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Everything posted by Rio

  1. if you start building, let me know... notice: you need to build AC's SpeakJet Board (for that you need the mbhp_iic_speakjet firmware for PIC16F88) and Bill's KB Board first and you need at least 2x Core Moduls inside your c16 chassie. notice: A future version of k64 will compatible with ac's k2, but will only include the speech parts, because the synth stuff is to different....
  2. if that are only the changes, i can compile a adapted C16/plus4 K64 version, with additional key assignment
  3. I'm not sure... i've used Bill's C64 Keyboard Matrix with a C64 keyboard, but if C16 keyboard have the same connection cable like C64 Keyboard it should work. check this out: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midiboxkb_-_using_a_c64_keyboard_as_input i used his KB-Board for K64. The Keyboard Matrix is almost same as on C64, a couple of keys have been reassigned, mainly because the C16 has four (instead two) cursor keys. so you have to check out how it works (write Bill a mail)... if you are interessted for application for testing, let me know, because the server is still down for download.
  4. In this way of complexity, yes this is what i searched for...
  5. Hi, After playing a while with MBSEQ application again and comparing with other sequencer hardware, there is something i mentioned, which could be better for an easy-arrangenment of chained tracks (1->4, 1->2 or 3->4) in pattern menu. At time, while changing pattern (SyncPatChg = On), the sequencer changes to the next pattern after current track ended. That works very well, but while working with chained tracks, it could be more useful to change only at the end of the current chained track: Chain: 1->4 change after 4th track Chain: 1->2 and 3->4 change after 2th track Otherwise, i have always to look if a chained track passes the last track for changing to another one... Maybe this feature could be added (?). Best Regards, Rio.
  6. mhh... ich hab hier noch n LTC Modul über. Kann man das vielleicht dafür verwerten? das ganze sollte aber an hinter einem IIC-Module-Midi-OUT am MBSEQV3 funktionieren.
  7. Kann ich eigentlich mittels zwei Midi-Ports, zwei Geräte an einem Midi-Out anschließen? (Beide Geräte sollen die Gleiche signale bekommen). Die Midi-Ports würden dann zusammen parallel angeschlossen werden. Möglich?
  8. Congrats, Is it planned to inform Mike (Midishop), so that he can offer this as an Midi-Kit in his shop?
  9. I've checked out your last change in SEQ_MIDI_NoteOn function. It works fantastic. thx. Best Regards, Rio.
  10. it's similar, but you wrote this: BIFCLR SEQ_RECORD_MODE, SEQ_RECORD_MODE_STEP, BANKED, rgoto SEQ_CORE_Clk_SendEvent_NoRec ...checking the record step mode i wrote this: BIFCLR SEQ_MODE1, SEQ_MODE1_RECORD, BANKED, rgoto SEQ_CORE_Clk_SendEvent_NoRec ...checking the record menu state maybe it was only an oversight and your intension was the same...i've noticed this while testing... Now i look further for your new solution. that would be the best solution ;) Best Regards, Rio.
  11. Hi TK, ...i've proofed your first example yesterday. i'd intended a little bit other way, take a look: BIFCLR SEQ_MODE1, SEQ_MODE1_RECORD, BANKED, rgoto SEQ_CORE_Clk_SendEvent_NoRec call CS_M_HLP_ChkTrkSelected bz SEQ_CORE_Clk_SendEvent_NM_Ply SEQ_CORE_Clk_SendEvent_NoRec it's deactivating the track modes for current channel, if i stay in recordmode... But with regard to your last post, i'll check out that new example tonight. Thx for every help. Best Regards, Rio.
  12. thx ;). i'll take a look. Best Regards, Rio.
  13. Hi, I know this theme is a little bit complicated, but it's only a question of possibility: If tracks are setuped with Transpose / Arp Mode option, they will change the playing behaviour, dependent of record notes while using record in one track. That's a bit confusing. Consequence: I've to turn every "Transpose Mode" track to normal or turn all other channels to "Mute", to record a track while playing. I don't know if it is possible, but could the Track Mode setting switch to NORMAL Mode for every channel while we stay in record menu (or maybe ignore the different Track Mode settings). After leaving record menu it should switched back to the last options. Best Regards, Rio. Besides: Which *.inc-file and which function controls the playback of seq for different track modes?
  14. great video... cool ;)
  15. ok, after i've done a real short crashcurse in pic assembler and a bit knowledge of c64 asm too, i think i got it (<joke>...wenn man net allet alleene macht ;) hehe</joke>): CS_M_RECORD_NotifyEvent_SLoopSnd ;; Rio Code, check SEQ_RECORD_MODE_STEP and SEQ_STATE_RUN btfsc SEQ_STATE, SEQ_STATE_RUN btfss SEQ_RECORD_MODE, SEQ_RECORD_MODE_STEP ;; endRio Code call MIDI_EVNT_Send Simple and now it works.. In attachment there is the whole cs_m_record.inc file. Best Regards, Rio. cs_m_record.inc cs_m_record.inc
  16. they will get pretty warm after a while;) great to hear it's working now..
  17. In REALTIME MODE or STEP MODE - every note from an external device will be routed to the defined channel to midi-out. Thats allright and useful, but in the case i want set up notes in step mode via external keyboard, while sequence is playing, my suggestion is that incoming notes shouldn't be routed (played) immediately to the device. (at time it's a bit confusing and disturbing listen to the sequence while doing this). So my question: What can i change in code to check whether Sequencer is playing and Step mode is activating to supress routing of incomming notes? The problem is, i havn't skills in ASM -- it should be something like this, abstract in c: if (!(seqplaying && stepmode)) route_recnote(); Greets, Rio
  18. please upload software again first!!! if necessary upload MIOS again.
  19. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    so i hope my background noises are ok. Another thing: if i've connected the bipolar psu and if i switch power of C64 optimized PSU on, then i can measure 11V on CV1 (FRQ1 or FRQ2), while core is booting. ... after 2 seconds it turns back to 6,3V without activating F2V. After activating F2V in application, everything is in the correct Voltage range. But, would it be alright that 11V are feeding for a short time (2seconds) to the C.V.s of CEM3378, or can this higher voltage level damage the C.V. inputs of filter, while doing this boot..? until now - everything works well. Best Regards, Rio
  20. I've readen something in the SID Schematic about 22nF for filter, but i've stuffed the sid like in sid-boardv3: mbhp_sid_v3.gif with 6,8nF. What is correct and what is the difference? Besides, Mike is sending still 6,8nF capacitors for SID boards... I've found that posts: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9132.0 http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2777.0 I havn't found a real reason or a declaration, why i've to exchange my 6,8nF...but are changes listenable and will be worth the trouble? On the other hand, where i can get this 16x Mylar Radial 0.022uF 100V 2% Polyester Capacitor in germany or does someone have some left in my country or in the near? Greets, Rio.
  21. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    if i turn up the volume without routing signals through both filter and without activating a LFO, i can listen to 2 types of sound: - continuous repeating noise (sounds a bit like a railroad ;) ) - and another small hightone sound, which comes and goes sometimes... and sometimes the small notes rises or fall in a ocillation... ..all in very low level, but i'm not sure, if that is normal. The filter is working correct. I've notice, that IMHO the filter will only take effect at CutOff Freq > 1.0V. so i've adjusted C.V. between: 1.0...5.0V for frequency I noticed too, that CEM filter not really match with parameter of SID-Filter. So SID Filter will not take much effect in lowpass-area anymore, because the CEM filter is too low/deep... seems SID filter will be a bit useless vs. CEM, or? Greets Rio.
  22. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    ok, after adding 10k trimpots and doing few fine adjusts... (oh that was a bit complicated) i got 0...5V for every AOUT Channel. The Datasheet of CEM3378 was a bit confusing, because i've readen that the frequency should be controlled between -150mV .. 100mV, but the description tells me too, that all inputs can controlled between 0..5V (*confusing*). So i checked both and 0..5V is working for frequency. I've connecting 5V to GAIN, but there was no need to connect 5V to PAN (should be mixed to Channel A = 0V) ok, only 2 little questions: 1. The filter is working fine. I only mentioned that the resonance turns into distortion if i move the resonance knob up to value = 100. Is this normal? (Maybe there is to much gain - i could add a trimpot for Gain too..) 2. If everything is silence, i can listen to some background noise (sweeping noise). Is this normal too? Greets and thx's for much support, Rio.
  23. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    ok i'll only connect 5V at Gain and PAN and pray that them working...
  24. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    ok you mean i should directly connect 5V to GAIN1 and PAN1 (GAIN2 and PAN2 too), right? that's something i don't understand, because i've build up by using this schematics: http://synthtech.com/cem/c3378pdf.pdf http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~jcgl/Scots_Guide/datasheets/Opamps/072dia.gif there isn't any resistor between TL072 negative input and CEM3378 output.. on the other hand, you said: ...but it's connected to negative input of TL072. so do i need then really a resistor, and if yes, which resistor type/value i've to take? PS:Beside i'll take a look at OPL3 Opamp circuit... Best Greets,Rio.
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