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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Right on! The only thing i'd be afraid of is damaging the pads but i guess i'll just have to be careful. Thanks for the reply!
  2. Okay, so today i managed to upload the MBSid firmware to the CORE Module. A while back i completed the DINx4 module, but i soldered the very last resistor network back to front! As you can see marked in the pic it was RP8: (i lost my n95 recently so no real pic :() D'OH! My desoldering skills suck so i couldnt manage to remove it i'm afraid. (cannot remember if i tried with braid however) My question is, will removing IC4 and leaving J6 open, be adequate enough for the other 3 DINs to be functional and unaffected? Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Thanks.
  3. Is an Elco an electrolytic capacitor? It took me ages to figure that out, if its even right that is!
  4. Okay, so i tried uploading the setup_8580 hex file to core using the same port for IN and OUT - Port 1. It failed, it never received the upload request. So then i switched the cable going from CORE OUT <-> Interface IN, to Port 2, so that it had its own dedicated port, and low and behold... It Worked! :D I was shocked since the MPU-401 failed, to do anything. I wonder if people have more success using 2 seperate ports like i have. ??? I am absolutely delighted to get this far, thanks to everyone involved! Now on to make that sid module!
  5. Silly me! I had the release Ports button clicked, as you can tell from the broken lines in the pic! :P D'OH!
  6. You gotta love that guy's LED ladder filter! Moog should totally have used LED's instead, to give it that "warm" look!
  7. If you have enough juice left to power a core, and speak jet module, and enough space to mount them some way into the mb-6582 then id say its possible.
  8. Hi guys. This is how my audio interface's midi ports register in the Midi Device router of MIOS Studio: The device has 2 midi I/Os, 2 x IN, 2 x OUT. As you can see i cannot select an IN or OUT port individually, just the group they belong too. Because of this (i believe), the core has even failed recieving LCD messages. I did get the LCD test to work with the MPU-401 port of my older computer, (which i now must get back from a friend!), but i didnt manage to upload the Sid V2 firmware. I have double checked my cabling, and i have tried using a seperate group for midi IN and midi OUT, as well as using the same group for each. Shall i add the Emu 1616 to the blacklist? Regards, Adrian.
  9. Hey man, if you could get a video recorded of the midibox session it would be great! I know i know, (always with the videos!)
  10. The more people on here making CNC panels the better imo! I mean theres no need to feel guilty if others are planning on making them in the future, for instance Doug is living in the U.S and you're living in the UK. That can help with shipping cost and times for people living in Europe. it would just be like having the choice of buying from Smash TV or Mike's Midi Shop. I cannot see how something this beneficial to the community could be scorned at. ;)
  11. Have you the latest version of Java installed? Just a simple thing that could be overlooked. Mios Studio should run on vista also, the only problem i could see there is maybe an unsupported midi driver or something. You may have no problems at all.
  12. Btw theres a nice shortened down version of that magazine with just the relevant Rob Hubbard article here: http://sid.kubarth.com/articles.html
  13. I was considering doing a java app to convert patches, something that would recognise a lead, or bass melody, or drums for example, based on the range of notes that same patch was played for each note. A class that could be imported into the existing Midibox V2 Java Editor, under a different tab. It might be a bit difficult doing all that with hexadecimal code though. On the gui side, buttons marked Lead 1, Lead 2, etc would pop up, as it read the sid file, and it would be cool to be able to play back that selected patch with the sidplay engine, if that was possible, (or just sent it to MbSid via midi). You could then click an import button which would import the selected patch, into the rest of the V2 Editor, with all knobs in the relevant positions, so you could save the patch. All dreams for now only!
  14. semen....i mean seamen
  15. Hi guys, just wanted to share a website with you on laptop repair in case its useful. http://repair4laptop.org/ They have LOTS of links on how to guides for each model, and make. One awesome thing i have just discovered for HP Products, is the HP Services Media Library. In the FRU Remove/Replace links for each product take you to a page which contains videos on how to remove EACH component for that product, as well as all the Steps involved. I honestly never knew that something like this would be shown publicly, it can save people a lot of money on sending a product in for repair. For example, this is the page for my brothers laptop which had a short from a dodgy power supply recently: http://vsslfpro.zcce.compaq.com/plmcontent/NACSC/SML/results.htm?SID=1847094&MEID=1F3EDE6F-A4B7-49A8-A592-B5D4F87123A2 Just click each component to see the videos on how to remove them and steps involved. I'd imagine that media library is used by a lot of service centres for hp laptops.
  16. Sorry! Its my last time using that i promise! ;)
  17. Smithy

    Gui bug?

    Its not a bug, its just an undocumented feature. ;)
  18. It was more of a reference to SMT soldering, (although now looking at the chip im not sure if it is!) And the braid was meant to imply that i f**ked it up! I should have realised that it only made sense in my own head, like most things i say/do! :P
  19. I couldnt find it but came close: http://web.archive.org/web/20010506142901/http://users.silverlink.net/~mcd/mg500.html That page is gone now, but had links to them, but the ftp server is gone. :( Maybe try searching for the file names to see if something comes up.
  20. [img height=345]http://www.greendogpetsupply.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/do-not-want-dog.jpg
  21. Thats awesome man, thanks a bunch. Could you tell me what you used to convert it to PDF? Its got the hyperlinks working and everything! It even has the flash mp3 player for the clips, although they dont seem to play for some reason! I never knew this could be done with PDF's, well flash embedding anyway.
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