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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. what is this 10 mm gap ?? the space for the display ? or the space used by the neck of the encoder ? by default would be someone german ready to buy me switches by reichelt ? ausland orders must be more than 150€ ... just missing tact switches.
  2. there is maybe a new error : for the PSU option B : doing this connect the 5V supply line reserved for the Cores to the ground, so no more supply 9V entering a 12v regulator can't give 12v Am I right ? i discovered this by soldering the base PCB and testing voltages. The solution i found is not very elegant. don't bridge as mentioned, i connect the input of V1 to the input of V3. But it bypass C12 and C11. {edit} : stupid me, i was using the same heatsink for V1 and V3 ,connecting ground lines together and causing this prob. do not use heatsink
  3. Hi all and is there a manner to use the 9,5 mm ones ? bei reichelt is the versandkosten as high than the items !!
  4. i was talking about tact switches ... a recycled the commodore as you can imagine and don't need DPDT. but thanks
  5. For Wilba : you said in the wiki that the tact switch MUST be 13 mm high. I have bought today switches that correspond to a height h=9,5mm according to the data sheet published in the wiki : http://www3.alps.co.jp/WebObjects/catalog.woa/PDF/E/Switch/Tact/SKHH/SKHH.PDF The total height is 13mm (9,5+3,5 mm). Did I bought well ?? 3,5mm correponding to the legs soldered in the PCB. If yes, RAM has a lot in Paris Nation for 0,20 € each, and ECE too.
  6. audiocommander did the external sync clockbox
  7. was I on the list ? i did not received any email ...
  8. it only clone the appli or mios+appli ? i ask cause i received the pic today and wonder if i have to burn them with mios, changing the ID. Narwhal, were did you get the switches ?
  9. thanks stryd! don't understand everything but will try.
  10. It is a mdi keyboard. It is in the user project, in the forum. it is a good idea. But the pic will have to read all event before playing it, doesn't it ? For the moment, i think that concentrating on fixed arrays would be easier. IMO, the first thing to do is to develop an algorithm to record midi in a memory space. After, developping 64 memory spaces, parallel to 8 RTC. The idea is to have a 8 midi tracks recorder. Each track has a 8 possibilities of sequence, only one at once. And a sequence is not quantized, i mean it is quantized at 24ppqn (like clockbox tick) ; RTC follow this tick, and is reseted when you press REC button. I think I have to publish a schematic algorithm. I will do it tonight.
  11. This topic is opened to everyone for adding idea and help coding a new device based on Midibox : a "multisequences at the same time" recorder/player. What i want is a sort of Hardware Ableton live : 64 sequences accessibles by a 8x8 array, and 8 sequences can run together. It will be based on clockbox for the clock and time management. On the Voirinov for the user interface. Midi data must be recorded in bankstick or a compact flash cause there is not enough memory inside the flash, and it is volatile. There should be an array to know where is each sequence in the banksticks. Each sequence will be an array containing the midi message (3 events), the rtc (relative time counter, rec time counter ... a value which permit to know when to play the events)==> it is half implemented. Support for a display in order to communicate with the UMR. pic 18F452 prefered. coding in C. Anybody welcome to help me to do this !!
  12. i found this too : http://www.jdkoftinoff.com/main/Free_Projects/C%2B%2B_MIDI_Library/index.php but as it is .cpp, i guess C++ !? that's exactly what i want. but i made a midibox seq v2.4 (finished 2 days ago) and it is not the device i want (ok i won't throw it to the trash, i use it to create drumloops with my drumstation ;)). What i want is a sort of Hardware Ableton live : 64 sequences accessibles by a 8x8 array, and 8 sequences can run together. support for midi file and mmc would be a plus. i think i will create a new topic
  13. is it possible to use that : http://tse3.sourceforge.net/ and compiling with make.bat (ok, i know that the question could look stupid)
  14. thanks a lot guys ! i will try it. stryd, you are a teacher, aren't you ? and what is "typedef union" often used by TK ? and how to use it ?
  15. thanks for your explanations, but here is what i would like to do (maybe you can help me) : i have a bool var : StateX. It can be 0 or 1 (true, false) i have another var : StateY. 0 or 1 StateX is attached to ButtonA. When buttonA is pressed, StateX change from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 (depending of the previous state). I have made a compromiss, using ++ and another condition sooner in the program : If StateX >2 ,then StateX=0. And sometimes, during the use of the Voirinof, i have queries : "is StateX in 0 or 1 ?" then do something And also "if StateX is false and StateY is true then ..." Any help welcome. I don't know how to declare this, especially the "grammar" to use. I noticed, studying clockbox, that thorsten uses State_t stuff. I tried the same but unsuccessful (i looked in the forum and the wiki), lots of error while compiling with the linker (i use PSPAd to code, no knowledge on IDE - i am a selfmade man) I am also looking for a manner to isolate the "A" of 0x9A and put it in a integer in order to read it and display the midi channel. For the moment, i am using a sort of table with || (similar to an array), listing all the possibilities. Ahh ! Arrays !, another thing i don't manage. Cheers
  16. i learned how to write 'OR' in C so I added support for indicating MIDI channel while in Program or CC mode. Two months I was waiting for this and it is the website of Arduino which learn it to me (nice free project this arduino !). Learned also && and !. Yeah. Still not understood how to make boolean var. also edited the readme.txt and added a changelog into. schematic not planned except if at least 3 midiboxers want to build it. Contact me. By default i can produce a map indicating the pins to connect : J9 Core >> J1 DINX2 ... D0 SR1 DIN >> scan matrix etc ... But ask if you want it. No job for nothing 8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar 8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar 8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar 8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar
  17. Hi Stryd ! I ve too find back the .src hijacking .... ??? I know car jacking :-X
  18. I don't know ! I ve found 8 of them in a trash ; seems to be interphones. As my friend told I was making "Voirinof" (notice the russian accent), it was the perfect case for (70's Eastern Europe style). Buttons where included, and 1x DIN5P too ; that is why I recycled. Practical and cheap (15€ bargain each time, used for SID too).
  19. welcome aboard ! as stryd and david said, you will have to develop by your own what you want. but there is all what is needed on ucapps to help you out. buying a UC33 would be faster and easier (and cheaper too) look at it : http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9666.0 i use it to trigger clips in ableton (64 real buttons, but 16x64x2=2048 virtual available, using layers and the 16 midi channels). the mixing in ableton is controlled by my mackie control so i did not focused on faders. firmware 1.1 works ! (all is working) for the controller of sasha, you need to add AIN modules and complete the code (not hard). you can also add encoders (not hard) via DIN modules. look at the examples at the bottom of the page in : http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c.html BUT you can build it, easily. Qbas has developped a firmware which enhance the matrix to 1024 buttons !! (not tested) For that you will need a PCB.
  20. Hi Stryd yes that is the idea i had. i have the schematic of an algorithm, based on clockbox with an independant RTC (rec time counter) driven by the clockbox. the problem i had was the buffers (Rx >> bufferA>>bufferB>> bankstick) and the arrays used. i did it with a superchampion of programmation (i am pure newbee, but understand fast). let me know if interested regards
  21. i did it : a remote for ableton http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9666.0 and if i am motivated i will add duo led control FROM ableton (but need to create a new PCB)
  22. so what's up with this project ? i am also interested, and really really interested to know how you record midi. I would like to develop a midi recorder. i have already some idea of the algorithm based on clockbox if it can help a little.
  23. too late ... no I am kidding ;D I were sure that this awful piece of metal was not there for nothing. I solved my problem by redesigning the panel. thanks for your reply nils
  24. Hi where can I get the switch used by Wilba on his CS for the MB6582 ??? looking for a french retailer ... thanks
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