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Everything posted by Antix

  1. Antix

    MBFM YFM262

    It is very descriptive. Dont know where I can find Rose metal :sad: I have to search Thanks Antix
  2. Antix

    MBFM YFM262

    Nice work. How do you do the tinning of the copper surface? Regards Antix
  3. Antix

    mbseq assembled

    Nice work man! :-)
  4. Weeee! I got it too...Alpha Juno 1 = 80s gold Very interesting project Regards Antix
  5. Hahaha! So why you love breadboards :-)
  6. received the 6th :-)))))))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hawkeye


      Yes, just remember to stop buying when you got 8 :-) (still need some for MBSID V3 :-))

    3. Antix


      may I am wrong... is SIDV3 Virtual Analog?

    4. Hawkeye


      Heheh :-) It has built-in rob hubbard mode :)

  7. Hi Thorsten, As already asked in the gallery...are you thinking to a Ponoko case for it? Regards Antonio
  8. Antix

    mbseqv4l 4

    Hi Thorsten, Are you thinking at Ponoko case? greets Antix
  9. Antix

    mbseqv4l 2

    :whistle: Yes I think so....
  10. could it be interesting to see it lighting :geek:
  11. Warning, beware of the SIDs in the drawer better put them onto a red PCB that comes from USA :D P.S. is it a female breath sample I heard ?
  12. Hi Lemonhorse, the documentation about Ym/AY is going to be very fine. I like this http://www.subfrequenz.net/midibox/mbayv2/MBAY2MenueLCD.pdf Regards Antix
  13. got a new (old ) C64 - it is very dusty but 8580R5 works totally :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antix


      Of course I used all the ESD prevention assets I have.

      Now the chip is safe in the MB6582 and sounds...

    3. Hawkeye


      So it is number four? I remember, I really got excited, when I got six :-)

    4. Antix


      Yes it was number four... and tonite number five....yeeeeeeaahh - 8580R5 year 91 already at work into the real SID synth

  14. Antix

    AOUT NG Breakout Box #3

    Well....and...some demo? :rolleyes:
  15. Thanks Orange, I can give you the RS link for reference http://it.rs-online.com/web/p/products/403-027/ I think you can find them at other supplyer too the biadhesive tape is from AKASA ( pn. AK-TT12-80 ) and you can google "akasa thermal tape" to find a supplyer close to you. regards Antix
  16. Antix


    Thanks Peter :smile: I am seriously starting to think to a 6581 and red led version.
  17. Tanks Peter, Yes it is a "bodysh" patch ( very infective :D ) Regards Antonio
  18. hi Jojjelito, Yes...I saw some Gattobus videos time ago...but I built my blue led lamp before :smile: it is my preferred listening or playing music. and now is the preferred light tweaking MB6582 knobs greets Antix
  19. Thanks to TK Thanks to Wilba Thanks to SmashTV and Thanks to Hawkeye A new MB6582 is on this planet It is not yet fully stuffed (I discovered that one of my four 8580R5 was dead ) But I start to play it the same :D and I am really amazed from it . Greets from Italia Antix
  20. Hi, I am using heatsinks on the SIDs too. I noticed that they get really hot so bought some 28DIP format heatsinks and a thermal conductive biadhesive tape ( I found AKASA but I think there are others too ) I made some drills in the bottom of the case and used a fan taking supply from J4 GND - 9V W/O any resistor Regards Antix
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