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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Would help a LOT if you pasted the errors. Please see the troubleshooting link in my signature for important hints. It sounds like you have not set the necessary environment variables (MIOS_BIN_PATH, MIOS_PATH). There may be other things too.
  2. Why do you think the standard of all food has dived, especially fast food? Cost, man. They *have* to do dumb shit like this, because they have to not only make profit every year, but increase the profit every year, in order to keep stock prices up. If they don't do it, they go broke. So they constantly find ways to reduce cost. That means, you won't find organically grown non-gm all natural foods grown in local market by small dedicated farmers, because mass produced food is way cheaper. They could do it properly, but then people wouldn't buy there because it'd cost 15-25$ for a burger like it does in a nice cafe. It's a shitty system but we all play it. Heheheh ghetto fabulous man. Two times a year, that's birthday and christmas :) We got coca cola too, that was so great. (evil huh) Once we were teenagers, and had a little cash of our own, we'd run a scam where we'd order a cheeseburger, with no pickles. Then we'd go outside, eat half of it, and go back in and complain "I ordered extra pickles!" "i want a new one" to which we would be greeted with a burger with extra pickles. The pickles are shit, so we'd go outside, flick them at the roof (they stick, in case you never tried it. we had a pickle and an ice cream cone stuck to the roof for about a year in that shop) and eat half the burger, then go inside and complain; "I ordered NO pickles! This is disgusting! i want a new one!", to which we would be greeted with a burger with no pickles... you'd usually get about 5 burgers for your purchase 8) Strangely I feel very little guilt for it.... :D
  3. Surely if it's in the seller's feedback it will give the same warning. Anyone buying off ebay and not checking feedback is crazy. However, although one person may say this guy is to be avoided, another may not, and that's why this is the wrong place. Exactly the same as warnings about fake caps and fake sids, another thread that got way out of hand before I said the same thing as here. There ended up being all kinds of baseless accusations being thrown around and innocent names being dropped. Midibox forum is not for ebay feedback.
  4. Capitalism at it's best. Make the food for the lowest price, and sell it at the highest price, that you are able to. Don't blame McDonalds, they're just following the rules you vote for....
  5. Voltage regulator, and yes, I figured a short too :)
  6. Lovely panels :) You forgot the (sadly for most of us) most important thing: how much?! ;)
  7. Stentor, when a thread's this old, it might be best to PM the person first, rather than 'resurrect' the thread :)
  8. People who don't search generally don't read stickies either :(
  9. IIRC eDrum is not open source, so software mods are not possible.
  10. Suits me fine man! Sorry I didn't mean to diss your work, it's not like that... You've laid a good starting point but there's just this one thing that's a bit skewed... And it's no coincidence, it's a tricky category to handle (I should know, I've walked this path before ;) ) Cool that was something I've been trying to weigh up too. That's what the core_toolchain should be. Problem is, is that windows, or linux, or mac, or a mix? The 'core' toolchain basically means the compiler, assembler, linker... and the installation procedure differs from one platform to another. Same deal with codeblocks... but the usage is the same for either. That's why I was thinking that there needs to be an installation page for each OS, for each tool, Yeh, but the toolchain is software too... I can't help but wonder if the software and toolchain should go together in a new namespace like this, and not in the mios/mios32 pages. Another reason to go that way, is that the toolchain setup may be a little different if you want to install toolchains for both platforms. If we have a home:software page and namespace, is it likely to clash with anything else? Is it likely to make things too complex? (maybe it can fit elsewhere) What do you think?
  11. Trashed the old images and the :root: namespace and project: namespace (left home:project: )
  12. Take away the laws that made them that way, the laws that enable and encourage them to continue that way. Problem solved. :) Don't blame the tool for the actions of it's operator. TV can be a fantastic source of education or entertainment...or a haven for soft porn to distract the masses. Just like the internet really.... but yeh in it's current incarnation, it's not too flash. But, think about things like uhm... animal conservation. White rhino would be history if not for TV... Just one example. I always say, that any tool is just like a sharp stick. You can use it to hunt or farm food for your community, and protect them at night, and build shelter.... or you can slaughter them all in their sleep. A tool is just a lump of stuff until you use it. I've seen embedded microprocessors end the lives of dozens of people - hell, we all have, thanks to live bomb camera footage in Iraq and Afghanistan...and I've seen midiboxen educate and entertain thousands :D It's what you do with it that counts. (I'm sure there's a dirty joke there) buggy: Yeh I know, you're a "Mad Max scenario" guy... but we have that situation already (they may not copulate with the females but they certainly dominate all others). Difference is, we can't change it, because it's against the law. In an anarchaic society, unwanted behaviour would quickly be met with an unpleasant response, and alpha monkeys would quickly learn that shit doesn't work any more ... while trying to find a new place to live, and avoiding the other ejected would-be-dominator monkeys. Before long, all the monkeys learn to show respect to all the other monkeys, when they realise that they get back whatever they put out. Those that don't, go elsewhere to dominate each other into oblivion. Point is, a clever monkey knows that we ain't monkeys no more, and we sure as hell don't need to compete like monkeys any more; in contrast to that, we can propagate our species beyond the wildest dreams of the most crazy monkey, by cooperating. Such is the wonder of the degree of communication and computational skill we possess. But we're not using it. You and I are a great example of how it oughta be. We don't always get along, but we show each other respect (like, this conversation... plus, notice I'm not using smilies? hehe) and we cooperate, and between us both we bring more to this community than either of us could do without that interaction. It spreads, too - I saw someone else handing out advice the other day that was a near-quote of one I gave out. That's wicked, because while he did that, I was finding a bug that TK then fixed. I've seen dudes repeat your advice while you and nILS worked on some circuit. We all worked together and everybody 'won'. You see that in all kinds of communities; people helping each other out, and the synergy that it bears. Sadly back in the real world, there's enforced, inflated, manufactured competition. Enforced by law, inflated by economics, and manufactured by government. I don't really think it's some kind of deliberate conspiracy,and I'm not about preaching universal love (maaan), but I do know that law is domination, and that cooperation and domination are mutually exclusive. Two heads are better than one; unless you put a gun to them, then they're both pretty much blubbering messes. Or if they're monkey heads. Then they just eat beetles from each other's ears.
  13. LOL this could be fun! Join in guys! "f" "con" "what's an"
  14. Ahh this old chestnut: Abuse the desperate, pay them a pittance to work their butts off, and then throw them a bone once a year and pretend to be a charitable organisation by mocking them. Nice.
  15. GROT #8 Where'd you get the right version from? :)
  16. Things like the parts footprints for a specific app, should really be listed under that specific app's page. This is one of the things I wanted to sort out with the mos/mios32 pages - the toolchains are all over the place :/ For example, the toolchain docs I've written are intended to be a sequence of docs, but have been added as one-offs...codeblocks is listed under core toolchain, and it's not part of the core toolchain at all, it's an option. There's no real space for things like eagle, kicad, solidedge, etc, yet (maybe in skills?) Where should we put that kind of thing?
  17. We can't see the image there buddy :(
  18. I know 0.13.5 works on PC.. maybe try getdeb?
  19. Then you should do so on ebay. The midibox forum is not a place for ebay feedback. I know you're trying to help us out, but you risk bringing ebay wars to midibox land when you do this. Please make your warning in the appropriate forum: the ebay feedback for the seller.
  20. SDCC is for C apps, and MBSID ain't C ;) Anyway, what GPUtils version are you using? Up-to-date-according-to-Debian doesn't mean up-to-date... Type gpasm --version to find out.
  21. This topic has been moved to MIDIbox SID. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=12571.0[/iurl]
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