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Everything posted by Antix

  1. Antix

    Fully stuffed

    From the album: Antix MidiBox SID

    Finally eight SIDS :D <br />
  2. Very cool tune , performance and video :thumbsup: Regards Antix
  3. Antix

    IMG 5153

    Agree Hawkeye, it really recall " Electronic Brain " from 60s sci-fi. I like it :thumbsup: P.S. are 10mm LEDS ?
  4. begins a long soldering session ...again

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Antix


      mainboard completed - now waiting for CS parts the siD-Day is very close :D

    3. Hawkeye


      lucky man with 16+ (sammich too, i guess) sids in working midiboxes :). me iz constantly at tha polyphony limit!

    4. Antix


      Unfortunately no Sammich for me but will be enough two MB6582...it is really a nice gear :)

  5. Hi psxc, Giving a look to the pictures it seems to me you have cold soldering and some other are poor of solder tin. My suggestion is to resolder them and an enrichment of tin. Bad soldering can give strange things on power too as you say about the 5v Regards Antix
  6. Hey Peter I apologize as I missed your B-day happy birthday even if it is late Antix
  7. Hi Peter, I like It Especially the SMD leds idea. Regards Antonio
  8. Thanks for the link Jojjelito, I am not really hurry for this...then ...looking forward for more ideas . P.S. WOW it was under my nose , I am a dirty newbe :baby:
  9. Hi, ( if it is possible ) does anyone have the file to give to a plexiglass workshop ? :whistle: Thanks Antix
  10. Prbably you already seen it, But I found it nice so ... here the link : Cool keyboard style :tongue: regards
  11. It ia always a pleasure when the postman have a parcel for you from USA.....one white and some red PCBs into......

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Antix


      haha..ATM I am in full purchasing mode...little bit harder than build mode ;-)

    3. Hawkeye


      right, especially, if you have a gurl sitting over the credit card statements, demanding why that pcb was moar necessary than her new necklace :)

    4. Antix


      I totally agree :D

  12. Today the Postman haz a parcel for me from USA.... Some PCBs into... Thanks SmashTV
  13. A paypal account may be helpful :smile:
  14. Hi, Yes ... probably about 30 USD for shipping may seems crazy... but it not depends from SmashTV. here in Italy there is not a " reliable " postal service ( and it not depends from SmashTV ) so I cant have access to a small parcel service ( cheaper ). Here ( Italy ) the shipping cost for a parcel ( trackable ) is about 10 euro ( so about 20 euro from USA probably is reasonable ) If the shipping cost seems to high my suggestion is to plan the midibox building activity and buy more than one PCB ( depending of what you want to build ) and I normally do this . Anyway this is only my opinion . Best regards Antix P.S. I am waiting for a postal " bullet " from OKLAHOMA :smile:
  15. Antix

    Who me, I'm hiding!

    Macarron and Chacarron...does him try to use italian slangs suggested by his italoamerican friends?
  16. Antix

    Who me, I'm hiding!

    The second one is really better :getlost:
  17. Hi, Just to be sure... When the PCBs are ready people in the list will be notified? Thanks and regards Antix
  18. Antix

    SMD boards

    Thanks Schrabikus. Please I need a positive :smile: for my photoresist Regards Antix
  19. Antix

    SMD boards

    Interesting... :thumbsup: Can you share the PDF of both the PCB?
  20. I really like it. Beautiful box :thumbsup: Best regards Antix
  21. Antix

    MB AY2

    :thumbsup: Great job Igi
  22. Antix

    LCD noise?

    Hi, May I am wrong but it seems to me that a single USB port can power 500mA at least, no matter if the hub is 2 Amp. I think it may be a current consumption problem. Why dont you try with an external power? Regards Antix
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