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Everything posted by sneakthief

  1. There's a misunderstanding here: "+15v to -15v or +12v -12v" refers to the voltage powering the MS-20 circuit, not the CV inputs. +/-15V is the power standard for various modules such as MOTM, Frac (Blacet, PAiA), Modcan +/-12V is the power standard for various modules such as Eurorack (Doepfer, etc.)
  2. Making eight +5V level shifters isn't that complicated for those that want such a feature. This has already been discussed here: FWIW: There are no midi quantizers I can think of that output negative voltages. Perhaps 10% of quantizers accept +/-5V. Some would consider this the job of a CV level-shifter module...
  3. Thanks Duggle. I'll try 47. I tried a 220 Ohm in parallel but the brightness increase was small.
  4. Jerome - what's the theoretical lowest acceptable value for the two 220Ohm resistor network IC's (R1 and R9)? My LEDs are somewhat dim and I was wondering if I could drop those values to get more brightness. The ULN's are already installed.
  5. latigid on: for CV to MIDI conversion, theoretically you just need the 1/3 voltage divider and input protection circuit to handle 0-10V (which is the most typical CV range for VCOs, eg. the range put out by almost all CV step-sequencers). Not only that, if you look at the Mod-Matrix picture above, you can see that there's an Offset and Depth control. It seems you can take the analog input and tweak its response further and likely get very good 1V/Oct scaling. I got most things assembled and connected yesterday and everything looks good: The only weird thing so far is when I turn CV1 ENV2 Offset past 127 it suddenly skips to 65535 and stays there. I bet it's a configuration error. Today I'm going to hook up the SCS and OLEDs.
  6. Tim: The new SD slot looks good. I'm testing the beta core you sent TK and everything is working perfectly here.
  7. Preliminary version, has a couple of changes since this: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_midi_io_orderlist.txt
  8. Mit dem PT2399 ist die Delay-Zeit leider nicht kurz genug, um Karplus-Strong zu ergeben. Mehr daruber: http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=385054#385054
  9. $Id: mb808_sysex_implementation.txt 97 2008-02-17 18:32:55Z tk $ MIDIbox808 SysEx Implementation =============================== Which Actions are implemented ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device-number> 01 <bank-number> <pattern-number> F7 Request a Dump of Pattern <bank-number>:<pattern-number> <bank-number> = 0x0..0x6 <pattern-number> = 0x00..0x7f b) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device-number> 02 <bank-number> <pattern-number> <1024 bytes of dump data> F7 Write a Dump to Pattern <bank-number>:<pattern-number> <bank-number> = 0x0..0x6 <pattern-number> = 0x00..0x7f c) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device-number> 03 <bank-number> F7 Request a Dump of a whole Bank (128 patterns) <bank-number> = 0x0..0x6 d) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device-number> 05 <group-number> AH AL F7 Direct RAM Read of a dump parameter (AH = 00..07, AL = 00..7F) The <group-number> should be always 00! e) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device-number> 06 <group-number> AH AL <value> F7 Direct RAM Write of parameter (AH = 00..07, AL = 00..7F) The <group-number> should be always 00! f) F0 00 00 7E 4C <device number> 0F 1A F7 Ping (just sends back the same SysEx string) Thorsten.Klose@midibox.org From mb808_sysex_implementation.txt in the MB808 source-code DOC directory :)
  10. Use the MIOS Studio Sysex Librarian and select MIDIbox808 "Receive Bank" :)
  11. If you had problems, I suggest these instead: http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-96-I2C-IIC-SPI-128X64-OLED-LCDDisplay-Module-for-Arduino-PIC-AVR-STM32-Y-B-/201008983348?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ecd11ad34 As I mentioned, Yoybuy is a bit complicated - First you order some parts from a Yoybuy partner. You have to pay the shipping from the Yoybuy partner to have the items sent to Yoybuy. - The parts then get sent to Yoybuy - You now have to confirm that the parts will be shipped from Yoybuy to you and then pay for shipping from Yoybuy to you
  12. http://sneak-thief.com/modular/Lemur-Installer-4.1.1.exe
  13. The scopes will show you the LFO's and envelopes which could be very interesting in this case. What other synths will you be using this with? For example, you could play a note on a synth that triggers the ADSR going into CV1 of the filter while simultaneous modulating it with the LFO into CV2. CV3 would be the note value going into the Keyboard CV. Having 4 OLEDs would let you see the both ADSR and LFO for each filter. The buttons would be useful if you want quick access to these commands: patch + patch - bank + bank - Start Sequencer Stop Sequencer Store Patch
  14. More info: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=encoders#bourns_pec11-series_detented_encoders_formerly_available_from_smashtv_through_2008
  15. Try the MIOS8 LCD test application: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/lcd_interconnection_test_v2.zip If that doesn't work, try uploading MIOS 1.9g again: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_v1_9g.zip Please read the instructions carefully before uploading and make sure to choose the right version.
  16. TK strikes again. Der Hammer!
  17. Simply add another pair of line drivers to drive the DOUT alongside the other line driver for the AOUT. As you concluded, if you need 8 gates each with their own LED indicator, then use 2 DOUT signals: one for the gate and one for the LED. This may not be available in the default MIDIbox NG configuration, in which case it should be added, no question.
  18. AFAIK all the mixed-colour OLED's have a yellow line in the same place. When you interface the SSD1306 with a MIDIbox, the display is technically upside-down. This is how you connect them to the STM32F4: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_alt_port__stm32f4.pdf
  19. I received my LRE8x2 with the LEDs on already soldered in and too short to reach the front panel. I'll let someone else make the individual holes if they want that for their LEDs.and feel confident enough to line up and solder 256 of them. In any case, for those who want to go the route you suggested, I'll try to make a SVG with the LED-holes lined up on top but I won't be laser-cutting a test version of that one.
  20. eptheca - make sure to use the latest SVN. The AOUT was changed a couple of days ago. I'm still waiting for a couple of parts to come so I can finish all the measurements. The minimum feasible inside height of the case is 40mm because the chips under the LRE8x2 board need to clear the STM32F+carrier board. Here's my work-in-progress: (TK - yes I know it should be MIDIbox instead of MIDIBOX. This font doesn't have lower case and I haven't found an appropriate replacement yet) I was inspired by FFW's SeqV4 - I'll probably use clear-grey windows for my CLCD, OLEDs and encoder-ring cutouts: I'm going to glue the circular cutouts on top of these buttons (which are a few mm too short):
  21. Note: you have to be registered to view the For Sale forum over there
  22. No - judging by the pins going to each of those serial buses, the AOUT and DOUT appear to be completely separate.
  23. TK - I rearranged the ribbon cable pinout so that there are now several wires separating the analog and digital signals. This obviously isn't as good as shielding, but my guess is that crosstalk will be negligable since modular synths use 10Vpp which will then be attenuated 3:1 (0-3.3V) before hitting the ADC. I really can't see digital interference hitting the analog lines enough to actually make any noticeable difference to the inputs of 12-bit ADC's. Want to bet? :D
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