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Everything posted by ultra

  1. thank you moxi. i would hate to build up the rest of them without knowing if i was doing it right. i'll be done soon :). drew
  2. unfortunately this didn't do it. i loaded the closest thing to what you said (MIDIIO128) and that gives me note names when i press buttons. i also tried srio_interconnection_test_v1 and nothing happened when i hit buttons.
  3. hi, i'm trying to test out the buttons i wired up for the first din module. this is the F1-F4, menu, select, and exit buttons. when starting from first loading it, this is what i see when i click each button: F1: save pattern a1->a1 (all) F2: record track: 1 step: 1 F3: muted tracks: oooooooooooooooo F4: muted tracks: **************** menu: nothing select: l trck p1 pos a *234 a1 1/16 exit: midiboxseq v2.4c display are these the right screens? drew
  4. hi. i started learning about electronics around last november and i've almost completed the wiring on my sequencer and a few other projects in between. so i would encourage you to just jump in! it's not so much being good at electronics as it is simply following directions :). the hard work has already been done for you. just take it one small step at a time and everything begins to unravel. good luck! drew
  5. yeah i was thinking of getting a micrometer or whatever they're called. hopefully i can find a cheap one. the manufacturer's spec says 7mm, but you can never be sure! :)
  6. did you check to make sure midiox is configured properly? i think you have to set which input(s) to monitor. try another piece of midi gear to your midisport. buying a $100 casio or yamaha keyboard from best buy is always an option if you're desperate. they have a pretty good return policy :P. that'll tell you if it's the midisport or your midibox that doesn't work. even if you're not sure what's causing the problem, you should be able to find out pretty easily which device doesn't work.
  7. how much extra space do you allow on your front panel when designing in front panel designer? any different amount for square and round holes? drew
  8. yeah the randomization as you explained it is absolutely perfect. and the idea of a centerpoint rather than min/max is something that didn't occur to me. this is awesome beyond words... ;D drew
  9. perhaps it is! i have to admit that i haven't read enough of the specs on what v3 will do and i should probably do that. i just assumed that those specific things weren't implemented into the software. perhaps they aren't but there's even better randomization options. if not, i will live. i'm just glad you see the advantage to having randomization options built into the seq. at any rate, if i don't find it exactly as i want it to be, perhaps it will be my motivation to learn assembly language. i know it's going to be something i'll learn at school, but i think it's a couple years down the road. having a good reason (seq) to learn it is definitely something to get me going on it. i can't tell you if you missed something :). simply stated, the randomization allows you to randomize the current screen (note, cc, velocity, gate) based on minimum and maximum value parameters you give it. also, each step is evaluated based on a set probability and turned on or off accordingly. if you wanted a pattern with more notes, just turn up the probability. i'm hoping within the next couple weeks i'll finally have my seq going and i can't wait to try it. i only have v2 software loaded right now because i think i'm going to wait for v3 to be finalized. drew
  10. is it possible to do what's in this thread? http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=8603.0 drew
  11. thanks guys, i found some smd leds for 16 cents each and they should fit into my switch just fine :).
  12. hello, i'm in search of a very small green led that accepts the standard voltages of the dout module. it's difficult for me to measure exactly what i need, but it's about half the height of a T1 led, and the same (slightly smaller would be better) diameter without the edge piece at the bottom. this is to fit inside the e-switch TL1240 tact switch. any help? thanks. drew
  13. well, people exist randomly. who you turn out to be is a result of careful (or not) crafting by the parents :). edit: the great composers of the past also didn't have the tools at hand that we do. these days (to me), the great composers are the likes of amon tobin, atom heart, hallicinogen, monolake, and many more who probably use some sort of randomization at some point. if not randomizing patterns, it's randomly hitting keys or turning knobs. on the not-so-metaphoric side of things, it's just a fast way to make a sequence and build on it from there. i've never used a completely random sequence without tweaking it a lot. perhaps on a day you're feeling rather uninspired, you can click a button and give yourself something to work with. any of these tools we use can be abused by someone being lazy. i just like to have options. and beside that, i'm sure many of the great compositions were created by someone sitting at a piano, randomly hitting keys until something sounds good. i'd be ecstatic if you put it into the vx. i like the vx idea and i will build one once it's released. here's my other sequencing idea, and i'm not sure how much resources it would take up or even if it's possible, but no sense in not posting an idea: have a mode that allows the user to create a "sound". this sound could take up from 1-16 steps, and the user can program note/velocity/cc/gate information for that sound. have the system create that small sequence as an object, with some kind of associated name. then, when the user is in the main sequencing mode, rather than pick specific notes/whatever, they can choose that "sound" or object to be placed instead, and it will fire off that group of commands at that step. perhaps all you would need then in the main sequencer window is the option to choose which object is fired and perhaps the ability to stretch it out from 1-16 steps, and it'll automatically compact or stretch out that mini-sequence. this would allow the user to build one sound or mini-sequence at a time in build mode, and make it easy to move them about the sequence in the main sequencing mode using many of these mini-sequences to create complex layers of sound. now imagine this on four tracks... :) i hope i was able to explain this idea clearly enough. drew
  14. i would like to post my randomization ideas. i don't know assembly language and i currently have no ambition to learn it (i will in the future, though). however, i'm going to post this in hopes that somebody will run with it. before i get "rtfm" and "stop asking people to do your work" type answers, i would like to state that i'm not asking anybody to do this for me. i'm just hoping someone does it. up until around last october, i was writing a sequencer application that was inspired by the old seq-303 made by techno toys. i quit because i found midibox seq and i had always had intentions of learning about electronics. to me, midibox seq is a much better solution. knobs and buttons are much better than clicking a mouse. here is the interface for one of the modules. the other two modules were geared toward cc and beat sequencing but don't need to be shown. most of the functionality should be recognizable and self-explanatory. the randomization is what interests me and was a feature that i loved in seq-303. each section had minimum and maximum randomization values. when the user clicks "randomize", any section with "allow randomize" selected would be randomized within the min and max allowed values. in the midibox seq, i'd like to have an addon, perhaps using a small lcd and encoders to select min/max values, and have a random number sent to each step of the part shown on the display with the click of a button. my program also features a vary button that can have a value associated with it. if the value is, for instance, 5, every step will be randomized (either up or down) to a value that is from 0 to 5 steps away from where it originally was. finally, not shown, there was a probability algorithm for each step. a percentage could be set and each step would have that probability of being turned on or off, and if turned on, would be randomized accordingly. any takers? :P edit: i forgot to add, in addition to the randomization, each step had link and step move buttons. the link buttons would cause all other steps to increase or decrease in value the same amount that the one being controlled was moved. unless, of course, they got to 0 or 127. in that case the values just stayed at the top or bottom. the step move buttons simply moved the selected pattern (just note, velocity, gate, or all three) one step to the left or right.
  15. does conrad have an english site? i'd like to have caps like this for my mmt-8 rack conversion.
  16. nope. i ordered some of those to check them out. they're close but not exact. the caps in the picture look better to me.
  17. which often requires a video card upgrade. i'm no conspiracy theorist, but it seems like new windows operating systems are paid for by hardware companies.
  18. so far i've read nothing about vista that makes it seem necessary to have. you can still get away with a 1ghz processor (as long as there's at least 512mb memory) and xp. xp runs stable and it's a familiar system. EQ mag actually gave vista a good review for music related tasks. i wonder how much microsoft paid for it... i may be forced to install vista anyway because i often do work fixing computer problems and i need to keep up on things. i have an amd dual core 3800 and 2 gigs of memory, so i might just barely scrape by. if that's the case, recording will be exclusively moved over to my laptop. thank god for firewire. good luck with the reformat, pay_c. that laptop is gonna be screaming fast once you load xp :).
  19. yes i checked the link. what i meant is i only know english. i'll look into midifying my wii. will be a while, lots of projects right now. have you done it?
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