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Everything posted by Rio

  1. I've added a tutorial for whole application. Greets Rio.
  2. thxs for both comments :) i'll add a tutorial "how to create synth patches" and "how to create german text patches" with several options and listening examples in august... What you hear is a tuned chord of that 5 OSC with a very low ENV Sin frequency in sample 9. So the ENV Frequency works as an own LFO too. Greets Rio.
  3. @polosid: use that example: http://jambonbill.free.fr/midibox-kb/c/c64-keyboard-test-v2.zip everything you need for kb input device should shown on LCD. I used that matrix for my project too and the answer of a notemap is the defined const array in variables.h Greets Rio
  4. K64 reached 1.0 release state. It's an additional controller application for a K2 (modified v1) from AC. You will found last version here: http://powerhuhn.net/rio/SpeakJet/K64_v11d.zip (currently down...back soon) [img width=400]http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=400&cache=cache&media=http%3A%2F%2Fpowerhuhn.net%2Frio%2FSpeakJet%2FImages%2Fblackwhite.gif What is that? It's C64 keyboard controller unit for: - using box as midi keyboard with additional SEQV3 remote / record support - using box as SpeakJet Synth Controller - using box as SpeakJet TextToSpeech Controller features: - playing notes on 2 keyfields (UPPER, LOWER) for seperate channels / transpose - recording / editing SEQv3 tracks via remote - trigger spoken text on the basis of incoming midi notes - seperate adjust of 5 OSCs of SpeakJet - 1 triangle LFO for CC Values - graphical interface for Speakjet Synth - graphical interface for Speakjet Text Input (realtime variations in speech) - store your synth and speech patches on bankstick (32k or 64k), max. 8x condition: - for PIC18F452 - only for C64 Keyboard - only for 2x40 LCD - texttospeech for "german" language only All infos about are here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_speakjet_k64_modul Dokumentation, tutorial, screenshots, examples are added in tutorial... Hardware: [img width=590]http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=590&cache=cache&media=http%3A%2F%2Fpowerhuhn.net%2Frio%2FSpeakJet%2FImages%2FK64-hardware.gif At time K2mod (a modification of k2 application from audiocommander) is needed instead K2. AC will try to add that features in his application in further version. Thanks to AudioCommander for his great preparatory work and support. Thanks to Bill for his C64 Keyboard implementation.
  5. Is SDCC 2.70 functional for mios projects? I've readen that the wrapper only works with 2.50 correct. ..from your description in WIKI
  6. MIOS_LCD_PrintCString works only for const char arrays
  7. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    ..and back to the theme: @tk: Can you tell us, which parts (trimpots, capacitor types, etc?) you used in detail for a CEM3378 Schematic (Maybe you can open your Behringer Case again :-\). Would it be meaningful to connect 2 external Potentiometer (as control knob) for Filter and Resonance additional - which type should then be possible? I want to buy all parts at reichelt at end of the week. Best Greets, Rio.
  8. Do you sleep beside this place :o
  9. Rio

    noob fragen

    Die LCDs von MTE sind wirklich top qualität ;) Kann ich nur empfehlen.
  10. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    So, apparently it works. :) ok my last questions so far: 1. you are always use only the CH.A input of CEM3378, i'm right? 2. To use the second AOUT_LC, i only need to chain the 2. AOUT_LC to J2 of first AOUT_LC, or? 3. You mean trimpots for filter and resonance? Do i need to adjust Gain or Balance on CEM3378 in any way?
  11. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    who said that??? please calm down a bit too... i want to know, whether a solution with 2xAOUT_LC is possible for MBSIDV2 stereo feature (1Core -> 2SID) too. (if not, i have to change to a newer solution too, of course).. Maybe only TK can give us a statement about that. And don't understand me wrong, i appreciate every better solution. ;)
  12. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    @sasha and seppoman: nothing of your posts answered my questions! So please discuss only about relevant information in this thread. i know also there is a AOUT_NG in development, but i got at home 2 AOUT_LC. I don't want to throw them away and i'm interessted in a MBSIDV2 + AOUT_LC solution too! And i don't know yet, whether and how a MBSIDV2 will support seperated CEM3378 with AOUT_NG? Maybe if there is no way to use AOUT_LC i've to change to AOUT_NG.
  13. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    Hi Thorsten, thanks for that huge information. Ok, everything is now a bit more clearly. You mean trimpots for filter and resonance? Do you adjust Gain or Balance on CEM3378 in any way? If i understand it right, every SID Audio Output Channel should be Filtered through 1 CEM3378 seperatly to keep it stereo. So i connect SID Output only at CH.A and CH.B wouldn't be used, because CEM 3378 provides at least only 1 Output? or i'm wrong? If every CEM3378 needs 1 AOUT_LC, how can i connect 2 AOUT_LC on 1 CORE Module to have a stereo effect for CEM3378 on a MBSID2? Does MBSID2-Application supports 2 AOUT_LCs to use them together with 2 SID on 1 Core? Best Greets, Rio
  14. Hello, if i understand it right: TK will take a look about SEQ Remotefunctions too in future, if he have time... Greets Rio.
  15. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    first i'll build up now a PSU for that, like in description of TK's AOUT_LC (bipolar) +12V -12V and i'll get -5V with a 7905 too. So that the power supply should be allready. But i still need a info about necessary parts for that schematic for a right connection from AOUT_LC to CEM3378. I found that:http://www.synthtech.com/cem/c3378pdf.pdf So i'll ask my questions more detailed now: 1. Which OPAmp should be choosen in that schematic ? (Did someone has written down a complete partlist e.g. Shopping basket at Reichelt) I think i will first begin with 2x CEM3378. 2. Should CV#1 and CV#2 from AOUT_LC connected to CH.A and CH.B INPUT? 3. Should Freq, Resonanz, Gain, Balance controlled by Potentiometer or can MBSID handle this? 4. Does every CEM3378 needs an own AOUT_LC. Are 2x AOUT_LC + CEM3378 needed, to get start for Stereo-Filtering? Greets, Rio. PS: Please discuss build up's for SSM2044 further in a new thread.
  16. Rio

    CEM3378 schematic

    thx for info, but i've got 4x CEM3378.. so i needed detailed informations to use them with AOUT_LC ;) Greets Rio.
  17. hi ris8_allo_zen0, Jambonbill used that keyboard as little sequencer: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midiboxkb_-_using_a_c64_keyboard_as_input (scroll down to the bottom) he has developed the C64 Keyboard connection to Core. At time i build up another project yet: "K64". It's finished to 95%. It can be used to controll a Speakjet (together with K-II) but also works as MIDI Controller with the external MIDI-OUT Port. The "K64" isn't a Sequenzer! but it's more a controller. There are two boards in it: 1.Core for C64 scan matrix (code from bill) and application code for midicontroller and midi keyboard functions, for TextToSpeech or Synthoptions etc... 2.Core for K-II Yes i want to add a Recording function for SEQV3, but at time the Remote support of SEQV3, registered every incoming "remotekey" as recorded note.. so it's at time not possible, to activate Record Mode and step through Tracks of SEQV3. I'm waiting til TK have time to check the current source code of SEQV3. so that remotekeys will not recorded. Another little problem is that every remotekey will be routed through other device - that should be deactivated too.. That are some little things they need to changed before i can try add this.. I've to document the project if i'm finished.. I hope i get it everything under $7FFF ;)
  18. 1.Is there any CEM3378 schematic/connection diagramm for use with AOUT_LC, yet? I only found this: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5538.0 I want control CEM3378's (max.4) with my upgraded MBSID2 in future. 2.Does every CEM3378 needs an own AOUT_LC (i have 2 AOUT_LCs yet)? 3.Does i need an external supply for the CEM3378? I've readen that +12V and -5V are needed for CEM3378 (Are they available from Reichelt or Conrad?) 4.What are the parts i need additional? EDIT: I changed my questions in more detail in further posts below Best Greets, Rio
  19. i believe the R4 is the only one, which works correct..
  20. and yes, there are differences in 6581 too... which revision is yours?
  21. a little annotation: 6581 can not double or triple filtering. That means that the 8580 can used for AND-Command between channels. The missing function is a bug by developing 6581 chip. The correct solution is included in 8580. Another thing: Have someone ever tried to play Triangle + Saw or Pulse + Triangle, Pulse + Saw or all together ($31, $51, $61, $71) on C64 I with 6581 chip in it. It's sound very quiet, low and nasal.... that was corrected in 8580.
  22. That Cloning feature sounds interessting... Great! I'll check it out next time, if i've build up the MBNET connection. Ooh.. I don't find any description about connection of the second SID Board on J14 in ChangeLog. Best Regards, Rio.
  23. Only for comprehension: 1.if i wanna update my old 4xSID for a new stereo MBSIDV2 i can remove 2 of my 4 Coreboards out of that box and connect each second SID board on J14, right? 2.MIDI-Connection: i have to connect MIDI LINK like in description of changelog? 3.CAN-BUS: i have to connect D0, D1, D2, D3 of LCD to VSS? Is this LCD correct working without D0-D3 connection from Core? Is there really only 1 single line for CanBUS (so i have to connect D2+1N4148 and D3 together on 1 line)?
  24. So the difference between the 32K und 64K is the available address range: $7FFF and $FFFF. If understand it right: best should be to proof 2 specific values in $0000 and $0001 and if them are wrong the whole range should be initilise maybe with $00 and then the specific values should be written to $0000 and $0001 again. But why i have to proof 2 values... because one could be randomly the same before on that adress? Best Greets, Rio.
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