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Everything posted by Kartoshka

  1. One man's junk is another man's treasure.
  2. Kartoshka


    related: ENUM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_Number_Mapping
  3. Kartoshka


    good point stryd, you made a good point. it doesn't matter which tld it is, but sooner or later we needed that DNS phonebook/contactlist ability. A matter of application idea, developed by anyone, be it telnic folks or else. btw: thanks for a great read. Or were you spamming me back? ??? :) Or spam is the .tel issue? Why spamming? And when we talk about phone applications, here it comes:
  4. Kartoshka


    literally, it is another tld, with purpose totally different from all previous altogether. it is a media channel, not more than. think of that: you want to write your friend's num in your phonebook. —"what's your num mate?" —"http://someonewhocares.tel/" for most humans, combinations of words are easier to remember than combinations of numbers. ;)
  5. Kartoshka


    No, (sadly) i'm not. no posting of electronics-unrelated things anymore. I was hoping it can be interesting or useful for people.
  6. Kartoshka


    meet new guy in the block. .tel .tel is not another Top-Level-Domain like the rest we already know. edit: seems like it is. more info http://domainsynergies.blogspot.com/2009/04/are-tel-addresses-new-vanity-phone.html and even more across the web. nice example: cancel.tel edit2: http://www.webtrafficconsultants.com/tel-domain-name-advantages-list.htm
  7. SpeakerDudes [img width=800]http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/1800/SpeakDudeHD-xlarge.jpg http://www.auralex.com/sound_isolation_speakerdudes/speakerdudes.asp This is foam isolation i had my eye on. Eventually, found another, free solution with similar heavy-duty foam which came with industrial-grade speakers i installed not-so-long ago in past. stands... each of my monitors is 15Kg, so after considering risks i put them on those podiums.
  8. :D thanks for the hilarious links G
  9. http://www.teenageengineering.com/products/op-1/
  10. BA662 is damn same as BA6110. otherwise, please prove it wrong.
  11. dim whites for leds and red or white negative lcd. you did not say a word about knobs - if (goblinz') reds you might be into troubles of red shades - which could be quite differently saturated than your front panel. whites would put you in much less troubles.
  12. asp8 here... although being decent speakers and me generally satisfied with them, google 'asp8 rattling' before commitment. not really an issue if you're not pushing them to high volume or standing too close to them (less than 2m i mean)
  13. for my opinion, this solo is truly enlightened :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpIpgmRtxOE btw, copyright topic covered here http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fasterforward/2009/03/kutimans_thru-you_mashes_up_co.html?wprss=fasterforward
  14. http://thru-you.com/#/videos
  15. How about new Firewire 410 for about $200 (or even lower) on global market.
  16. hooked on name :P http://www.markus-bader.de/MB-Ruler/
  17. seconded. white 'grounding' screen gives extra significance to components, which is really looking good. with this eyecandy, i'm truly glad with quanitiy i ordered and not less. props on supreme work, Nils. ;)
  18. oups... pointer-less. -errrrrrrr. ER. ;) cause i don't have none of them, only p301 in orange, red and blue. if someone wishes to spare some (even 3-4-5, that's fine), goodie! btw, i was nicely surprised to see shipping price for padded envelope (containing 1 pot), sent from US for $1.8! is the most cheapest i can report by far.
  19. yep, the mod kit includes both circuits along other bunch of ins and outs. very nice thing to have. Brian ships his kits with all parts included. pictures on his myspace too. 'bout the knob... good point. You're right about inconsistency in this case, but because of other factors influence, like it's shape mostly, or relation to other visible UI parts. But i confirm that if i ever had another red sifam pointless knob, which i don't, i would not place it there. I can place another sifam... well well.... Black pointless sifam ('asafnetzer' type)... does they exist? edit: http://www.sifam.com/knobsSelector.asp?cat=Knobs_Push_On unfortunately seems like they don't. :-[ Ok, placing one more asaf knob is better than red re'an, true. I remember It did not fit back then.... Gonna file the shaft later a bit this week. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  20. testing the x0xio mod in action: simple pattern first overdrive, then distortion, last unprocessed.
  21. One day in future she will be surfing the net and suddenly gonna find this pic... :) and all the comments too
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