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Everything posted by sneakthief

  1. Your link had an extra . at the end - here's the correct one: http://www.we-shop.eu/MagJack-SI-60024-F::3631.html
  2. latigid on - the DOUT board can now be moved alongside the AOUT board, so there's no longer a need for 8 gates over that cable. They both can use their own pair of those inexpensive line drivers (MC3487/MC3486) - so one pair for the AOUT and one for the DOUT. TK - We don't need RC2 from J8/9 or J19 for the DOUT or AOUT on with the MIDIbox CV 2, right? Here's a quick proposal (revised to theoretically prevent crosstalk): AIN 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 9. GND (analog inputs) 10. Clock Input 11. GND (clock input) DOUT via MC3487 #1 12. Vs 13. Vd 14. SO 15. SO# 16. SC 17. SC# 18. RC1 19. RC1# AOUT via MC3487 #2 20. SO 21. SO# 22. SC 23. SC# 24. RC1 25. RC1# PS. I corrected my Analog-input post and pinout to match TK's corrections above and below
  3. http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_aout.html
  4. eptheca: I have a prototype STM32F4D_Core carrier board in front of me. I think you should only follow the guides on the connector diagrams and not the board diagram - especially because there is no D7 on J10B. This is what I see: - J10A D0 goes to PE8 - J10B D15 goes to PE7
  5. TK definitely didn't give up. I have a prototype MBHP-STM32F4 board here so it's in the testing phase
  6. At this point, the only possibilities are: 1. Dead CLCD - time to test another CLCD? 2. Something weird with the software and/or configuration - das Heisst: keine Ahnung... TK! Wo bist du denn? :P 3. Bad wiring between the STM32F4, the 74HC595 and the CLCD. Did you try another 74HC595? - time to post a picture of your wiring (both sides, high-res please)
  7. So, we can see that it's "initialized". I think this output below only shows the stored CLCD config and NOT the actual one because it says the same on mine when I type "system" in the MIDIbox NG application: [78917.870] lcd_type: 0x00 - CLCD [78917.870] lcd_num_x: 1 [78917.870] lcd_num_y: 1 [78917.870] lcd_width: 16 [78917.870] lcd_height: 2
  8. But what does it say when you ONLY load the bootloader, like I asked above? Mine again: [389537.459] Initialize LCD #1 [389537.523] Failed - no response from LCD #1.1 [389537.524] Initialize LCD #2 [389537.587] Failed - no response from LCD #2.1 [389537.588] [389537.588] ==================== [389537.589] Bootloader 1.015 [389537.599] ==================== [389537.602] [389537.613] Checking Bootloader... [389537.633] No mismatches found. [389537.635] The bootloader is up-to-date! [389537.651] You can upload another application now! [389537.673] Or type 'help' in MIOS Terminal for additional options!
  9. I see there's nothing about LCD's, like mine: [389191.893] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #1.1 [389191.894] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #2.1 [389191.894] Init DHCP [389196.915] SD Card not found
  10. Also, I just compiled the MIDIbox NG application for the STM32F4 on my pc using the latest SVN source. You can try it out: http://sneak-thief.com/MIDIboxNG/project.hex It loads fine and gives me the appropriate message for my setup: [387180.219] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #1.1 [387180.220] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #2.1
  11. OK, open MIOS, clear your terminal screen and send load the Bootloader 1.015 hex file - not the MIDIbox NG application. -> What does the terminal say at the very top? For exmaple, my STM32F4 core isn't hooked to and LCD or anything else and it says: [386343.822] Initialize LCD #1 [386343.886] Failed - no response from LCD #1.1 [386343.886] Initialize LCD #2 [386343.950] Failed - no response from LCD #2.1
  12. Sorry if this is obvious: is J15_S set for 5V?
  13. For anyone who's interested in having the MIDIbox CV 2 do any CV-input processing, there are a few things to consider... The processing rate will likely be in the 1-2KHz range. Not really great for audio but perfectly acceptable for a wide range of other kinds of control-voltage signals, eg. note quantizing. The quantizing hasn't been added yet but it's in the to-do list. If you're using the LPC17 core and the AINSER8/AINSER64 board, you'll need to limit the input voltage to 5V. I recommend putting a 100KB pot or trimmer in front of the circuit linked below. The CCW pin should be connected to ground, the CW pin to the voltage input and the middle pin goes to the 10K Ohm resistor on this circuit: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/pic-input-protection-using-a-zener-diode/msg21840/?PHPSESSID=33bbdf2e2a88957db87cce882680f1ca#msg21840 To calibrate it as a 2:1 voltage divider, send the 100KB pot/trimmer a 10V signal and adjust it until the output is 5V. (corrected - the LPC17 board can't use the AINSER board either) *** PLEASE NOTE: you'll need to limit the input voltage to 3.3V *** To do so, you'll need to build this circuit which limits the input to about -0.2V to 3.3V, regardless of the input (within reason, of course) That means you can send the analog inputs -10 to +10V and it will scale that voltage by 1/3, reject all negative voltages. Therefore, 0-10V will give a result of 0 to 3.3V. Circuit description: 1. I recommend putting a 100KB pot or trimmer in front of the circuit linked below. The CCW pin should be connected to ground, the CW pin to the voltage input and the middle pin goes to the 10K Ohm resistor on this circuit: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/pic-input-protection-using-a-zener-diode/msg21840/?PHPSESSID=33bbdf2e2a88957db87cce882680f1ca#msg21840 *** Instead of connecting 5V to the diodes, used 3.3V *** 2. To calibrate it as a 3:1 voltage divider, send the 100KB pot/trimmer a 10V signal and adjust it until the output is 3.3V. 3. Analog Core inputs: - If you're using the STM32F4 core, you can use up to 8 ADC inputs on the board itself (J5A & J5B). - If you're using the LPC17 core, you can use up to 6 ADC inputs on the board itself (at J5A and B but NOT J5B.A6 and A7 as they're used for MIDI3).
  14. I'm tired of point-to-point wiring :P Like these SN76477 voices I made a long time ago:
  15. built or unbuilt - either way is fine :)
  16. Yes, I've ordered dozens of boards from Mike over the years :) However, before I order anything it's always nice to see if anybody has anything they want to recycle.
  17. Anybody have a couple of spare DINX4 boards in the EU?
  18. Prototype STM32F4 MIDIbox boards and LRE8x2 boards received! Time for my Reichelt order so I can start stuffing these boards:
  19. The STM32F4 version of the MIDIbox CV 2 uploaded successfully and MIOS is happy: Operating System: MIOS32 Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 Core Family: STM32F4xx Chip ID: 0x10016413 Serial: #32002C000147333139303639 Flash Memory Size: 1048576 bytes RAM Size: 196608 bytes MIDIboxCV V2.000 © 2014 T.Klose Also, for the MIOS32 toolchain ( http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_mios32_toolchain_core ), I modified the ENV variables to correspond to the STM32F4: set MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi set MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F4xx set MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F407VG set MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 set MIOS32_LCD=universal Should I post this update here? http://midibox.org/forums/forum/13-midibox-documentation-project/
  20. Another nail in the coffin for the LPC17 - all hail STM32F4 Discovery :P
  21. The Rene Schmitz MS-20 typical voltage-control range is 0-10V. You could theoretically feed it +/-5V, whereby the negative voltages act as a negative offset to the frequency knob - but I think 0-10V is much better suited to this filter because you can get the full range that can only be accessed from 5-10V.
  22. Just installed my STM32F4xx toolchain, downloaded the current SVN. Upon trying to compile the MIDIbox CV 2 source, I get these warnings - but everything successfully compiled: C:\mios32\trunk\apps\processing\midibox_cv_v2>make rm -f project.hex Creating object file for tasks.c Creating object file for mbcv_hwcfg.c Creating object file for CapChargeCurve.c Creating object file for main.c Creating object file for strtol.c Creating object file for tasks.c Creating object file for list.c Creating object file for queue.c Creating object file for timers.c Creating object file for port.c Creating object file for umm_malloc.c Creating object file for startup_stm32f4xx.c Creating object file for mios32_srio.c Creating object file for mios32_din.c Creating object file for mios32_dout.c Creating object file for mios32_enc.c Creating object file for mios32_lcd.c Creating object file for mios32_midi.c Creating object file for mios32_osc.c Creating object file for mios32_com.c Creating object file for mios32_uart_midi.c Creating object file for mios32_spi_midi.c Creating object file for mios32_iic_midi.c Creating object file for mios32_iic_bs.c Creating object file for mios32_mf.c Creating object file for mios32_sdcard.c Creating object file for mios32_enc28j60.c Creating object file for mios32_timestamp.c Creating object file for mios32_bsl.c Creating object file for mios32_sys.c Creating object file for mios32_irq.c Creating object file for mios32_spi.c Creating object file for mios32_i2s.c Creating object file for mios32_board.c Creating object file for mios32_timer.c Creating object file for mios32_stopwatch.c Creating object file for mios32_delay.c Creating object file for mios32_ain.c Creating object file for mios32_usb.c Creating object file for mios32_usb_midi.c Creating object file for mios32_usb_com.c Creating object file for mios32_uart.c Creating object file for mios32_iic.c Creating object file for printf-stdarg.c Creating object file for misc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_adc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_can.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_crc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_cryp.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_cryp_aes.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_cryp_des.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_cryp_tdes.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_dac.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_dbgmcu.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_dcmi.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_dma.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_exti.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_flash.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_fsmc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_gpio.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_hash.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_hash_md5.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_hash_sha1.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_i2c.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_iwdg.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_pwr.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_rcc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_rng.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_rtc.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_sdio.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_spi.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_syscfg.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_tim.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_usart.c Creating object file for stm32f4xx_wwdg.c Creating object file for usbd_core.c Creating object file for usbd_ioreq.c Creating object file for usbd_req.c Creating object file for usb_core.c Creating object file for usb_dcd.c Creating object file for usb_dcd_int.c Creating object file for app_lcd.c Creating object file for glcd_font_normal.c Creating object file for glcd_font_normal_inv.c Creating object file for glcd_font_big.c Creating object file for glcd_font_small.c Creating object file for glcd_font_tiny.c Creating object file for glcd_font_knob_icons.c Creating object file for glcd_font_meter_icons_h.c Creating object file for glcd_font_meter_icons_v.c Creating object file for midi_router.c Creating object file for midi_port.c Creating object file for midimon.c Creating object file for uip.c Creating object file for uip_arp.c Creating object file for uiplib.c Creating object file for psock.c c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c: In function 'psock_send': c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c:179:3: warning: variable 'PT_YIELD_FLAG' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c: In function 'psock_generator_send': c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c:218:3: warning: variable 'PT_YIELD_FLAG' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c: In function 'psock_readto': c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c:274:3: warning: variable 'PT_YIELD_FLAG' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c: In function 'psock_readbuf': c:/mios32/trunk/modules/uip/uip/psock.c:301:3: warning: variable 'PT_YIELD_FLAG' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] Creating object file for timer.c Creating object file for uip-neighbor.c Creating object file for memb.c Creating object file for clock-arch.c Creating object file for network-device.c Creating object file for uip_task.c Creating object file for dhcpc.c Creating object file for osc_server.c Creating object file for osc_client.c Creating object file for uip_terminal.c Creating object file for diskio.c Creating object file for ccsbcs.c Creating object file for ff.c Creating object file for file.c Creating object file for jsw_rand.c Creating object file for aout.c Creating object file for notestack.c Creating object file for msd.c Creating object file for scs.c Creating object file for scs_lcd.c Creating object file for app.cpp src/app.cpp: In function 'void APP_Init()': src/app.cpp:131:9: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] src/app.cpp:231:47: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)()' to 'void*' [-f permissive] In file included from c:/mios32/trunk/include/mios32/mios32.h:75:0, from src/app.cpp:18: c:/mios32/trunk/include/mios32/mios32_srio.h:87:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 MIOS32_SRIO_ScanStart(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/app.cpp: In function 'void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish()': src/app.cpp:330:47: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)()' to 'void*' [-f permissive] In file included from c:/mios32/trunk/include/mios32/mios32.h:75:0, from src/app.cpp:18: c:/mios32/trunk/include/mios32/mios32_srio.h:87:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 MIOS32_SRIO_ScanStart(void*)' [-fpermissive] Creating object file for scs_config.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_patch.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_map.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_lre.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_button.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_file.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_file_hw.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_file_b.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_file_p.cpp Creating object file for mbcv_sysex.cpp src/mbcv_sysex.cpp: In function 's32 MBCV_SYSEX_Send(mios32_midi_port_t, u8)': src/mbcv_sysex.cpp:155:33: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] src/mbcv_sysex.cpp: In function 's32 MBCV_SYSEX_SendAck(mios32_midi_port_t, u8,u8)': src/mbcv_sysex.cpp:202:33: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] Creating object file for terminal.cpp src/terminal.cpp: In function 's32 TERMINAL_Parse(mios32_midi_port_t, char)': src/terminal.cpp:145:65: warning: invalid conversion from 's32 (*)(char*, ...) {aka long int (*)(char*, ...)}' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:32:0: src/terminal.h:34:12: warning: initializing argument 2 of 's32 TERMINAL_ParseLine(char*, void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp: In function 's32 TERMINAL_ParseLine(char*, void*)': src/terminal.cpp:241:36: warning: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'void (*)(char*, ...)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp:291:35: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*, ...)' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:32:0: src/terminal.h:36:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 TERMINAL_PrintMemoryInfo(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp:293:35: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*, ...)' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:32:0: src/terminal.h:37:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 TERMINAL_PrintSdCardInfo(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp:378:29: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*, ...)' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:32:0: src/terminal.h:38:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 TERMINAL_ShowNrpns(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp: In function 's32 TERMINAL_PrintSystem(void*)': src/terminal.cpp:445:36: warning: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'void (*)(char*, ...)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp:449:34: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*, ...)' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:24:0: c:/mios32/trunk/modules/midimon/midimon.h:51:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 MIDIMON_TerminalPrintConfig(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp:451:31: warning: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*, ...)' to 'void*' [-fpermissive] In file included from src/terminal.cpp:25:0: c:/mios32/trunk/modules/aout/aout.h:145:12: warning: initializing argument 1 of 's32 AOUT_TerminalPrintConfig(void*)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp: In function 's32 TERMINAL_PrintSdCardInfo(void*)': src/terminal.cpp:523:36: warning: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'void (*)(char*, ...)' [-fpermissive] src/terminal.cpp: In function 's32 TERMINAL_ShowNrpns(void*)': src/terminal.cpp:622:36: warning: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'void (*)(char*, ...)' [-fpermissive] Creating object file for MbCvEnvironment.cpp Creating object file for MbCv.cpp Creating object file for MbCvPatch.cpp Creating object file for MbCvRandomGen.cpp Creating object file for MbCvClock.cpp Creating object file for MbCvLfo.cpp Creating object file for MbCvEnvBase.cpp Creating object file for MbCvEnv.cpp Creating object file for MbCvEnvMulti.cpp Creating object file for MbCvArp.cpp Creating object file for MbCvMod.cpp Creating object file for MbCvVoice.cpp Creating object file for MbCvVoiceQueue.cpp Creating object file for MbCvMidiVoice.cpp Creating object file for MbCvSeq.cpp Creating object file for MbCvSeqBassline.cpp Creating object file for MbCvTables.cpp Creating object file for MbCvScope.cpp Creating object file for mini_cpp.cpp Creating object file for freertos_heap.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application successfully built for: Processor: STM32F407 Family: STM32F4xx Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 LCD: universal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arm-none-eabi-size project_build/project.elf text data bss dec hex filename 204964 66424 48016 319404 4dfac project_build/project.elf 20000000 D __ram_start 2000bca8 B __ram_end
  23. 1. What's the most compact way of connecting the RTP-OEM board to wifi? Would you connect it directly to one of those little compact wifi routers? 2. Any idea what the typical latency is with such a setup compared to connecting directly over an ethernet cable?
  24. Do you mean the OLEDs? If so: - I just ordered 4 Alientek-brand from yoybuy (as did TK): http://www.yoybuy.com/en/show/20416112533/ These are the ones that are blue with a yellow stripe. I'll report on them after I get them. - Here are the ones that are only one solid colour: http://www.yoybuy.com/en/show/36351684749/ EDIT: Yoybuy is a bit weird because your orders go from the suppliers to Yoybuy. Then when Yoybuy receives the parts and you're ready, you confirm that they'll ship it to you. eBay might be a preferable option. This OLED should be compatible: http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-96-I2C-IIC-SPI-128X64-OLED-LCDDisplay-Module-for-Arduino-PIC-AVR-STM32-Y-B-/201008983348?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ecd11ad34 http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-96-I2C-IIC-SPI-128X64-OLED-LCDDisplay-Module-for-Arduino-PIC-AVR-STM32-Blue-/201008998979?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ecd11ea43
  25. I'd like to take a moment to clarify all the connections between the core and the peripherals. Is this correct? DIN/DOUT (buttons, LRE, Gate Outs) - J8/J9 (MBHP_CORE_LPC17) - J8/J9 (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) ANALOG INPUTS - 2 inputes from J5B.A4 and J5B.A5 (MBHP_CORE_LPC17) - 8 inputs from J5A and J5B (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) SCS buttons & encoder - J10 (MBHP_CORE_LPC17) - J10A (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) OLED - J5A and J28 (MBHP_CORE_LPC17) - J10B (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) - http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_alt_port__stm32f4.pdf LC Module CLCD/GLCD - J15A (both LPC17 & STM32F4) Analog-in AINSER - J19 (both LPC17 & STM32F4) (Not supported - slows down CPU too much) Analog-out AOUT - J19 (both LPC17 & STM32F4) MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 peripherals: MIDI IO MBHP_MIDI_IO - J11e (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) Ethernet MBHP_ETH or equivalent - J16e (MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) MBHP_CORE_LPC17 peripherals: SD Card - J16 (MBHP_CORE_LPC17) (edited connections for OLEDs and Analog Inputs)
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