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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. thanks Wilba. did you really paid that ? where is the porn Goblinz ??? And something i did not tell : last night, while jamming with the modulation wheel on the MB6582 in bassline mode, i was thinking to redesign the Voirinov in order to had several LFO to modulate CC values. Seriously, how many people would be interested by that ? i am sure you would like to get the code. So now stop being angry, be creative !
  2. All of you guys start to "geht mir auf die Nerven ! " >:( create me an account at radiospares and we talk back. Do you know how much I have to pay components ?! is it normal i recycled components from old VCR ? 1,2 euros for a 74HC595. Not shocked ? it's provocation. I don't have to be "le souffre douleur" of a person who did not had his coffee in the morning . for me, you do not have to pay for knowledge. i am sure you know "Le siècle des Lumières" ? And yes i've learned ; what was the best thing to do ? contribute. And I did. Did you ? I think that newbies need good documented coding examples ,it was hard for me. Now look out well eBay. You will never see my SID as auction. BTW I tested the v2 last night and now i wonder if I should stop to sell it. Next time I feel angryness in a post, I remove this topic >:( And i am really sorry to be a creative person having idea how to make cool devices to use to make music.
  3. you 're jealous Next time I won't ask and do what I want ... is it better ? I just wanted to know if i could use a mass media to resell my SID to capital the investment i made in MB6582.
  4. I ve builded the base PCB of MB6582 of Wilba i ve tried to put a display to J15, but it doesn't display anything. backlight is ok, i connected B+ to Vdd the display is the following : http://cgi.ebay.fr/HD44780-20X4-Character-LCD-Display-with-BLUE-backlight_W0QQitemZ220150773711QQihZ012QQcategoryZ100792QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem it works in 4bits mode tell the Chinese guy. My cable is ok, display has been tested with a midibox driven by 18F452, and it works good. I ve uploaded setup_mb6582.hex to the 1st core, ID00000 testtone app works too. i tested with another display, same issue : works well with a midibox running a 18F452, don't work with the base PCB According to http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_4bit.pdf i should have a 1k pull up resistor (R80?) Any help welcome Thanks
  5. and i did what he said. I propose the SID "ready to go" for a midiboxer who would be interested to start with a device that is already working (and believe me it was hard to debug), with the possibility to add elements in order he makes is OWN Sid, as he wants. Moreover I would like to keep the chip6581. By the way if some are interested by PCB "ready to use" to make Scan matrix and Bankstickx8, I would be happy to send you the eagle files. The only problem is that you have to get a etching machine. Have a look in the user projects forum ,you will see that i share good things, and if you are a newbee (like me !) in C programming, you will have help with the coding example you can find with the VOIRINOV
  6. i don't understand well. do you sell/give 8580 ?
  7. exactly ! different budgets ! if it can help the building costs of the MB6582, it is cool. And as i have also made a SEQ, if it can help the price of making the panel by Schaeffer, it 's good too. it's not for profit, it's for "économie en circuit fermé". Thank U
  8. I sell my midibox sid : it is to pay my next MB6582. It has a 6581 inside that works well ; as it is paired with another one reserved for my MB6582, I would prefer keeping it. http://4colors.free.fr/midibox/demos/sid 3 banksticks, non detented encoders, wallmart supply (15V) but no buzz, audio in/out, midi in/out, v1.7303 Possibility to get for free 2 x PIC18F4685 (for v2) and 2 SID PCB (only if you buy my SID, exchange else). I also have DINx4 and DOUTx4 ... hmm. Was thinking to put it on ebay but TK prefer fleamarket ... so : [edit] it has been sold.
  9. ??? i don't knowthat was just to tell that i am sure we are several to have great idea while using your mbhp and the mios, and we have the opportunity to develop something we believe in. moreover, as i am job hunting these last weeks, and because i have been passing so much interesting weeks with the development or the building of midiboxes, i am imagining a manner to earn some money, not to be rich, just to live a little doing something interesting. and that's your fault ! (irony) thanks again. and something i learned this year : idea can't be licensed. so ... moreover, to be realistic : do you think that a business plan would give me reason ? look out all artists on stage, they need products like Akai MPC or Ableton Live, much more easier to understand than the MIDI. But i prefer to stop the discussion about commercial now. Nothing is developed, i am hunting for Radio France or the RSR, so it is far from the midibox ... and it is maybe better that it stays a hobby, it brings less sorrow. holy shit ! come on in the user projects section, we need your knowledge :)
  10. yes mine is ugly, i admit. i have thought to some hours ago ; and will do a proposal.but if I could pay the MB6582 with the selling of the Midibox sid, it would be better (130 € of resistors, capacitors, HE10 barrels, Ultrabright LEDs, etc !!! f###ing selectronic !) i do not know what is the "spirit" of the community, but you have certainly noticed that i share all i ve done using ucapps, and i gave you pcb plans for doing scan matrix or bankstickx8 boards (did i gave you the bankstick ? i don't remember) and published 1 user project ... ok i still have to make a better documentation :P For the UMR : on my opinion, what could be considered "for the community" is "how to record midi on a bankstick and read it". After that, what could be considered as my idea, my IP : "imagining a machine capable of recording several sequences at the same time, and reading them, espacially the control surface". Of course, i would be happy to show and explain to others how to do that ! And thank u too cause MIOS is behind !(very intelligent to think a Midi OS). And by the way, it was just an idea : between the idea and the final product ... it takes long, very long. I will ask again later if something becames real. And all the best 2 TK !
  11. Oh ?! Why is it a big difference ? Do you think I could sell it for 500$ ? My idea was that the auction would reach 150-180$. People would be stupid 'cause it costed 117 euros to make it (i ve counted it 3 days ago), using very expensive electronic shop (local dealer, no reichelt). Eh ! and can i put a direct buy correponding to the cost of the MB6582 ?
  12. I would like to sell my 1st midibox sid on eBay to compensate the building cost of the MB6582 that i am assembling these days (not yet finished, still not found the tact switches). http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=8468.msg59140#msg59140 Is it possible ? In the mean time, i ask for another project I would like to develop, with a commercial idea behind. It is the UMR, topic started at : http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9974.0 For the moment it is only a project, application not developped, but a selling issue would boost me. I also plan to pay people invested in the project development ; i even had thought to hire a friend who knows assembler coding, because he has the skill for code, and i have the skill for doing apparels. I intend to propose kits to buy, the dedicated PCB would be made by a manufacturer (no copy of the CORE of course !, cause it is too big). An assembled version would be possible, adding the fees for my soldering. Code would be published as GPL as suggested by Bill (the guy who recycled the commodore 64 keyboard with the scan matrix of Thorsten) Thanks for replies, any comments appreciated
  13. i ve done several circuit on veroboard and her is my experience : if the circuit is basic, it goes faster than with eagle. if it is to make a control surface it is ok as long as the din are on another pcb, made with eagle. that means you will have to put a lot of cable between the veroboard and the din pcb, but it is ok. the hardest is to conceptualize the CS, and especially understanding how to place part (rotating them or not by 90° or 270°) in order to minimize the ground lines for example. an advantage is that you can make mistakes : you will have to desolder and remove the circuitry made by the soldering and the iron ; buy a desoldering pump, very useful. Something cool to know : buy epoxy translucent veroboard, so that you can see which legs are connected together by watching front of your assembly. I've made a merger only with a small transparent pcb. The advantage is that you place part before soldering, and think to what is possible, how to pass the wires (in order to realise bridges) for a 2 side circuit ... and then realise that it can be ! I ve recently made the CS for seq v2. It was easy, and i arranged things for having only 1 ground line. and one 5v line. check drawings
  14. thanks Thorsten ! if I well understand i have to upload the app on each core (by moving the jumper with the MB6582 base part) with the appropriated configured application. In this case the cloning function is not applicable (??)
  15. I have a question about "cloning the app" : core0 is controlling two 6581 core1 is controlling two 8580 core3 is controlling two 6582 Do i have to simply upload the setup_6581.hex to core0 and then the mios clones and understand that the chips are different on each core or is it more subtle ? of course, each core has a different ID (00, 01, 02)
  16. why not pressing 2 buttons while turning the datawheel ?
  17. sorry wilba , i well feel that you were upset by my dummy remark. i think that a link to your flicker would be a good idea, as it explain a lot : http://www.flickr.com/photos/wilba/408737117/in/photostream/ and gives an image to the components used. about that i tried pcb jacks but it seems they do not fit. Which one did you used ? and the led used upper the power switch, how do you do to connect to j2. Do you bend legs ? in the wiki, i think that v1 and v3 not sharing the same heatsink would be a good line to add, i was confused and without thinking a lot i let them share the same ground.
  18. some inner photos can be useful : http://www.flickr.com/photos/wilba/408737117/in/photostream/ now i better understand the 10 mm gap, it is a cause des entretoises !!! i think that this link explain all the question we could have relative to constructing.
  19. if you live in europe, they are avalaible to voti.nl it is not so expensive and he delivers fast (one week). another solution is smash tv.
  20. thanks a lot Prof ! i will try it
  21. or add mica plate between heatsink and regulators; i told that for beginners
  22. OK PRBLEM SOLVED Thanks wilba for the explanations it gave me the idea to look ... the heatsink shared by V1 and V3. It was linking the 2 ground lines. So for midiboxers : DON'T USE HEATSINK
  23. very nice to you ! i am interested
  24. thanks guys RS seems only working in the UK. >:( but i have looked my pcb and tried with an encoder and a 9,5mm tact sw. it can work if i remove all the noses of the encoders (the small metallic part at the forward of the encoder), as i already did with a grind.(une meule). the display will have to be deeper, but it is good as it will avoid short circuits with the pcb and the switches. so i guess that this 10mm gap is the encoder nose ?!
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