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Everything posted by ultra

  1. so, i think i've asked this before since we're talking encoders, do you know of any with an 1/8" shaft? the only ones i've found are by bourns and are only 16 ppr.
  2. http://e-switch.com/index.php?contentID=261&type=tact&seriesID=33 those are nice switches that have both illuminated and non-illuminated. not the cheapest but they do look nice. if you get these, i highly recommend against trying to go on the cheap and adding your own illumination. just buy the ones you need with illumination built in. drew
  3. please i need to know before i order parts. will it drive me insane if using my seq with 16 ppr encoders? the only model i can find with 1/8" shaft is by bourns and 16 ppr is the only option available. i'm wondering if getting good at using the fast function will help things out.
  4. will this encoder (http://www.alliedelec.com/Search/ProductDetail.asp?SKU=754-0048&SEARCH=&ID=&DESC=3315R%2D001%2D016&R=754%2D0048&sid=46143C0052C9617F#) work properly with my seq v3? the reason i'm not going with normal alps encoders is because they don't have any with an 1/8" shaft to fit the knobs i have. thanks, drew
  5. yeah it's just an alternative to using keys. so the edrum is more for hooking up drum pads fitted with piezos?
  6. yeah this project is a great way to get into diy. i haven't been making electronics for more than 4-5 months and i'm finishing up a seq and have completed or am working on other projects as well. just jump in!
  7. oh ok. i have an m-audio trigger finger and a couple samplers so i guess a drum trigger wouldn't be necessary. that midi router may end up being of interest to me :).
  8. seq v3 comes out as i'm finishing up my seq. excellent!
  9. thanks for all the links guys. you must be having fun with these devices :). i built that sound lab mini synth (actually, ray's weird sound generator was my first electronics project) but it's not entirely completed. i didn't care for it so much as a synth and now i have a roland v-synth xt so i'm not sure what i'll do with it. perhaps i'll turn it into the guitar trigger and give it to my guitarist friend who really likes to tweak his sounds. i'll usually get a couple of projects going at once. my next is to build the magic midi delay into the same rack module as seb's 4xd (http://burnit.co.uk/sdiy/index.php?page=4xd). i'm hoping to fit all this into a 1u module but it'll probably end up being 2. my only setback is i don't know anything about pic programming or sending out to have pcbs made but i guess this all can be learned. the 1 bit groovebox looks cool. dj3nk: i'm a bit confused as to what the drum trigger is. could you describe it in your own words please? drew
  10. in that case, the improper behavior (it only increments downward) must be a wiring deal. i'm using the center as the common. i'll try it another way and thanks for your response. :) drew
  11. i have some alps encoders (ec12 series i believe) and i don't understand their behavior. when i turn it, all three leads connect, which obviously gives me bad results when changing values on my sequencer. does anybody have an idea of what's going on here? thanks, drew
  12. just grab a midi usb adapter. i think they make them in a single cord now and are cheap. the kind of sound card you have won't matter.
  13. what are some other projects that you guys have built? i'm finishing up my seq, box-o-trix, and mmt-8 rack conversion and i'm on the lookout for something new and interesting. available pcb is a must!
  14. one more thing on this: the source code and pcb files are available at seb's site. if we could possibly organize, maybe a bunch of us could go in on getting it done? of course, we'd first say to seb "there's x many users who want it for sure", and if he declines, i know he wouldn't have a problem with us doing it ourselves. you can count me in if anybody wants to do this. drew
  15. yeah seb's stuff seems nice. i'm almost done building his box-o-trix. i e-mailed him on this one and he said he wasn't interested in making more pcbs and pre-programmed pics, but he suggested the sdiy mailing list and i found somebody willing to sell. perhaps if he doesn't want to make more 4xd pcbs, you can try to do the same. you can sign up for sdiy at http://www.euronet.nl/~rja/Emusic/Synth-diy/. the people in this community really know their stuff and are always willing to help. drew edit: to clarify, my e-mail to him was regarding the box-o-trix, i never inquired about the 4xd.
  16. i've been using the waves plugins a bit on some single shot drum sounds i've recorded with a friend. i can't yet vouch for the compressor and reverbs, but i can say the noise remover works great and the 2 band mono parametric eq works nicely as well. these plugins have a pretty good reputation but i guess are very expensive.
  17. there's one on ebay right now for $121 shipped (buy it now), perhaps more if you're not in the states. that is the black version that doesn't crash. it's a bit pricey but you know how supply and demand works. the description says it records aftertouch but i dont' believe that is true. has psu, which is an oddball kind and hard to track down i guess. http://cgi.ebay.com/ALESIS-MMT-8-Multi-track-midi-sequencer-RARE-Black_W0QQitemZ120095194313QQcategoryZ41477QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. i'm not familiar with rme router software, but is a loopback what you have in mind? ntonyx makes a commercial audio loopback for $50 (http://www.ntonyx.com/vac.htm). i'm not quite sure what this is, but i found something called JACK (jack audio connection kit) at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jackit/. Sourceforge files are free and are often better and less frivolous than commercial software. hope this helps. drew
  19. sure thing stryd. it's not midibox related so i didn't think to post any information about it. but now that i think about it, there's probably a few midibox users that own mmt-8's and would like to see it in a rack with their seq. it's a pretty fast and easy project, too. i'm using the original buttons mounted to tact switches and my micrometer finally arrived today so i can measure them for the panel. will be a month or so until i get it all completed but i can certainly post what i have so far, which is simply a list of which buttons connect to which pins. i'll post that this weekend. drew
  20. yeah, i figure even better sitting in a rack underneath a midibox seq :).
  21. try an alesis mmt-8. they're old, but are inexpensive and very reliable (if you get the black version from around 1992 with the newest firmware). it'll record any midi data except for aftertouch. mmt-8's are known for the button connections going bad, but that's very easily fixed with the information at http://www.mmt8.com. also, to make it a partial diy project, you could always replace the buttons. the board with the buttons and leds on it connect via ribbon cable to the mainboard, and it's quite easy to recreate it with tactile switches. i have just done this to convert my mmt-8 to a rackmount and i'm just waiting on getting a panel made for it. if you get one, be sure to check the date on the battery and install a new one if it's old. drew edit: if you do end up going with an mmt-8 and want to recreate the button panel, i'll gladly provide you with a map of the button/led connections as i have already done this work.
  22. thanks for the comparison. i'm not sure which is the last version of seq-303 i was using, but i'm sure it was the same one. i can't seem to find my copy anymore. i'm finishing the button and encoder layouts for my seq over the next few days, and then it's just a matter of getting a panel cut and finding a way to paint it. i'm excited :). also, v-synth xt arrives today!! drew
  23. thanks for the reply, john. i had actually figured 15 encoders based on your design. this seems like it would be a really cool thing to have. probably within the next month i'll be able to start on mine. good luck with getting it working :). drew
  24. as i finish my seq (no integrated delay :P), i'm planning on doing this project too. two questions: i would like to have this in a 1U rack, and of course with this being the case, the encoders that i'll use in place of buttons would have to sit to the side of the lcd. i haven't seen any screenshots of this delay yet so i'm wondering if the position of the encoders relative to the display matters much? such as like with the seq, the buttons and encoders below the lcd correspond with data on the screen. is it such that it would be confusing if the encoders were set off to the side? i suppose with such a short display (is it 2x16?) it wouldn't matter so much. also, can the application be used without any modification to the code? thanks, drew
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