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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. ??? i don't see any problem. :) i was looking for a pseudo since a long time and i admit that "JV" please me a lot ;) i am a bit stupid not to think it sooner best regards
  2. it has been sold with a lot of extra : SID PCB, DINX4 PCB, DOUTX4 PCB, 4x 24LC256 , 3x 24LC512 , lots of tact switches ,headers, sockets, encoders , ribbon cable, connecting stuff, 6582A, 2x 18F4685, severals R & C, VR, etc ... for less than that. Sorry but thanks for your proposal.
  3. hey i am interested, but i only need 12 caps, i already have the 4 others. Very nice from you. BTW i have used the Wilba cardboard technique and it works very well. Another hack is to use a very small piece of adhesive rubber on the diode print (which contains the metallic hole), then solder as usual.
  4. what is this JB Weld ??? I definitly need a box. i am waiting for your invoice. regards
  5. this looks like a lot to a CORE with embedded DIN. Moreover, Microchip PIC ... so ? 4685 ? I can not see well. http://www.lividinstruments.com/hardware_midiy.php
  6. you can also look at the machinedrum. its sequencer is equivalent to 4 SEQ chained together ! and it is quite cheaper today. It has the possibility to create MIDI kit, assigning each of the 16 parts (intrument ) to a different midi channel, with 3 notes by step, length on each note, and 8 CC by step too. CC number can be changed for each step. 16 or 32 steps. but it doesn't have the fun arp function and reverse function. another solution is to work with a software like ableton and a control surface (midibox64 or voirinov for example). go to schneider buro, there is Signal Arts Performance Sequencer, Cyclus and Schrittmacher (hybrid between machinedrum and ucapps seq). my favorite is : Mungo Enterprises Infinite Horizon (very impressive and clever! it composes music by itself) by infos about are very rare. cheers
  7. if i plug the D0-D7 line in the other line of J15, will it destroy the display ? cause i did it (ona conrad equivalent display) and now i only have the black row of start ,and then a blank screen. :'( it was working before ...
  8. i used the same voltages as u did with p18.exe and it worked. maybe can u try it ? regards
  9. i was using MPLAB IDE for editing the .asm quickbuild is in a menu using MPASWIN to assemble (and i choosed the good pic - 16f4685-) solved the problem. thanks a lot TK !
  10. Hi i am trying to recompile the mbsid v2 for a minimal control surface (i do it while waiting the panel and the tact switches ... so long, i love this bassline) and i did as i used to do with sidv1.7. But unsuccessful, MPLAB gives a lot of "Address exceeds maximum range for this processor." i am editing mb8580.asm and "quickbuild option". If i don't edit the .asm and just try to quickbuild, i got the problem too ! What's the problem ? thanks in advance
  11. i didn't know that :P you learn everyday ..
  12. i got the same problem as wilba but with a brown supply. dangerous ?
  13. same idea ! crazy this bassline stuff, so cool to jam onto :)my Novation KS4 got a fucking good function exploiting 2 lines : on the first the value of the modulated parameter (by the knob you are moving) and on the 2nd, the value of this parameter stored in the patch (idea of undo function, without using a buffer) totally agree
  14. Hi I know it is a bit late to ask this, but wouldn't have been a good idea to add 5 buttons up the display, in order to use the 4x20 display with 10 menu buttons ? I there a possibiliy to use the 4 lines of the display ? What has to be rewritten (or improved) and what would be your ideas ? Personnaly, i stay with the 10 menus buttons, i think what the second part (2 down lines) of the display could be selected by the button "down arrow" and one of the 5 menu buttons (a bit like CTRL+C). Cheers
  15. i would be very interested to know more about and if you have some time, a test over the sames patches would be cool (a sound comparison in mp3 for example) cheers
  16. For sale / à vendre : 4x 18F452 I/P 3x 18F4620 I/P 2x 18F4550 (USB2.0) I/P 1x 18F4685 I/P 3€ by chip / 3€ par composant Bank transfer prefered / préférence à transfert bancaire Sent in antistatic package / envoi dans emballage antistatique Bootloader 1.2b inside / bootloader inclus Shipping fees / Frais d'envoi weight / poids 2 x pic = 23g (antistatic included) 1 x letter = 11g EU+Schweiz Priority mail : 50g : 1,15€ 100g : 1,40€ 250g : 4€ 500g : 6€ EU+Schweiz ECO : 100g : 1,35€ 250g : 2,80€ 500g : 3,90€ Rest of world Priority Mail : 50g : 1,70€ 100g : 2,30€ 250g : 5,50€ 500g : 7,20€ Rest of world ECO : 100g : 1,70€ 250g : 3,00€ 500g : 4,30€ Contact me by PM / Contact par mail perso PS : possibilité d'avoir d'autres 18F4685 d'ici quelques jours (3pièces)
  17. ouch ! and me you wanted to get it from radiospares, i will wait. << n'importe quoi cette phrase, il est temps d'aller au lit !
  18. j'ai eu une emmerde dans le même genre parce que le PCB du DINx4 vait été mal révélé et y avait un court jus ,donc multimetre en position bip bip et mets tes lunettes. Courage !
  19. Hello SounDuke, as said seppoman i only wanted to know if i could sell on eBay, and it offensed some midiboxers. TK replied the first, and it is good, as the midibox is his creation, i am completly conscious of his rights -droit de regard- on it (this sentence is maybe not not very well, but it is already complicated to me to formulate it in french, so english ...), and that's why i asked. Maybe should have asked TK through PM, I was particularly interested by his opinion on it ; now i got it. In the meantime, it can be a good topic for other people having this question in the future. i hate that the position of some people in this thread ? Personnally, i do not like moral, i prefer ethic.Moreover, i am totally conscious about the benefit of this free midibox project : it allows me to design devices that do not exist. And I am very respectful to anybody helping me during building or coding or explaining how to write some C. And I want it stays like this. "je ne vais pas me tirer une balle dans le pied ce serait stupide !" could be my conclusion. PS : for Davidbanner value => valeur => valeur monétaire => monnaie => money. it can be interpreted like this in french, sorry. when i say "benefit" it isn't benefits $$, but rather advantage, privilège.
  20. solved : i have pushed the contrast at the maximum and it works ... sorry for disturbance, but thanks a lot for advices, hope it serves to others
  21. thnaks for a so fast reply the clockbox must be sync to the BPM. I 'll dig onto your code. hardcore ! but good idea what is this lib ? sdcc ? thanks again
  22. Hi I would like to code a LFO with different waveforms (sin, square, saw for example) in order to modulate a CC value. It would be sync to the BPM received by the midi In. It seems that Audiocommander did something to get the bpm with the clockbox. Any other idea ? Cheers
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