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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. It is the same in much of Europe, I think because transformers draw some current even when the secondary is unloaded. The only way to kill the power is to switch off the mains (which I always do) or to unplug the wallwart. So it is seen as a power-saving scheme.

    Try rummaging through a second hand store or fleamarket for an old one. Alternatively you can still buy transformers and build your own, but need to be experienced with mains voltage and case it safely.



  2. If the PSU is heavy, then it has a wound transformer in it, so it is a linear PSU. If it is light, then it is switching as the components are much smaller (also sometimes containing a small transformer). Very few of linear ones are also regulated, but they do exist. You should measure something near the rated voltage with a multimeter. Better to load it with a 1k THT resistor. If the voltage is wildly different then it is not regulated.

    The current capacity of a switching PSU is much higher than for a linear PSU of the same size. Anything over a few hundred mA will be a switching PSU.

  3. 7 hours ago, lp1977 said:

    Thanks for clarification. I had read this about the MBSEQ_HW.v4 file in the uCApps User Manual and was applying it to my situation: 

    "The file will be loaded (only once!) after startup. In distance to other configuration files, it won't be loaded again if the SD Card is reconnected to avoid sequencer hick-ups during runtime, and to cover the special case where files should be loaded from a SD card which contains a MBSEQ_HW.V4 file for a different hardware."

    This made it sound like you could hot-swap the SD cards if you had different files on different cards, without it affecting your HW config.

    TK.'s description is slightly ambiguous, but I agree with your assessment. The config file should stick and the hardware should know to keep the correct matrix assignments.


    7 hours ago, lp1977 said:

    The waveshare is installed in the case so I'd need to disassemble it to look at it. 

    This is what I see in MIOS Studio query window:

    Operating System: MIOS32

    Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32F4

    Core Family: STM32F4xx

    Chip ID: 0x10076413

    Serial: #1D0027001851373337323532

    Flash Memory Size: 1048576 bytes

    RAM Size: 196608 bytes

    MIDIbox SEQ V4+.095

    (C) 2018 T. Klose




    Thanks for the response. I'll get a sample together and post in the release feedback thread.

    Bruno is right; the 1MB flash confirms the correct VGT6 chip.

  4. For removing the SD card during runtime, we've established that this can break things, so please restart if the card was removed.
    (would be nice to reload the HW config file upon remounting the SD).

    I'm not sure if the MIDI file export is related to any particular hardware. Sounds a bit like a memory overrun. What is the flash size of your STM chip when you query in MIOS Studio/is the chip VET6 or VGT6 on the Waveshare board?

    Please post the request (maybe also the previous bug report) in the following thread and hopefully TK. gets some time to look at it. Additionally, provide an example session that could be tested. 




  5. Hi Adam,

    Interesting, the MEC/Apem switches are typically quite solid! How are you determining intermittent behaviour? Could it be that the switches are fine but the LED legs are broken/intermittently contacting (compare DIN events in MIOS Studio versus LED emission)? Removing the switches is really a pain (as is inserting LEDs when the switch is already in).

    I don't think the LEDs are available at Mouser. Considering the issues you've had, I think we could send you a set of replacements. If that would be too slow for you, you could also find similar replacements on eBay but they will likely ship from Asia.



  6. Sorry for the confusion, really what is written in the above posts is all correct and there is not much more to add. But to clear it up: all MIDIbox platform software is open-source, free for personal use. Some circuits are too, but some are not and this has been the case for quite some time. It is even less common to publish layout files. The non-commercial part means in this context that you are not permitted to run MIDIbox software in assembled devices that you sell.

    Peter and I provide a valuable service, which takes a significant portion of our lives, in making great, professional-quality projects available. We have the full support of the MIDIbox creator, Thorsten Klose, to do this.

    I hope that your confusion is resolved and you can work on your design with the documentation at hand.


  7. What you see on uCapps is all you need to DIY a SEQ.


    A SEQ is just two displays and series of encoders, buttons and LEDs connected to DIN and DOUT modules. You address the buttons in the HW config file; this way you can have all buttons and LEDs in the arrangement you like. You then need some sort of Core (with SD card) and a MIDI IO board or just use USB. CV would need an AOUT module plus an additional DOUT module.

    Best of luck with your design.


  8. Just now, Antichambre said:

    Can be interesting to see if we can combine/sync this chip with SRIO(HC595) to get matrix with dimming, without to much ghost artefact.

    Tried it! The LEDs flicker/pulse rather than dimming as the PWM/clock rates are not syncronised...

  9. Here is the reference:


    • %d: will output the value (minus specified offset) in decimal format
    • %u: same like %d, but value always in unsigned format
    • %x: will output the value (minus specified offset) in hexadecimal format
    • %X: same like %x, but with capital letters
    • %c: will output the value as character
    • %s: will output an empty string. In conjunction with padding values it could save some memory, e.g. "%20s" will output 20 spaces
    • %i: the ID of the EVENT
    • %p: for EVENT_BUTTON_MATRIX only: the pin number of the matrix
    • %e: the MIDI event of the EVENT (up to 3 hexadecimal values, always 6 characters)
    • %m: the minimum value of the EVENT which has been specified with range
    • %M: the maximum value of the EVENT which has been specified with range
    • %b: a binary digit: * if value >= (range/2), o if value < (range/2)
    • %B: a vertical bar which works like a meter.
      In conjunction with various fonts (selected with &<font>) alternative icons will be output instead.
    • %q: current selected bank (q is a rotated b - do you see it? ;-)
    • %C: clear all LCDs
    • %%: outputs the % character

    It's possible to format the output by adding following specifiers after the percent (%) character. In following example the %d (decimal value) is used, but this works with any format type:

    • %3d: the value will be padded with spaces to 3 characters, and it will be output right-aligned, e.g. " 1", " 10", "100"
    • %-3d: the value will be padded with spaces to 3 characters, and it will be output left-aligned, e.g. "1 ", "10 ", "100"
    • %03d: the value will be padded with zeroes to 3 characters, and it will be output right-aligned, e.g. "001", "010", "100"


  10. Is there a specific problem you are trying to solve? 

    My gut feeling is that we should minimise the length of high-speed digital signals (lower impedance/inductance causing signal-integrity loss; less EMI) and buffer them to take load off the MCU, also minimising the number of interconnections. Things that interface to the shift registers (LEDs, switches) are much slower and could run over longer traces or cables.

    In practice I'm not sure if it really matters. Try for logical layouts and see how the performance is.

  11. Thanks for the follow up! You're certainly not to blame for this, so I'll ask the fab what happened. Looks like the copper substrate was scratched from the beginning or some of the mask rubbed off before etching.

    Let us know privately with any subsequent order and we can spare you some $$ for the trouble.

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