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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... this expression comes from McDonalds. If you start eating every day at McDonalds suddenly one day when you kneel down you'll hear a ... Chrrrrschhh... coming from your back... and you don't only have a PAIR of pants but also if you're not alone you have a LOT of embaressment. ;D Greets, Roger
  2. ... the interrupter doesn't just picture the zero-line of the wave but more an area... it would not be precise enough. - So you actually have a time factor for the lenght of the interruption. The lenght of the interruption is a value for the amplitude, since the higher the amplitude is the shorter is the interruption. I don't know in which area this time difference will be and about it's even measurable. Greets, Roger PS: Why would you wanna add a magnetical pickup per string? In this case you could take the whole information out of the analog signal right away. The only advantage I see in the optical way is, that you don't have any magnets influencing the string sustain and that the signal of the optical solution takes less DSP-power to calculate. Greets, Roger
  3. ... could be an opto interrupter. Any 0-passing of the string would end up in an interruption and so you could read out the string's frequency. But I think this would need some kind of a lense in front of the interrupters. Greets, Roger
  4. ... I don't :D I have nothing against you and I didn't want to offend anybody, I just tried to stop this. Sometimes it's not easy to find the right words, if you're not writing in your mothertongue and the result sometimes can sound a bit rude :( Greets, Roger
  5. Hey what's it all about this? Don't you think SmashTV is businessman enough? Don't you think he knows what trade he needs? What's this "Smash has enough other things to do", "Smash can't say no", "Smash can't spend enough time with his wife"? I think you guys insult him more by discussing his life (...what you think is his live) here in the open forum than somebody who want's to ask him for a favour on which Tim can make his own desicion. O.k., "Sinnsyk" shouldn't have mentioned this here but better write him a PM. - This is getting pretty far now... and I don't mean by "Sinnsyk"! Please stop it now. Greets, Roger
  6. ... hehehe... it looks like PACMAN on a wire ;D Greets, Roger
  7. ... even thought DIYing is coller. http://ch.farnell.com/jsp/endecaSearch/partDetail.jsp?SKU=621766&N=0 http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/2206.pdf Greets, Roger
  8. ... common... that might not be too hard. - Just be creative! Go to a hardware store, buy a few springs and play around with them... you'll for shure find a solution. Greets, Roger
  9. ... who's smoking in the studio? .... except of me ;D :P Greets, Roger
  10. At this time, I just would say forget it. - Forget it without dedicated DSP-Hardware. ... exactly. Call me a guitarist who will plug into a virtual guitar rig he doesn't know, when he has a gig ::) ... and where do we insert the PlugIns? ... ohhh yes you still have to. The bands don't play their whole set on soundcheck... and suddenly the overload appears. I wouldn't even touch a FOH mixer, when the pres ain't controllable. And what do you do, when you have more than one band... just linechecks between them? These http://www.studer.ch/pdf/flyers/(1)%20D21m%20Brochure%20(09-11-05)hr.pdf (see page 17) are remote controllable (not MIDI) but from a PC... but if you need the whole rack filled with PreAmps for a live setup, you won't buy a new car this year ;D. You could use a RME-MADI card to connect to your controller PC. Greets, Roger
  11. ... for the optical ball-mouse recycle, you don't need a PS/2 interface. You can connect the optical interrupters right away to the DIN board. "Logitec" mices have four pins where of one goes to ground. If I find the pin layout on one (which one ???) of my computers, i'll send it to you (I have it somewhere). I'll use it in my box for the jogwheel (low mechanical resistence). ... right. It's pretty hard to design the housing so the faders are sliding nice and easy. I just received 12 samples of "ALPHA" Motorfaders. They're Chinese copies of the alps (optical aspect) but they don't get close to "ALPS". The "expensive" version (which is a copy of the ALPS K-Type) feels worse than the ALPS N-Type fader. Greets, Roger
  12. ... you're nuts ;D ;) The expensive part in a linear fader is not the resistence path... it's the mechanical design! So, using a dual optical interrupter (or even a mechanical encoder) is propably more expensive than a resis. taper. Greets, Roger
  13. ... or perhaps better $50, $100 or even $200 Why not donate a realistic sum (not $1). I think there are plenty of us who already donated a $100 or €100... but on the annonymus way on sourceforge. Honestly... I'm too lazy to lift my behind to activate PayPal for a Dollar. - I better think about another donation on sourceforge this year, because I really apprechiate what Thorsten does. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3592.msg23480#msg23480 I don't want to offend... more excuse why I'm not interrested. ;) Greets, Roger
  14. ... so Gui-tar is wrong too. It must be spelled String-tar... or G-Stringtar http://www.wetseal.com/Product/3574856410.jpg ;D ;D :P :-*
  15. www.bilex-lp.com ... denke ich ... ;) Greets, Roger
  16. ... Nein, das ist nicht falsch. Fast alle Pro-Mixer haben Touch sensitive Encoder... genau so, wie "Pay_C" erklärte. Man mische der Plastik-Schmelze oder Gummi-Masse bei der Knopf-Herstellung etwas Graphit bei und schon leitet das Zeug genug um eine kapazitive Touch-Funktion damit steuern zu können. Greets, Roger
  17. ... ID does not matter what ID, as long you don't link cores together (as "audiocommander" already stated). A good rule is: If you order one PIC... don't care about the ID. If you order more than one... increase the ID by 1. This way you don't run into trouble, if you wanna reuse your PICs for another project. The rule is: If you link the stuff together, each ID must be unique within the linked system. Greets, Roger
  18. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3513.0 Greets, Roger
  19. ;D... no comment - but this bullsh... for shure sounds funny :P Greets, Roger
  20. ... ooops... overlooked that :-[ Greets, Roger
  21. ... I would go for RME (good performance/price ratio) If you like it better: RME MADI PCI card with STUDER D21m http://www.studer.ch/pdf/flyers/(1)%20D21m%20Brochure%20(09-11-05)hr.pdf ... you can add additional cards in the future of what ever format you like. Greets, Roger
  22. ... I couldn't find better words ;D ... you can see that he first reads the forum and asks questions later :) Greets, Roger
  23. Hi boon These are the right ones: ALPS RSAON11M9 http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html ... see under: "Availability of Motorfaders" Greets, Roger PS: Do you sell one of your Merlin controllers? If yes, please PM me.
  24. ... I think Nuendo supports at least 32 faders... as most other DAWs do. You'll find this information in the manual (... if your version of Nuendo came with a manual ::) ;) ;D :-* ) Greets, Roger
  25. ... and after about 12 month you're spending an hour to find out what the f..k is wrong on this board... do I have to insert the IC this way or the other ;D I would take the time to desolder the socket again... not that much work, is it? Greets, Roger
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