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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Ooof, website was down a few hours ago and i got a little worried but its back on now! Really awesome and generous of them, the only thing is it may not work out so well for us europeans by time we pay shipping and customs. Their LEDs are pretty expensive too, 50c each if i recall. Must work out if theres savings to me made, over adding the same stuff to my mouser order!
  2. Are these of the same size quality and length though, i.e. suitable for use with the Albs/Waldorf Knobs? Lads i volunteer to update the wiki, with mouser links and such, as i will have to order myself soon. If i have any questions ill post them here.
  3. Thanks a lot for the fixing the wiki Twinnie!

    Hope you're having a good christmas.

    I have one small suggestion for the forum.

    Just to add a Wiki link to the menu at the top.

    Maybe replace the Portal link with it,

    as the portal page appears to be empty.

  4. Hehe, nevermind should be banned on here! There will always be people wondering the same thing, that will mind to see the solution! :thumbsup:
  5. Hehe, anyone for PIC tennis? After 1000 volleys, i bet the things would still work!
  6. Do Smash TV's resistors require resistors on the mb-6582 CS? Or is the brightness from them just right? EDIT: I meant LED's LOL
  7. I could of sworn my 2nd reply to this thread posted okay, but maybe not... Thanks adam, that is really great, i meant to emphasize how its not an essential feature, but would be sweet all the same. :) Lyle, that sounds awesome man, it will be great to have a standalone cross platform program to do that, because trying to do it in some sequencers can be a pain! Really cuts down on the time, for when you just want to play with a synth using a controller.
  8. I just noticed recently that the knobs in the Virtual Keyboard, can be freely assigned, and even have a midi learn function, and data ranges and CC numbers can be changed! That is really fantastic! My only suggestion is to allow people to add more knobs to the keyboard, allow them to rename the knobs name, and to be able to resize the keyboards window so that we could use it as a full control surface, for whatever midi hardware we would like to use with it. And maybe the ability to save the Keyboard's layout, as user presets for each midi device. This would allow us to use midi controllers to control almost any midi hardware that has a minimal control surface.
  9. Simply Amazing. Both technically, and how he constructed it using random bits of wood! I cant help thinking that this will be cloned very soon, and sold commercially as a musical education instrument.
  10. The bastards are finally after jacking up the price on the Irish site. I was going to wait to order in the new year as it wouldnt be the best time of the year for sending stuff by post. Im going to try their "flexible pricing" quote service, and try and beat them down to the older price, but without much hope. I reckon even if i had ordered, they would probably have said the price was incorrect anyway, and gave a refund, because the Irish are obviously to slow to catch up with the rest of the world! nn
  11. Recieved my knobs today, thank you so much Simca! Cant believe they arrived so quickly since they were only shipped Friday! Woohooo!
  12. I vote someone takes a picture of it next to a sammich! and it better be a nice sammich too!
  13. Hehe, its totally m00dawg. The blue panel totally gave it away! Cool vid bro.
  14. Not sure how this one slipped through the net... Edit: Theres 2 parts: Funny guy! So just who is Tim on the forum?
  15. IS there enough for 2 or 3 Control Surfaces?
  16. The first time i got mb-sid working, i also had volume issues, could barely hear anything. I cant remember if i changed anything, but the next time i booted i got normal volume.
  17. Where did you get those Ultra blue contact lenses? If thats your natural colour, then thats pretty fucked up! I CAN HAZ LAZOR EYES 2?
  18. Hmmmm, i have absolutely no idea what the problem is, all i can *guess is the wiki cant read new usernames since the forum changeover in November.
  19. Hi Simca, yeah just a list of the buyers, and their desired quantity for each colour knob. What error did you get when you tried to login? I *think* the username and password should be the same as your midibox login. The benefit of a list in the Wiki, is that users can add themselves to the list directly, instead of you having to read through each post in this thread yourself, and manually adding them to your list. And theres also a history of every edit that is made, so say if you messed up the entry, it could easily be restored. Have a look at Goblinz previous bulk order to see what i mean: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=albs_waldorf_knob_-_order_no._3&s[]=albs&s[]=knobs
  20. :tongue: Cant find that scene from The Great Escape anywhere on youtube, actually theres virtually no clips of the film left on there. Thanks for putting up the pic sigma, it might we worth making a wiki entry for the list of names. I put up a bulk order guide in the bulk order section, if you think you could do with a few tips, its 99% obvious information that you probably know already though! And yeah, i'd probably be too embarressed to put up a pic of my smiley face also!
  21. oh noes i haz srs lack of evidunsssssh.
  22. P.S. I'm interested in 11 Red. :tongue:
  23. Or a pic of you holding the knobs with a big smile! :D Due to the fact people on this forum are so trustworthy and reputable, i always worried that someday this trust might be exploited, and people who were too trusting would end up royally screwed. Reading TK's post has eased my mind a lot, i dont see any harm in raising caution around here, once people do not insult/abuse the seller.
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