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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I love your guitar bit where it goes wow-wow like the wolf whistle... damn it's too hard in text... It's the bit where he looks at the girl when she first appears :)
  2. Err... if I'm gonna optimise it, I kinda need to compile it.... Can I have the rest? One tip: Array accesses are sloowwwwwwwww, and this thing is one array access after the other. Don't worry too much about the .list file. Check out output/main.asm to see what a mess your tidy C code becomes...
  3. The intention is "correction" not "avoidance". As in, you think it first, then think "That's no good, I wouldn't say that out loud", THEN retrain yourself not to think it. Everyone makes mistakes. Making them repeatedly is lazy ;)
  4. Mother#$&*#$!!!!!!!! Where's THAT been hiding?!
  5. This topic has been moved to MIDIbox of the Week. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=12259.0[/iurl]
  6. Coping good. Coping at the expense of others bad. That's why they should share the jokes with the patients ;) My sister is a midwife and I've done a lot of care of aged and drug-effected people (and animals too), so I do know where you're coming from, and I agree. Better the doctor makes a joke about me, than loses the plot and can't save lives. How to stop from thinking things you'd rather not think? Same as most troubleshooting issues - treat the source ;) Don't slap the thoughts down as being bad and discard them as junk, accept them as something which you, despite being a totally nice dude and all that, did, and analyse why.... If you ever manage to wipe them all out, while you're there, can you tell God to get me some more sex drugs and rock n roll? ;D
  7. LOL. BTW, if you are code-shy as most devs are, you're welcome to email it to me (sure the same goes for others, just PM them and ask)
  8. Lovely!! I changed the tag to size the pics. I don't like to edit other people's posts, but I don't see the sense in leaving pretty pictures obscured. This is what the tag looks like for example: [img width=600]http://www.sphinx.f2s.com/SID/01.JPG[/img] Now to move it to midibox of the week!!
  9. It's not exactly the diagram I was after, but YES!! Thanks!! It's late, I'll do this tomorrow unless some synth geek does it before then :)
  10. I never liked the idea of having the circuit exposed to the external world....Turning the case into a big ground plane just doesn't sit right with me... But it'll sure cool it down! moody your voltages are totally normal, it must be drowing really high current. Have you considered a different VReg designed for higher loads? There are 2A and 3A 5V regs out there...
  11. You're kinda in the right place. It is possible to recmpile a customised version of mios which excludes some drivers. TK was kind enough to add this feature at the request of a couple of performance hungry devs (yep I was one) so that we can compile a smaller version of MIOS. It won't make it faster though. You might save a few instructions at best. Yes, IIC transfers can cause delays, but coding the right way can get around that in most cases. AC is right - optimise. Post your code and I'm sure we can find a a few things to soup up.
  12. As I read the beginning of your post, I started to think, 'well, he's done all the right stuff... Now that he mentions it, I can kinda hear it....maybe it's overlimited or something?', then you confirmed my suspicion: Maybe it comes down to a mix/mastering thing.... I think some of your hard work is definitely lost in the final product. If editing posts makes you a moron I'm moron*3 from tonight alone ;)
  13. You did 'whack' it. History: We were discussing the pros and cons of smilies in the chat once. Bugfight hates smileys. I agreed that they're a poor substitute for eloquence, but pointed out that when you're limited to expressing yourself in text, particularly in a mixed-language environment (the net) sometimes they are a 'necessary evil' - such as putting a smiley after a sarcastic joke, just to make it clear that you're joking and not serious. Bugfight referred to this as using a smiley to 'whack someone with the joke stick', and thus *whack* was born. Personally I prefer to use ;) because it's 5 characters shorter. Recently *whack* has been abbreviated to **, which is much nicer, but noone outside of these forums knows wtf it means (not to mention that some people use weird smileys which don't have mouths. Don't ask me how that makes sense, but if ^^ is smiley eyes, then maybe ** is two people mooning you), and I don't see any advantage in using one pair of characters over another.... They're all a poor substitute for decent comms. So ;D will suffice for a 'whack', IMO. Both work just fine! :D
  14. That's for RC filters, and I don't think that's what they are. I seem to remember they're hanging off opamps, but again... my memory.... I've searched again for that internal schematic and damned if I can find it. I'm sure it's even been posted here before... Anyone at all?
  15. Hmm.... I don't like that. It's hard enough being a chronic illness sufferer without the million doctors you have to see making fun of you behind your back. Makes me wonder what the nurse who gave me an enema and the doctor with the camera up my bum wrote on my file. Would you like the doctor to refer to your pregnant sister as a GLM? Etc. A few relevant strydisms: If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it. If you wouldn't say it out loud, don't think it. A secret is just a lie you didn't tell. At least if they said it to me, we could all have a laugh.
  16. Love the covers. Very unusual (like everything you do - that's good IMO!) Did you do the art? LOVE that your myspace page allows me to press play when I'm ready to start the music. Webpages that cram music in my face without interaction get automatically closed ;) Heh, still sounds like chiptunes to me! Just... heavier, and with screaming ;) I like your music. I think that subtlety in expression is something that's evading you though, but hell, I'm sure it sounds just like you meant it to, and you know I'm not always a fan of subtlety ;) I think that the thing that stops me from wanting to go out and buy it (aside from the screaming thing, not my style) is that your tunes lack shades of grey - it's either full-on-noise, or silence. That makes it lack dynamics, so the tunes don't take me on a journey. It's so hard to explain it in text without sounding like an academic arty-farty idiot music critic, so I'll STFU now!
  17. Your /bin/sh may not be pointing to bash. Can you run sh --version like I said? Sorry to be such a nazi again, but there are good reasons why I give the instructions I do. It's also important to run it from the same directory as you would normally run make. This ensures that your search path is setup correctly. FWIW, I don't think this is the problem at all, but it's still best to check. I'm sure; the code above has this on 66-71: (lines generating errors bolded by me) I ran a comparison and you have edited some lines between the pasted code and the SVN copy. BTW: I moved this into the processing directory. No, it doesn't compile for me. My SDCC version differs from yours (Mine's newer), but the error seems correct - it is trying to pass a struct (not even a pointer to a struct) to a function expecting a generic pointer. I'm very surprised that this actually works in a midibox, let alone that it compiles. Weird. I hesitated to ask before, but what the heck is that '@' operator for? The compiler seems to be ignoring it. (I'm guessing @ is a C++ operator? Never seen it before. That doesn't say much though hahaha). I replaced it with an '&', and at least it now thinks I'm passing a pointer: main.c:68: error 78: incompatible types from type 'struct midi_bus [16] near* ' to type 'char generic* ' main.c:73: error 78: incompatible types from type 'struct midi_bus [16] near* ' to type 'char generic* ' make: *** [_output/main.o] Error 1 When I forced a typecast, it complied, but I got this linker error: gplink -s C:\MIOS\_SVNMIOS\trunk/etc/lkr/p18f452.lkr -m -o project.hex C:\MIOS\_SVNMIOS\trunk/lib/libsdcc.lib C:\MIOS\_SVNMIOS\trunk/lib/pic18f452.lib _output/mios_wrapper.o _output/app_lcd.o _output/main.o error: multiple sections using address 0 make: *** [project.hex] Error 1 I've just tried it with the latest nightly build (todays - 2.8.4 build 5424) and get the same errors. I fooled with it a bit but I can't get it to behave. Sorry mate I'll have to leave it with you for now... It always has for me. :-\ If you're on windows you can use pageant (see the svn doco on the wiki), not sure about linux though. I'd LOVE to know, if you find out!
  18. Hahahahah! People not reading, has gotten so bad that when we joke about it, it blends right in and looks like we're serious! ;D
  19. There are a squillion available, just search your favourite store for TO220 heatsinks. They shouldn't get all that hot really, unless you're overpowering them significantly.... What voltage are you feeding it?
  20. Find me that internal schematic and I'll tell you ;) (it's around somewhere, I just couldn't find it)
  21. Whoops sorry I missed that! Moved...
  22. This topic has been moved to Fleamarket. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=12250.0[/iurl]
  23. Try rack enclosure too... they're definitely out there. The hard part, is separating the kind of cases we want (rackmountable enclosures ready for components to be inserted) from the kind we don't (cases with rackmount strips ready to have rackmount enclosures mounted in them) Par-metal seem to be the supplier of choice stateside, and I have a favourite model availabe here in .au, but not sure about denmark :(
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