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Everything posted by ultra

  1. hopefully i finish my seq or box-o-trix soon enough so you can see how nice they are. i really like how the panel mounts to the chassis using screws that come from the back and thread into the handles. no screws on the front panel at all that way. of course, it sucks if you didn't want the handles.
  2. hi, i made a v3 layout too with extra buttons. i left off metronome and scrub, but i might put metronome back on. my layout replaces the datawheel with a normal knob, and moves it up to have the encoders all in a row. some people have recommended against this but i think it will work out. the switches are the illuminated (with matching non-illuminated) TL1240 by e-switch. soon i should have a .fpd file for this. the big things on the side are the rack handles. it's the top one in this image.
  3. probably use eagle to design and maybe olimex for manufacturing. i'm not a pro on this as i haven't had mine manufactured yet.
  4. i decided to go with having a pcb manufactured for my seq switches. for one, vectorboard is expensive enough that it's worth having the boards made. also, the accuracy will be better. i'll be using a very small spacing on the panel so the switches have to be lined up perfectly.
  5. i bought a middle atlantic case from sweetwater and i didn't like it at all. the front panel was actually all one piece with the top and back, so it made it very difficult to drill. also, the case was all steel which made it even harder to drill. ultra
  6. hi wicked1, i'm building a seq as well (perhaps done in feb/march i hope). for recording midi cc's, i plan on using an alesis mmt-8 with it. it can record anything but aftertouch. in fact, this weekend i began work on a layout to convert the mmt-8 to a 1U rack. the switch/led board connects to the main pcb via a ribbon cable, so the layout is pretty easy to recreate.
  7. before i got around to trying to circuit, smashtv linked me to this: http://www.linear.com/pc/productDetail.jsp?navId=H0,C1,C1003,C1144,P10330 kinda solves the problem i guess :)
  8. audiocommander, sorry i haven't replied but i got busy on other things and forgot about this. but now i'm trying again. i can change parameters with knobs but not trigger sounds with they keyboard. my keyboard is for sure sending on channel 1 and i have the midi out connected directly to the speakjet module. now, when i change CC # 82 on my keyboard, the -/* changes right before the preset name (i believe that's what those words are). when - is selected, it doesn't respond at all to my keys. when * is selected, it tells me which note i'm playing but still no sound. this is confusing! ultra
  9. tactile switches are smaller than keyboard switches (and inexpensive). also, they have a nice click feel to them so when you're playing guitar, you'd be able to feel the switch being pressed. i think timing your presses with a tact switch would be easier than a keyboard switch, and less motion because tact switches have a very short travel.
  10. yes that was meant to be ironic. i didn't order any chips.
  11. come on wilba... HURRY!!!!! :o
  12. i think the new koxbox (u-turn) is awesome!
  13. i was watching back to the future 2 recently and realized that the "future" in that movie is only 8 years from now.
  14. sorry, i forgot to put it in the thread when tilted sent it to me.
  15. thanks! you can't post images on the wiki but you can link them. if you e-mail me i will put it on my web server.
  16. i'll give this one a go too. thanks
  17. i originally posted this as a question in another thread, but i thought other people might want to try it so i'm putting it here to make it more obvious what it is. anyway, i found a good circuit for using a tact switch as a power toggle. i've tried it out and it works fine. what i'm trying to accomplish next is putting a small time delay when it switches, so you have to hold the power button for a half second or so until the device turns on or off. someone mentioned using a 555 timer for this but i tried it and wasn't successful. does anybody have any ideas how to modify this schematic to make it take longer for the power to come on? ultra the description of the circuit can be found here (third one down): http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/page9.htm
  18. hi, your encoder issue sounds a bit like the problem i had with seq. i got it fixed and documented it here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/fix_for_skipping_encoders?s=ec12 also check this thread because tk offered some advice on it. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9695.0 ultra
  19. as a bonus you can wear it as a ring :)
  20. oh you're right. just play/pause/stop. thanks. ultra
  21. sorry, i should have RTFM. the answer to all of these is yes.
  22. hi, on seq v3, do these following buttons get leds? layer select a-b-c layer trigger a-b-c track select 1-2-3-4 group select 1-2-3-4 stop pause play rewind ff thanks, ultra
  23. hi cimo, here is one with a small amount of easy to find components. i can't vouch for the quality because i haven't built it yet, but it's on my list of things to do. i also can't tell you where i got it from because i don't remember. i have a record player that i would like to build this directly into with 1/4" outputs on it, but i haven't played around with how to steal power off the record player itself yet. if you build this, please tell me if it's any good. ultra
  24. stryd, we can keep that in this thread. the schematic with description is found here: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/page9.htm he mentions changing values of some components to change charge time, and i will for sure be experimenting with that before i make this circuit final. also, i noticed he mentioned something about power-on state, meaning i can probably also modify it so there's no power when i first plug it in. either way, the seq is getting a master power switch at the back. edit: my ee instructor said something about RC time constant. i guess resistance and capacitance amounts will change the amount of time it takes a cap to charge. god i love learning this stuff :).
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