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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. This was a great project to do, as Peter had a clear concept in mind from the start from his previous prototypes. We spent several weeks discussing the possible hardware features and figuring out how we'd source the parts. The hardware design took about a month or so, sped up by the fact that I was reusing some of the SEQ hardware elements. The initial tests were fine, although getting the boards stacked was a puzzle of headers! All sorted now.

    Peter is one of the nicest and most enthusiastic people I know. He's being modest (as usual). The case design he did  himself 100%, I even made him extract the SVGs from the PCB gerbers! The software, although built on a very solid base provided by TK., took lots of extra work, especially coding the display, various bug squashing etc. 

    Good work all around! 

  2. Looks to be the correct one. The supply is +5V as noted a few posts above, so no changes needed to the BOM. You will have to upload the bootloader hex and change the display type though. 

  3. Just a few notes on SMT soldering. The process can be a whole lot quicker than THT, as you never need to clip a lead. It's true that you can't easily desolder chips, but the advice about hot air rework stations is sound. I've done the same before, even reusing 600 LEDs for the BLM. Practising on a test PCB is also smart.

    The die inside a SOIC chip is probably the same as in a DIP. The package and leads are much smaller for SMT though, and with DIY you're normally socketing the ICs. So overheating is an issue. I suggest the "tack" method to anchor one corner, correcting the alignment then going down just one row at a time. Hold the soldering iron at a low angle (close to the PCB) if possible and heat the pad, then apply solder to the pin. This keeps the heat source away from the IC and uses surface tension to wick the solder in. I suggest against "drag soldering" as it's possible to scratch the soldermask.

    For bridges, I've found an el cheapo solder sucker removes the excess quite well.



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  4. The SEQ V4+ (antilog) hardware is validated and we have some PCBs available, although the mechanism of the shop etc. is not quite ready. The last piece of the puzzle is the case, which is still in progress from Adrian.

    • If you want something ready-to-go, with all through-hole compenents etc., then go for the Wilba version (contra: there's no ready-made case available and CNC-routed panels are quite expensive). SEQ V4+ features should be compatible with all STM32F4 versions; this includes both the Wilba and antilog variants.
    • if you don't mind waiting a bit and want a "high-quality" solution/enhanced hardware suited to the current SEQ workflow, then the SEQ v4+ is the right way to go. 
      • it does involve SMT soldering, although it is not super difficult being 1206/SOIC. The Wilba version is certainly more straightforward in terms of the main control surface.
      • the case from Adrian will make a "complete unit," hence we wait to see what Adrian brings :)
    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Phatline said:

    one aout-module is not functional > looks i killed the dac somehow.


    Many have done the same. Some of the DACs seem quite sensitive to heat, which can result in a fully nonfunctional AOUT or weirdness on some channels.


    3 hours ago, Phatline said:

    but in bipolar mode it is only working from -+3V

    Could be the known issue of a 1:1 voltage divider:

    But it's already claimed to be okay for the quad VCA, if that's your usecase.



  6. Okay, so you want to record incoming note data and output that on a particular MIDI port.

    First, is your track set up to output on the correct MIDI channel?

    To get something working initialise the track; you should get four steps of C3. Make sure that will play on the configured output. You can enter basic notes with the GP buttons and encoders.

    To record, use the following:

    It takes a bit more effort, but should work.

    If things are not working properly, there may be an issue with your soldering or a MIDI feedback loop (the outputting controller is receiving the same data it's sending).


  7. Just now, Phatline said:

    hmm what about J9 - for what is that? should that be a output or a input? i dont measure voltage there... do i have to connect to core? anwhere?

    Sorry for missing this; J9 is the power supply if you would like to supply it through the J1-8 headers. It's separate from the 3v3 supply.


    Just now, Phatline said:

    do you have wired already displays with that pcb? , a photo additional to wiki - would be helpful: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=display_driver

    Here is the correct wiring (a bit messy)




    Just now, Phatline said:

    what i see, i have to paralell wire 8 displays per 2x5 socket, and single wire the cs coming from the 2x5 socket,

    Yes. The SPI data/clock/#DC can be shared between a few OLEDs (e.g. ELO or SCS-OLED) with a separate CS to each display.


    Just now, Phatline said:

    the ground i can take from the 2x5 socket,

    the +Potential  (in your shematic its 5V) i dont found... maybe that J9? on the 2x5 i dont found that 5vdc+. ....

    Or you can power the displays directly from your PSU. Depends on the current etc.


    Just now, Phatline said:

    by the way in this document: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_single_mios32.pdf the display is connected via 3.3V, in your diagram it is on +5V

    I think I did it this way as Core J10B is wired to 3v3 (3v0 on a Disco board). Generally the logic levels shouldn't be mixed. It's just a matter of how the display expects its data. 




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  8. Just follow the normal LCD setup by defining the desired number of displays through the bootloader app. I think the first 8 are still selected by J15, but I'm sure you could configure 64 lines using the Disp Driver CS if wanted.

    It may be useful to power the driver at +5V if the OLEDs are locally regulated. 

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