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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Sweeeeet the day has come! Lots of work went into this, all the way from TK who obviously did all the hard work, to various forum members who have done everything from testing, to moral support in the chatroom ;) BIG THANKS to everyone who had a hand in it!! And a special congratulations to TK on the success of all his hard work! For those not familiar with the new structure, if you get confused by anything feel free to post or drop by the chat. This new way is awesome when it comes to modifying/customising apps, and especially for developing your own, I'm sure you'll love it once you get to know it ;)
  2. [img width=500]http://pitoc.de/DSC04459.JPG [img width=500]http://pitoc.de/DSC04463.JPG [img width=500]http://pitoc.de/DSC04464.JPG [img width=500]http://pitoc.de/DSC04467.JPG Pretty!
  3. I dunno, I burn my fingers on them, all the time (and resistors if I'm not being quick enough). Think about it...ignoring all the unrelated stuff, what you have is: Solding iron...metal...finger ______ =======>--------(______ I don't see how you could not burn yourself in that situation ;)
  4. Sorry to hear it doug. Good luck with the sale, and hopefully you'll find lots of time and money real soon.
  5. Perhaps you've lost sight of the newbie factor then... In theory, yes, but in the real world, that doesn't work. Newbies get confused about which should be used (Do I eat the apple or the orange? It says I can eat both but I'm not sure, I've never eaten fruit before before, should I try both at the same time and then remove the one I don't like the taste of? etc etc etc.) and that creates additional workload for dudes like me. There's a reason why it's done the way it is. For another example, see the JDM vs Burner situation. Anyway, we're off topic. The idea here, is to collect any bug reports with MMJ. If everyone submits the bugs now, then napierzaza can pass them onto the developer who's been so kind as to offer his assistance to us. Then, it might be working 100%, and we can put MMJ on that page - the perfect solution to apples vs oranges: remove the need for oranges :) So step up with your MMJ bugs guys! Speak now or forever hold your peace! :D
  6. You're all b*stards! ;D Chatroom newbies, don't be fooled by these punks! /part makes you leave the room.
  7. You'll have a change of heart when you do more tech support. TK/Twin-X can you update the link to <a href="http://www.mandolane.co.uk/">PlumStone</a> ? Thanks!
  8. Answer: Putting two options there is one option too many sometimes.
  9. Try setting the number of pots in the .h file, grounding the pins closer to the pic, and losing the breadboard if you can.... It's midnight so I'll look again tomorrow when my brain is on :)
  10. That's deliberate, because MMJ doesn't work for some people, so it's not suitable as the recommended solution.
  11. Same deal, scope the datasheet :)
  12. That's how I like questions to look! You've clearly done your research! Yes it's possible, you got it right in your a...f. No extra inc files required, the encoder driver is part of MIOS and support is intergrated into the MB64e so you need not be concerned with quadrature Full marks. For bonus credit, attach pics of your midibox at the end of semester ;D
  13. Ah... you're after 9x Note On x0 Channel 1 (you count up from 0) 30 Note # 30 (that's not middle C) 68 Velocity 68 8x Note Off x0 Channel 1 30 Note # 30 (that's not middle C) 00 Velocity 0 But I'm not going to figure out the rest for you - as I said, if you load these into your sequencer, it will tell you what they do... not to mention that I'm sure midi files have headers and footers but yeh... I googled 'midi file analyser' and found this http://www.simtel.net/product.php%5Bid%5D89598%5BSiteID%5Dsimtel.net ... There are probably lots of them... But it's not clear why you're interested in the midi file format? You should n't need to worry about it. If you are sending realtime controls then you won't record anything, and if you are recording data for playing back the robot's actions later, then your sequencer will take care of the file, and give you a more comfortable interface. The midi protocol (not the file format) is of more interest to you, and durisian has posted the perfect link.
  14. Why not open it in a midi file editor (your sequencer will do)?
  15. Oh yeh another thing.... in case your hydraulics require higher current for switching, you might like to search the ULN2803 too. Search for ULN and also for 2803, sometimes we abbreviate ;)
  16. That's alright... Sometimes I 'Just Work' too ;D ;D (no, i'm not really hating on macs i'm just being funny)(sorry couldn't help it)
  17. Sweet, thx man. Maybe you could also upload your firmware's source? this should be the same one you ran "make" on, to build your hex file; in fact to be sure if you could do that again before you upload it that would be great.
  18. Yes, and it's four mouse clicks from here. Start with that big blue button up the top, the one on the left, and get reading... You'll find it in no time I'm sure, just follow the most relevant link for what you want until you find it. I'll throw to the other thread now...Re: when ordering a core kit
  19. Sorry angel but I'm that guy who's gonna give it to you straight: The questions you're asking indicate that you haven't read a lot of the material you need to read. That's going to take some time, and if you make orders and such before you know what you're doing, you may not get the outcome you expect. If I were you, I'd forget about ordering anything before the next few weeks at least. Read the ucapps.de site, and the wiki and the forum here, have a search and browse around and in time you'll form a good idea of what's happening... Then when you get into your new house and have your lab setup again, you might be ready to order some stuff to go in it :)
  20. Welcome aboard SullX! You're in the right place, it's all done already. A MIOS robot has been mentioned in the past, it'll be great to see it became a reality. Have a search around, check out the function reference http://www.ucapps.de/cmios_fun.html And DOUTx4 modules for outputs, timers if you need them....ahhh... yeh, search around. You'll like what you find I'm sure :)
  21. I'm kinda puzzled here... It definitely should not do that. Can you show me a photo/video of the core with the one pot connected, all other AINs grounded?
  22. Lookin good bro. Its not a 'must' but, I read that you DIY etching types can save a little etchant by filling in the ground planes 'islands' with copper (like under the left side of the PIC)
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