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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Well finally i managed to get the PSU finished, and got a stable 14V and 5V dc reading. As many have said before, BUY A DAMN GOOD SOLDERING IRON! It makes life 10 times easier. Because im using a panel mount Socket for the C64 psu, ive connected it using sil headers for the AC (yellow wires) and DC lines, (black and red wires). So i can detatch it and use it in a different case in the future (i think ive thrown out the top of the c64 case! damn) Also, i broke the original C64 LED, and tried using a Green LED from an old PC which tends to get hot, so hot in fact that it shines Amber instead of green! :P Anyone know off hand what rating the LED should be to replace the c64 LED? It aint pretty but heres the pics:
  2. SmashTV has them also, might come in handy if you need to buy some other stuff: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/buy.html
  3. Thanks mate! Ill be using a c64 psu but this will be great for future reference.
  4. Awww, the bridge rec looks so sad.... :( Sitting there with its little melty face and stuff..... (I think im going insane ???)
  5. Mike any more info that psu you used? Model name, part number or whatever? Sounds like a good one to go for, or else maybe its just that the optimized circuit is really great at well.... "optimizing." lol
  6. Ah so thats what a Spring reverb is! I always thought it meant a certain type of reverb setting.
  7. Foona somehow i only managed to see this thread now, welcome back man! I spotted this video a few weeks back and its so damn good! So uplifting, and i didnt even realise it was based on I'm Yours til i read the description. Its a real feel good tune, well done! Btw, Whats that little box that makes sounds when you hit it? Its dope!
  8. This video is a masterpiece in more ways than one. I absolutely love your music too. Thanks for putting the time and effort into it.
  9. Ill be wanting audio in alright, i might as well use that jack plug shown in the alphamod for when i wont be using the audio in. Cheers. :)
  10. http://benheck.com/04-05-2009/commodore-64-original-hardware-laptop :)
  11. I think i found a few: http://shop.ebay.ie/items/_W0QQ_dmptZUKQ5fGuitarQ5fAccessories?_nkw=potentiometer+push&_sacat=0&_trksid=p3286.m270.l1313&_odkw=potentiometer+switch&_osacat=0 Try getting them in dual gang, and getting them to fit in an mb-6582 though!
  12. Hehehe, yo wilba? whats up with the phantom edit on my post? ;) BTW, Mr. Jams, would be so kind as to tell me where you got that 500k potentiometer with button? Cant seem to find one on ebay since potentiometer button doesnt reveal anything! Cheers
  13. Yeah i see that, but the forecolour just looks so much better than the one in the CF pic, id almost prefer to see the squares rather than have a dull forecolour! :P
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0VtRN46zqo Love the feedback mod demonstration. Man i cant wait to mess with feedback when i get my sid finished in like 300 years.
  15. Try asking the guy in Czech what the name of the song is. This should work: Jaký je název písn?, prosím?
  16. Wilba did you really send these on wednesday? How the fook did they manage to get from Australia to Ireland in 3/4 working days! Did you hand them some Irish immigrant (theres fucking tonnes! :P) who was returning home on a plane that day? That must be a new record! Thanks a lot man, I thoroughly enjoy the hard work you put in with all the sid orders, and all the hard work you do fullstop!
  17. I am once again suprised how good an lcd can look with a few trimpot tweaks compared to sample pics from a manufacturer. I keep forgetting this, and the samples pics are really off putting because the characters look so dull against the background: Your LCD's characters look really nice and bright white, instead of dull and yellowish like in the pic above. They should use pics like yours to advertise them! I agree on the minimal look, its very sleek!
  18. Set your multimeter to Resistance, i.e. The Ohm Symbol. The lower the reading, means the less resistance there is for the current to pass through, indicating a short between the two probes, if youre testing for shorts that is. (im guessing, i just use a beeper and dont look at the ohm reading!) Some multimeters have a beeper function, so you dont have to look at the LCD to see if you have current passing between the probes.
  19. I ordered a soldering station from Hong Kong recently with tracking, and thought that the above was true also... Upto yesterday, the tracking number wasnt recognized by my National Post Website, but yesterday it arrived in Dublin, and the tracking did work . if your Post Service is on that drop down list then yours will work too. The Tracking Number obviously is only registered on the system when they actually recieve and scan the package. :P So keep trying it everyday to see if it arrived yet.
  20. Hehe, i used have an obsession with this track for ages: http://www.discogs.com/Dominik-Eulberg-Die-Rotbauchunken-Vom-Tegernsee/release/257149 I suppose you have heard Adam Beyer's Fabric 22 mix? Really takes you on a journey, once it gets going. Very futuristic, progressive/techno sounds. I think the trackname is wrong on that compilation too? It lists it as Klangteppichverleger Wolle. This mix sounds really cool, ill have to give it a full listen tomorrow to do it justice. :)
  21. You should make a video of yourself with the sids (,no not that kind of video!). If a sid chip documentary ever came to be, (i still plan on attempting one) It would be awesome to have the man who broke the Guinness World Record, for having possessed the most sid chips! If not, ill just have to use your piccies!
  22. Im guessing this is a joke about the infamous click that made PCM playback possible on the sid? According to wiki it was done by controlling the main volume register, so im not so sure!
  23. haha yeah, i got a bit carried away as usual. just thought it would be fun to throw up a bit of Chinglish. :P Thanks for the help stryd, ill be ordering it in the next few days.
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