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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. I like it! We need some kind of Patch Contribution thread i think, where people would upload syx files of their patches. If it turned into a regular thing we could sticky it, meh ill go make one now, just so i dont forget about it.
  2. Would be interested in these, not sure if youre doing things seperately:
  3. I can see why now! Wilbz for all the work you put in you should have accepted it, i was always planning on donating something all along and this just gave me an excuse to do it! Ill prolly just stick it in webhosting or development the next time.
  4. Any mp3 clip of it? I would love to try this out now but im lacking a control surface. :( And my drum engine has some sort of circuit bent behaviour due to my incapability of building a MIDIbox correctly. ;) Heres a sample: http://www.divshare.com/download/8823578-e66 The forum needs more interesting patch posts! :)
  5. Theres also the midibox TV. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,1533.0.html Your questions are interesting, but since the midibox platform is designed to be low cost, i dont know if displaying things at such a high resolution would be worth doing (or realistically possible in for now). Making a sequencer like that would take a shitload of work, and the current projects available on midibox have also taken heaps load of work to get done. But you never know what the crazy coders on here, are working away on secretly! ;) Making something similar to a Roland MC-909, requires a lot of money, and a lot of hard working people dedicating their careers to this sort of thing. (imo) And actually, the mc-909 is way below the resolution of what youre talking about, the only way i trully could see it being done is by building some sort of pc based system, thats running linux, and say a Midibox Sequencer software application.
  6. Just glad there wasnt a steady flow of **** also in that pic. *shudder*
  7. Ughhh man, WTF is up with the 2nd pic posted by someone on your myspace?
  8. Very nice track indeed, lots of lovely synth sounds, especially the *EPIC SYNTH LEAD*
  9. Slight off-topic but, how is your header cabling system treating you now fussy? Do you find it in anyway awkward or anything Cheers.
  10. Sorry what i meant by "intro's", was a track that was mixable, i.e that had a good 2 mins of boom tish boom tish, dj frendly tracks in other words! I should of been wayyyyyy more specific.
  11. "Your names not down, youre not coming in!" haha well at least everythings beatmatched so thats a good start. I think some of the tracks come in a bit too early and clash with each other, but if you were to do a more of a seamless mix, then youd probably only fit half the tracks in. ;) Do some of these tracks have very short intros? You wont really be able to help clashing with the short intros, unless you mix the tracks in a bit later, letting the preceeding track play a bit longer, but that = less tracks. I enjoyed the mix though, a lot of old tracks there i havent heard before. Id say youll be fine tbh, the selection will be more than enough to get people going crazy. Selection is the most important thing for me, Id prefer to hear someone with a good selection who cant mix, than someone who can mix with an awful selection, (once that person didnt trainwreck it).
  12. Maybe he looked at the loading icon instead, and is still waiting for the beer to load. ;)
  13. Wilba scareded me wiv hiz shoutin so i bawt him a bear :(
  14. So in other words, if you help Wilba get drunk, he would practically do anything for you! ;) Muhahahahah!
  15. I posted the link to the shop above the 1st pic. heres a direct link to them: http://cgi.ebay.com/7-x-Potentiometer-Soft-Touch-Mixer-Pot-Knob-Black-White_W0QQitemZ220419422726QQcmdZ
  16. er, um or maybe the multi engine patches. Thats what i said first right? ;) More options than any commercial synth available! TK YOU ARE A GENIUS! The midibox sid definitely deserves a lot more recognition! And hopefully someday it will get it, outside of the midbox community i mean.
  17. I only have a single sid setup atm, but im pretty sure you can play 6 notes at once by using a stereo ensemble patch. So give it a shot with the ensemble engine. I can confirm that you can play 3 notes at time with a ensemble patch with 1 sid. :)
  18. Novation have released a new controller for ableton today called the Launch Pad: http://www.ableton.com/launchpad Theres a preorder on dv247 for only €165, which is seriously cheap given the price of overly expensive monome (imo): http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/novation-launchpad--68590 Lets just wait for the reviews, to see if its of good quality.
  19. Heatsinks will help conduct the heat away from the sids, which is what you want, i dont understand what you mean by "generating more heat". Some people say the amount of heat the sids produce is fine, other say that their sids tend to get quite hot. So its upto you really, let your fingers decide. If you really are worried about it, and for good engineering practice, use both heatsinks + a fan. It will definitely improve heat dissipation which is never a bad thing, ;)
  20. LOL + MOAR LOL If i had photoshop, or even shopping skills, i would totally shop nILS' face, onto a hitler salute pic, and the midibox logo covering every swastika in the pic. TKs face would be a more suitable, since hes the fürher of midibox, but i wouldnt have the balls to be that insulting, its okay to insult nILS however! ;) [tt]ES LEBE MIDIBOX![/tt]
  21. Cool, in that case so its a bit harsh to say everything he needs to know is on the site, because that question has never been addressed before im pretty sure. I remember flex wanting to do a bassline only MB Sid, but i think nils has to do a bit of coding to have that as a seperate app.
  22. IM guessing he'll have to upload the Drum engine app .hex file on its own intead of the full SID app? Will that work?
  23. Heres the closest thing i could find to a monkey playing a keyboard:
  24. *note theres no clips of monkeys actually playing the synth, much tot he dismay of some users!
  25. I almost pissed myself watching this video: That guy also has the best synth demoson youtube, if you havent seen his channel yet.
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