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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Yep totally. For the sake of testing, so that you don't have to write your own encoder handler (or borrow an existing one)... You might like to try this with the SRIO update times lower (IE, faster)
  2. Stupid courier got mine wet .... hooray for plastic bubblewrap.... but they're here in Melbourne! :D Thanks U!
  3. Don't sweat T, you won't need to pay *that* soon :)
  4. Hmmm Two things are crossing my mind.... 4-bit mode, but I don't think it's that (was working before) or maybe the BSL could be reburned... If the 14V didn't kill it (and there must have been GND connected somewhere if it powered on) then it's quite possible that the bootloader has been overwritten with junk. Do you have a burner or JDM? By the way, that is EXACTLY how to do a troubleshooting post! I love those ones! It wasn't too much info, it's just right... leaves me with no questions at all = and a pretty definitive idea of what would have gone wrong. Well, except for what tools are in your lab :)
  5. A reinstall is a fresh copy of the OS .... I thought you just did that? If it's been only a few weeks since you got it from the shop, maybe something else you installed has broken it? Maybe your java VM is updating itself from the internet and the new version isn't working? I'd start with a reinstall, as it sounds you did on your gf's machine.
  6. There's a new editor in the works already... As for jsynthlib, it doesn't say it works with a v2 sid anywhere, I think that's enough... If we list all the things it doesn't work with, tht could be a long list ;)
  7. Heh, I was just joking, but that is weird!
  8. Logs? What made you think it went well? What did they do? I thought you were using a 452 now? Your first post sounded like you had a working sidv1 and when you changed the PSU it stopped working...was there more to it?
  9. Nope, it works fine here. It's rock solid. If you have your PC setup for it you can use the new mios/gputils structure via svn...have a look at the toolchain docs on the wiki.
  10. You're doing fine I'm happy to watch ;) I think you mean the "DOUT"s though ehheheh
  11. looking forward to the dirty old midibox :D
  12. Heheh, I don't mind that at all :) Don't worry mate, around here, there are people who speak languages from all over the world. So, you are welcome to post, and you never need to worry about your English. If we don't understand, we'll just ask :) Also, don't forget Forum Italiano, where you can post in your native language and get replies that way also - no confusing Australians like me ;)
  13. If you don't have any luck, let us know :) (oh... HTH = Hope That Helps :D )
  14. Welcome aboard! I found too many search hits to list. Try this: open the search link in my signature, search for 'guitar' (without the quotes) and sort results by most recent topics. Then try the same thing with 'switch' and also 'floor' and 'pedal'. You'll find LOTs of good stuff :) HTH!
  15. Oh, our hero :) Just fire off the email and I'll take care of it :)
  16. booyahh :o Take it easy sasha mate. I know it's been a long time, and to fear that there is a big problem is natural (hey, it's the internet), but let's just take it easy until we hear from nebula. He's shipping internationally, so if they go by sea/land and not by air, they could take months to arrive, not to mention customs etc. Something may have come up, he may be unwell...there are lots of reasonable explanations for the delay. Let's wait a little while longer, it's only been two weeks :)
  17. '85 is more of something and less of something else. You can't use it for a seq, sorry. But this is fine for a SIDv2 or maybe a custom app.
  18. Yeh, it was right there for me, I think it was 'D3'? They were numbered like the resistors, the number is how many millimeters long it is.... and guess what... the library is another thing that was updated since your 2007 build. I'll see if I can grab a CVS copy for ya ;)
  19. By the way, I was just looking at the pic and I thought...these diffuse much better in real life. I kinda wanted to say that they look nicer in real life, but I didn't want to diminish the really good job of the photos by W. You should have seen the pics I took hahahha! Atrocious! Wilba kinda mentioned, it was really hard to get the lighting right from the room, and not overexpose it when the lights were off and the LEDs lit. Probably didn't help that I didn't really select optimal resistor values either, I just grabbed the ones that were loose in the jar and about right, and plugged them in, so the brightness' were all over. You can't really see it through the diffusers in real life, but the camera sure sees it. So yeh, Wilba got them looking as good as possible in digital form, but they're even nicer in real life :) (And no, I'm not getting paid for this hahahah) In the pic, the top half looks a little whited-out, but the bottom half is very even and just has a slightly darker area around the edge. That's an artifact from the desk lamp which was up and right in those pics, casting a highlight and a shadow. In real life, they look more like the bottom half, all the way around. Similarly the white dots on the 1E caps diffuse really well, to the point that even wilba and I, who normally detest blue LEDs for functionality, felt that they were dimmed well enough for CS use. It just looks like a glowing coloured dot on the surface, no shine. (I do have samples of 1E's with a clear LED window, but they weren't as nice as these). When the LED is off, the dot's a milky white colour like the 1D.
  20. Well if you can make the LCD work in 4bit mode, I'd say do that, simply because it's the default and easier :) You just need to disconnect the extra four wires from your LCD so it's wired up like the 4bit PDF you found.
  21. I'm alllll over it :) This is great, and as a PDF I guess people can print it out and keep it as a reference or whatever. Jim I hate to be a total PITA but... how hard would it be to add the voltage tests before loading in the PIC? This is a bloody top notch bit of doco and I'd like to be linking newbies to it :) I mean the tests on the ucapps Core Module page, just above the cabling addendum.
  22. Well I know squat about macs but... What's that about a correctly phrased question containing it's own answer? But don't forget before you start: ;D ;D
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