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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... COOL! - THX ... and a follow up: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6203.0 Greets, Roger
  2. ... what does this mean? ... free core boards for the girls on this specific day? ;D Greets, Roger
  3. ... you get them from: www.albs.de ... this type: http://www3.alps.co.jp/WebObjects/catalog.woa/PDF/E/Potentiometer/SlideMixers/RSN1M/RSA0K11V900C.pdf ... the latency shouldn't be a problem. The LC works with 11Bit (pitchbend) and 8 faders per MIDI port. So you'll use 4 MIDI ports for 32 faders. Greets, Roger
  4. ... you might have one of the best VCA systems (I don't know)... but VCA is never really as good as passing the signal through a real motorized fader. I know, it's hard to throw away something that was "state of the art" a few year ago and expensive as hell... but think about forgetting the VCAs and replacing the original faders by some motorized ALPS V-Type with a linear and a log taper (dual-taper). Greets, Roger
  5. ... da muss ich intervenieren, Thorsten. Ein gutes Noisegate schneidet praktisch nichts ab (... eigentlich nicht hörbar), wenn es richtig eingestellt ist. Die "look ahead"-Funktion ist "nice to have", da sich damit mit qualitativ hochwertigen Dynamik-Prozessoren eine Art "Fade" erzielen lässt und Limiter mit sehr wenig "pump"-Effekten fast übersteuerungssicher macht. Greets, Roger
  6. Hey Fama ... siehe Unterschiede in der Feature-Listen ... die Funktionen der Taster werden durch den entsprechenden MIDI-Note-Befehl programmiert/definiert. Wenn Du in Cubase die LC als Controller auswählst, kannst Du einfach den bestehenden Code von Thorstens Box übernehmen. ... die Boxen untescheiden sich vom MIDI-Port, an welchem sie an Deinem Host angeschlossen sind. Greets, Roger
  7. ... die ID spielt eine Rolle, wenn Du mehrere Core-Boards zusammen "in Reihe" benutzest. Welche ID du wählst spielt keine Rolle, es darf einfach eine ID nur einmal verwendet werden. Die gewünschte ID musst Du SmashTV bei der Bestellung angeben, dann ist dies auch schon erledigt. Du kannst aber die ID später noch über den MIDI-Port ändern. Greets, Roger
  8. Hallo Fox Zum SID kann ich Dir nicht viel erzählen... habe mich mehr auf die Controller "spezialisiert". ... ich benutze die SmashTV-Platinen und bin zufrieden. Die Teile wie LCDs bekommst Du überall zu "kleinst"-Preisen... suche im Forum, da gibt's vielerlei Links. ... SmashTV brennt Dir den Bootstrap Loader auf Wunsch auf den PIC. - Ist eine Grundvoraussetzung, dass Du den PIC überhaupt zum "Arbeiten" bringst. Das eigentliche Betriebssystem (MIOS) und das entsprechende Programm (in Deinem Fall "MIDIBOX SID") spielst Du danach per MIDI-Schnittstelle auf den PIC (mit z.B. MIDIOX - Freeware). ... Yepp. - Mehr Speicher... kannst Du einbauen oder selbst eine Art "Speicherkarte" zum Einstecken basteln. - Brauchst Du nicht unbedingt, ist aber sinnvoll. ... über's Core Module http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html ... http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_sid_c64_psu.pdf Greets, Roger
  9. Hey Moebius Cheers back to you and thanks for the credits. If my large format controller comes out the way I wish (and I think I'm on a good way), my contributions to the forum and donation on Sourceforge are just a small payback for what my profits from Thorsten and all the guys (specially like you and Raphael) contributing in the forum are. Special thanks to: - SmashTV for the boards and a growing E-Mail friendship - Skunk for the "technical phone-talks" and friendship (... and the cheep ;) conectors) - Raphael for giving me a big hand on the bulkorder - Moebius for writing sacarstic Posts I hardly understand ;D - and last but for shure not least, to Thorsten making all this possible Merry X-Mas to everybody and "may the force me with us" 8) Greets, Roger
  10. ... wouldn't it spread all this valuable information all over those different ways of posting: MidiBox-Forum, Wiki, IRC ... and so on? Greets, Roger
  11. ... can somebody explain this more specific? - I still don't get this :( THX & greets Roger
  12. ... Hostside: Controller sends shift command and host sends new fader-set to the controller. (I think so ::)) Greets, Roger
  13. ... Titel: Frontplatten... und spielt's ne Rolle, für welches Projekt? ... we know you're good ::) Greets, Roger
  14. Did you check, what happens on the host Midi-Out (with MidiOX), when you activate a function? Normally you don't have to map those functions but they're fix assigned. Greets, Roger
  15. hihihi...Moebius is sneaking again in the foreign forums ;D Translation: The link leads you to a frontpanel manufacturer like "Schaeffer" which accepts *.dxf files. Greets, Roger
  16. ... ? Why don't connect the DIN to J9? Greets, Roger
  17. ... ich auch nicht.... habs trotzdem geschafft ;) Greets, Roger
  18. I bet it's the backlight inverter... had that same problem on a 10" TFT Greets, Roger
  19. ... then why don't delete it? ;) Greets, Roger
  20. ... it seems more, that he want's to automate a pro audio console, not a dj-mixer . ... what about the CV out? If "redback-mike" want's to automate an audio mixer, he needs a fader with 10k lin and an appropriate log track. The 10k track works together with MIDIBox (for positioning) and through the log track he routes the audio signal of his console. Greets, Roger
  21. Hey all With "Sequoia V8" I have this feature like known from the Mackie Control called "shift mode" For example: When I press and hold the "shift mode 2" button and then press the appropriate button in the channel strip, it opens me the VST-Plug-In for this channel strip. Now I'd like to have a dedicated button in my channel strip (so I don't have to press and hold "shift mode 2" in advance). There is no direct addressable function in the Sequoia "learn" window. Is it possible to configure in MB64 or MB128, that if I press this dedicated button in the channel strip, it first sends the MIDI# for "shift mode 2" activated, then sends the MIDI# for this dedicated button as activated and when I depress this button it send "note off" for the "shift mode#"? THX and greets Roger
  22. ... perhaps in a few month? ;) Greets, Roger
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