run, to put 3.81 in the correct location. I think you accidentally missed this step the 2nd time around :)
  20. That's a different error to before. What else did you change? Can you do these too: make --version sh --version sed --version sdcc --version gpasm --version
  21. Said the man running the buggy Chrome beta LOL
  22. LOL! I always measured Cun/Sun as "about this long" (insert finger gesture) :D
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