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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Thought I'd select a more appropriate colour. See, when you're awake this late, the phone sex ads on TV get to you man.
  2. Click "Additional options" when you post :)
  3. 8.7 is probably OK, the small difference will be a mix of error on your meter and the PSU. The 11V to the 7805 may be OK with a big heatsink.... I would say: Try it with the 9V adapter, and if it doesn't work, try the 11V. Maybe you could do: 240V--->xformer--->11V--->7809--->7805---Core \ '--->SID Just, test all the voltages before you put the chips in!
  4. Ahhh good old evelyn. Alas you can't pass an aggregate as an argument in SDCC, it'll be passing the address, and seeing as the address will never change, the optimiser has a fit. Try Or something...
  5. Continuing from the old thread... Ahh, so it works with pots and not with the fader? It may be damaged. You can test it with a multimeter or an LED (+resistor in series). Make sure you check the datasheet to be sure you have the right pinout
  6. Oh I apologise, I missed that! (Don't know how, I see it now!) You can run that 9V right into the sid module and also into the 7805 to power the core, if it's already regulated... Sorry!!
  7. Mine already travelled back in time with the power of his mind and killed all of your master's fathers so they never learned. Now they're accountants and stuff.
  8. It'll be up in about 15 mins or so :)
  9. OUCH! Hahah yeh totally. When I first plugged them in, I used them for a while, was really happy, and then went away to read posts... and then got up and played with them for a bit, and then sat down to read posts...then got up and played with them for a bit, and then sat down to read posts...then got up and played with them for a bit, and then sat down to read posts.......... ;D
  10. Is your wall adapter outputting 9V DC regulated? Or AC or unregulated?
  11. Hi boops. You can't feed a 7809 with 9V, it won't work... You could maybe power it with a 12V supply, but there could be issues with ground differentials.....really, I would strongly recommend the optimised c64 psu. You should be able to get the PSU itself second hand, and you'll need all the extra parts anyway :)
  12. yeh, and QWERTY too. Yuck! OT: For those who don't know, the staggered grid your keyboard has, is a throwback to old typewriter designs, where the mechanical arms had to be staggered to avoid collisions. The staggered keys create a need for your fingers to repeatedly translate side to side, something which they are only designed to do to a very minimal degree. If you want proof, see how many degrees you can bend your finger towards your palm, and towards the back of your hand. Should be about 200 degrees. Now try and move it sideways that far. Can't do it? How about half as far? Feel good? No? That's cause you're not built to do that ;) I rock a TypeMatrix 2030 with a black silicone cover with Dvorak layout at home/in the studio/in the lab/when mobile, and at work i use a 2020DQ with dual dvorak/qwerty layout. This isn't a bling thing, they aren't fancy toys. I use them because after some 20 years of typing around 12 hours a day, I started to develop some real problems with my hands/wrists/fingers, which quickly became crippling. Before buying these keyboards as a last-ditch attempt with my last money, I was diagnosed as having an illness that would land me on a pension within 6 months. That was over 2 years ago, and I'm still improving. I've since learned that, although we may not feel any discomfort right now, by using such archaic designs, we are still doing damage. It just accumulates over the years, until we get to 40 or 50 years of age, and then we blame the pain and stiffness in our joints on "just getting old". Having had my ass handed to me (bigtime) by several martial arts masters aging between 55 and 85 years old, I can assure you that age has less to do with it, than time - time spent doing unnoticed damage when we are young. These men have been active martial artists their whole lives, and it shows. Their age is a representation of how many years they have been taking care of their bodies, rather than a representation of how long they've been slumped behind a monitor operating a 1990's machine with 1890's technology. So, I like to pimp these kind of keyboards at every opportunity, because I know from first hand experience (heh) that although you might think the keyboard you have now is fine, it's probably not, and you'll pay for your oversight later. It might be when you're thirty, it might be when you're eighty... Trust me, it's not worth the risk. Being a cripple sucks, do yourself a favour huh :) Your keyboard,1139096675,13.jpg My keyboards http://www.ergocanada.com/products/keyboards/typematrix_dual_legend.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2295/1524691699_8d3f681baa.jpg http://www.typematrix.com/images/skins/qwerty_keyboard_dvorak_skin_black_half_on_480x313.jpg http://www.neotec.co.jp/syouhin/key/101etc/typematrix/2030qwerty.jpg There's also the Maltron, and Kinesis 'Ergo' line. They're both very nice, a bit more expensive, much bigger, and have a more ergonomic layout, but slightly longer throw keys than the typematrix boards. If you can spend a little time and effort, it's really worth the switch to dvorak layout too. It's simply more efficient, requiring far less finger movement to type the same text. Try this page for a test : http://www.siteuri.ro/dvorak/Default.aspx Just put some words in the box, click the button, and find out how far your fingers need to move, etc., for various layouts Comparing qwerty and dvorak is a bit of a shock.... I'll be honest though.... Dvorak kicks qwerty ass in a big way, but it does take some real effort to switch. Most people who try, give up after a couple of weeks. If you stick it out, you'll see why people never switch back if they give it a couple of months. While I'm on the subject (and since I'm not hijacking the original thread any more) I should mention that it's really important to keep an eye on your posture. You want the screen at arm's length, with the top of the screen at the height of your eyes. Your upper legs, and lower arms and hands, should be parallel to the ground; everything else should be perpendicular to that. If you find that you are uncomfortable in this position, it's because you don't hold it often enough, and the muscles needed to hold you straight are weak. It'll come with time. If you don't feel that you type enough to warrant such a purchase or effort, at least operate wisely with what you've got...do stretches, take breaks, do exercise after you've been sitting there a while, etc... It'll help your body recover. But the best cure is avoiding any damage in the first place. :) </love rant> ;D
  13. With an MBSID too? Not a chance. Without, just as a filterbox, sure!
  14. You could always buffer them before the mix ;D
  15. Seems cool to me so long as it matches the schem :)
  16. Hmmm... again I'm taking guesses, but I might as well, until someone with more of a clue steps up... IIRC, the newer macs run newer versions of OS/X... The problem may be there? Maybe the java version is different? I am guessing that the java console will be showing errors, could you paste them in here? Might as well grab the version strings while you're there....
  17. Good testing. I would certainly aim to fix up the wiring though, you're asking for trouble leaving it like that. Mostly that it isn't doing it right. It is a possibility. At 14V and somehow not exploding the PIC into a million smokey pieces, in just the right conditions, it's even possible that you've re-burned the pic with garbage :) Heh, yes, the tool in your lab I was referring to was a JDM/Burner :) Provided your PC acts right, the JDM is kickass. Takes all of about 5 minutes to go from a kit to a freshly burned PIC. Definitely take your PIC chip(s) with you tomorrow, and a copy of the bootloader hex file on disc. Ask them to burn it in HVP mode, any HVP capable burner will do, but LVP will not work. You might do well to take a look at foona's mb64 thread, where he explained how he made an adapter to burn using an ICSP burner, which might be quite common tomorrow. A bit of breadboard and a socket and cap and a bit of wire, and you're good to go. Good luck!! Edit: oh, and take some cash with you and buy a new pic if you get the chance! Even if you don't get to burn it, at least you'll have a PIc around which is not as likely to be fried.
  18. head-fi is a good spot for high quality headphone amp schems...
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