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Everything posted by ultra

  1. the easiest way to build the modules is to buy pcb kits from smashtv (http://mbhp.avishowtech.com), with or without the parts. otherwise, http://www.ucapps.de has all the information you need on parts and schematics for the modules.
  2. hi, i connected an ammeter. i'm using a 9v battery and led to test this circuit, the led pulls about 7.6mA when the circuit is on, and about 15uA when the circuit is off. that is a standard led and 1K resistor as the load. it works very well. the only thing is when you initially give it power (say plug your adapter into the wall), the circuit will be on. but it stays off once you shut it off. with the mosfet i used, i can pull up to 4A, so plenty for the seq. i'm going to go ahead and use this circuit for my seq.
  3. hi, i've made a circuit off a schematic i found on the web that will let me use a tact switch as a power toggle. However, when the circuit is off, there is a constant .6V to the load (when using a 9V battery). will this create a problem with the core, or will it work as if it's shut off? thanks! ultra
  4. ultra

    Sequoia V2

    you're crazy as always. looks great!
  5. no i don't believe they should move. did you put them in the right way? they should click into place and you can usually hear it click. also you can see the tabs are locked together.
  6. sorry i guess i should have just edited the first post.
  7. hi, i removed the thread for my other panel because i overwrote the file on my server without thinking about it, and those comments regarding the old panel with a picture of the new panel would make the thread appear funky. so here's the new panel. please tell me what you think, especially those using a seq. i removed scrub and metronome because i just don't think i'm going to use those buttons.
  8. thanks! i think i'm gonna ditch it. it just makes it easier to make my layout. ultra
  9. hi, i'm making a seq v3 layout right now and i'm wondering if there's anything i should leave off. so far i think i'm going to leave off metronome. how useful is the scrub button? i looked at the seq manual but i don't completely understand its use. ultra
  10. well, i wasn't sure if digikey is jacking up the price or does it really cost that much to ship to serbia? would it be cheaper if i got the parts from digikey and shipped them over myself? otherwise, the parts to be used to americans can stay here for me to distribute and other parts can go to you so you can distribute them? the only thing about that is i don't think it's necessary for americans to do that because we can buy directly from mouser and digikey, unless there would be a big discount in cost for buying in bulk, but i don't think the quantities would be too high anyway. for my own parts, i'm happy ordering them on my own.
  11. digikey is the next state over from me and i like them, except for the $25 minimum order. is there any way i can help? i also order from mouser frequently and they are good too.
  12. i remember everything coming in one shipment (i ordered a lot of stuff) and i don't remember being alarmed at the price. but i can't offer any guarantees.
  13. hi, i've created a layout in illustrator today. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9972.0 once all has been taken into account and everything is set, i'll add some more basic graphics to this and see if it's something you can do. :) ultra
  14. funny, i just installed illustrator :) i'm open to any illustrator/panel design tips you have.
  15. sorry yes it's five. next time i think i will make a two row 10 pin connector on one side and two five pin connectors on the other. once i figure out the length each one needs to be.
  16. outstanding. i'm from wisconsin. i need time to rework some things on my seq anyway, so please post in this thread (as well as anywhere else) when you're ready to do some silkscreening and we'll work out the details. ask away if you have some seq questions, i've had to overcome a few pitfalls while building mine.
  17. hi and welcome creatorlars. i'm building a seq v3 and can't wait to be finished. what country are you in? i'm interested in silkscreening services :). can you do silver? ultra
  18. the connectors i'm using for two-pin are sku# 512-2954, so that would be the cst-100 II connectors. i'm not sure what the difference is between these and the regular cst-100 connectors besides price and i don't know why i ordered them instead. yes they do fit standard idc headers like smashtv uses, and i use the 2, 3, and 4 pin connectors for power, midi jacks, and din/dout connections. for din/dout, which come off the same two-row header on the core, i used a knife and removed the small plastic ridge on the plastic connector (you'll see what i mean). be sure to get the crimp pins for them too. for these, i strip back a bit of wire, use a needle nose pliars to crimp it around the insulated part of the wire, and put a dab of solder in and solder the bare part of the wire to the crimp pin. sounds like a pain but it's really not that bad. then i carefully insert the crimp pins into the connector. pay attention to the direction they need to go. usually you should hear them click into place and will be able to see the metal tab of the crimp pin sticking out past the plastic tab on the connector. :) ultra
  19. for idc headers and single row connectors, i bought the tyco cst-100 series from http://www.alliedelec.com. for dual row connectors, i think i will buy again from futurlec. despite the problems with them, the connectors are good and the ribbon cable is cheap.
  20. i bought some small ones that use an allen wrench. they look nice.
  21. i was basing this off tk's so i don't know. and future electronics is definitely not futurlec.
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