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Everything posted by Altitude

  1. I was wondering more along the lines of do all the features of the 4685 hold true for the 4682. I have not done an in depth comparison but superficially, the 4685 looked like it only varied in the size. As far as burners go, I use the DIY kit 150 burner and that works for everything, I added an entry to its chipinfo file identifying the 4685 and was all I needed to program the bootloader
  2. http://www.mavericklabel.com/ check out c0nsumers x0xb0x overlay, quite nice actually
  3. Does everything also hold true for the 4682? Wilba: care to post your fix? I have the same problem with my LCD which was bought from Smash TV so this may be a common problem for a lot of ppl
  4. Will these be compatible the existing burner?
  5. Nice. "you see" I see a future in advertising for you T ;D
  6. The cubase control surface implementation is really straightforward so it should be a neat project!
  7. yea, i dont get that, the boards should be grounded toghether
  8. They do not recommend the laser stuff anymore since most modern lasers operate too hot for the paper. The inkjet stuff is what you want (you can laser print on it too)
  9. You are supposed to put a cap on the end of the chain to cut down on the digital noise
  10. it will be the same thing as the 1 long row. I double check each pin against it's spec sheet and the pinout of the core with continuity meter
  11. using the 12VAC for both the sid and core should be fine. Just put a big ol heatsink on the 7805 since it will get pretty hot. Using the c64 is not really a hack, it really solves alot of the PSU issues since it has both 5 VDC and 9VAC which is plenty for all your power needs
  12. Yeah, saw that. that is the old lasertran which you have to bake. the new stuff is just water and clear coat. Plus the lasertran results they got look awful
  13. you should be jumpering accross the outside pins of where the 7805 use to be, the center pin is ground. The reason for this is that way you keep the caps in the circuit (the rectifier can go though) which help smooth out the DC voltage. If you pulled the pad out, scrape away some of the soldermask from the trace right next to the where the pad was and solder to that. Check continuity with a volt meter if your not sure its connected. Either one if the rectifier is still there. If you take it off, then J2
  14. what is the exact sysex string that is being received in MIOS studio when you power it on?
  15. It will once you upload MIOS read this: http://ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap_newbies.html
  16. you are supposed to see blocks until you load mios
  17. Sounds like you stuffed the 7809 instead of the 7812. Measure the DC voltage on the input leg of you regulator vs the output (they are the outside legs)
  18. using a 12VAC supply should be enough since it will be more than 12VDC when rectified
  19. Ok, I did some more testing and the way to go is just to cut the holes out after it has been applied but before clear coat. Its a snap to do with a xacto knife, i would post pics but the clear coat i used made a mess so i wont bother. Next up, clear coat tests..
  20. sorry, must have missed your question. I dont know yet. I'm doing another trail to find that out this week since my panel will come with holes in it already
  21. I dont know what a monophonic sequencer like the 303's would give you since both those synths are polyphonic and the DX is a 4 op FM synth (no analog goodness there). the JX should better but it has very limited midi control so a variable portamento controlled via midi may not be possible. It would need to be controlled like TK mentioned
  22. The way this is implemented on the x0xb0x, MAM MB33, and IIRC the 3031 is that the synth looks for note off events. If it sees one it shuts the gate, if not then it slides from one note to another without shutting the gate so in an external sequencer, you just need to have the note that its slides from "go" beyond the start of the note it slides into. The x0x will actually send out midi slides like this also
  23. Check out the oakley 3031. Good stuff
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