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Everything posted by ssp

  1. well after a little break for a while i finally tucked into the kit again, i finally had a full day to myself and decided to get on with things. first was the switch array which took a little time to do and when i finally plugged it in... nothing, why?? simply because i forgot to put the bridges in, and then after a little tweaking everything was working fine. front: rear: with power: the momentaries fire up when the power is fed through, i had to twin up on 2 150ohm resistors for this as the feed is 9v, however its my fault because i should have just got some 330ohm resistors and used 1 per led switch, next time i will remeber that! after that i had to do the extension board that comes off J5 on the core module that goes to the switches and jumpers that control the lcd for the midimon. i made a few changes in that the momentaries light up on pressing as the other switches do and the jumpers are on latched switches to be used when needed also.. i cant test it simply because i have run out of 10 way molex housings, so i have to get some tomorrow. front: rear: close up: so as soon as i can get the 10 way connector i can test this part with my midimon. more to follow as i can.
  2. everything you need is here already and on ucapps.de site you just need to search and read, thats it, every module comes with a schematic. and if you read up on it, it will tell you what you can do with it all. goto the ucapps.de site and take a look at the midibox 64e you will see someones controller in there for traktor. look here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6043.0 http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2596.0
  3. i just resorted to finding a second hand molex crimp tool, cost me a bit but it makes things easier for me now.
  4. i usually use servisol cleaner on mine, it comes witha nice thin tube to go it the end of the spray cap and then into the faders, i then run the faders back and fore a few times and also if need be and i cant take the fader apart i will inset a fine tipped bud soaked in servisol or isoproyl and wipe the tracks a few times until the tips are clean when rubbed. thnis is there will still be crud on the contacts that are attatched to the fader stem, so at some point i just unsolder them take them apart and really give them a good clean.
  5. ssp

    bpm controller

    thanks unrise. well reading things again it seems i dont need the ain module after all, i wasnt sure and really needed to know , but a little more reading witha clear head and im sure i dont. well i showed the picture of the virtual pad to the cnc place and they said no problems, they can even laser engrave the lettering for me as well., all i have to do is supply them with the drawings from solidworks and the fonts when ready. so i guess i need to build it all first then get the case sorted out!
  6. ssp

    bpm controller

    found a supplier for all my rotaries and faders also for the jog wheel, i have to thank another member for the heads up on the jog wheel thanks to D2K for the website http://www2.okw.com/okw/index1.asp for the info on the jog wheel encoders, i have found the exact one i want there, called them today and its on the way. thanks to nils for the heads up on the small form faders the manufacturer of the ones i want also does the fader caps too. spoke with my cnc company today and they will make the casework for me with lead time of 7-10 days. waiting to hear from the mpc guys about getting the right zif connector for the pad sensors, i know molex have a range of them but i need to know pitch etc for them to get the correct one. last but not least the wife says i can do my order with smash this week , when she decides to give me my money but only as much as i need so i dont go on another shopping spree. once again this place has proved invaluable with its help from its members. this is going to be a really enjoyable build !!
  7. ssp

    bpm controller

    sorted. i spoke with smash and i have got it all alid out now, so i know what i need, just a little wait for the right pic to come into stock for smashy. so the build will entail, if i can remember rightly... for the mb64e: 1 core pic 452 2 dinx modules for the faders, buttons and encoders- regarding the encoders do i use endless encoders or not? i know that they need to be 24 ppr encoders. now if im using an lcd with this which i will do i need an AIN module? and then another midimon kit which is the core, doutx and other bits i know of from my current build of one. i also need an endless encoder and a jog wheel for it as well. anyone got any suggestions for this? thanks again to smash for his help. beers on me ;)
  8. well as i dont want to hijack the other guys thread i will start this one here. i have got my bpm software and i love it, only issue no dedicated controller, so after a little reading i thought why not build one using the pads and contacts from an akai mpc unit or rip a korg nano open which would be cheaper! and use an mb64e to make this. so after a little read up i think thats the way im will go. so this is whats going to be needed 17 rotary encoders + 17 metal top knobs 1 jog wheel and potentiometer + jog cap 8 small factor 10k linear faders 33 momentary buttons akai mpc 4x4 pads giving a need for a further 16 "buttons" so to speak. instead of the little display that the software version shows, i could fit a midimon in there and a mtc display also. so ok i understand i would need two cores one for the midimon and one for the mb64e side. so i think, however i hope to be corrected i will need the following 2 x cores 2 x doutx 3 x dinx4 1 x bankstick to store setups 1 x psu each dial and fader or button would be able to transmit its own midi cc/id and be set up in the editor if possible? and then i can map it to the virtual bpm via digital performers assign via midi input or map via midi. or is it better to use the mb64 rather than the 64e? any advice gratefully recieved before i start. that lot to make this basically
  9. smithy there are smallersize 10k linear faders available just right for what i need.
  10. i wont hear a bad word said against our smashy! the guy is a gent and he was extremely heklpful to me when i did my first order with him, i forgot to order a couple of parts so out of his own pocket he put them in for me free of charge. yes i had to wait in line like everyone else for the parcel to be sent but then thats life, he kept me updated and we even joked about it several times in the chat channel, but it was never an issue for me, and when it arrived i had to pay customs fees but i knew that and it wasnt an issue. im due to place anotehr order with smash and once again i know i will have to wait a while, but then so be it, thats the way it is, hes bloody busy sorting this lot out all the time, and i know that when i buy it, he will ship it and i will get a tracking number for the parcel from the states and then in the uk. i for one cannot commend smash highly enough for what he does for the guys on this forum. a little gratitude to the guy goes a long way, hell a couple of bucks extra for some pizza and beers is even better!! im buying on my next order!
  11. added my 2 to the list nils. thanks
  12. i found a place from one of the links on the forum , its an mpc repairers and they have got hte pads and the contact sheet that goes behind it, i have ordered a set for myself, as i intend to build a replica control of the motu bpm software, i want it to look exactly like the unit in the software i also have to find some small non motorised faders similar to the ones in the nano kontrols from korg to use in there, if i cant find any i will just buy a nano kontrol and rip it to bits, yep im mad but then all geniuses are start raving mad, ask tk... hes certifiable!!! lol! i will put up some pics when i get mine through from the states. this is what i want to build, obviously minus the lcd screen however i could fit another small midimon in there with some small 7 sement leds and have a mini mtc display also. hmmm, thats a plan then!
  13. one thing i noticed was that on the dout board you have got the 2nd 220 ic in its socket, yet on the schematic it calls for that section to be just bridged and no resistors there. basically the links for j4 on the dout board if you look at my dout build this is what i mean, notice the link wires in place of the resistor array ic chip. if you check the schmatic that stry reffers to http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_doutx4_mtc.pdf you will see that it says "no resistors 8 bridges" im pretty sure that what its supposed to be like there for the anode link.
  14. ok after checking with tk im pretty sure this is right, can someone confirm it for me befire i do a test tomorrow please?
  15. foona, we have never spoken on the forums or in chat, but i had a listen to your tracks and i really enjoyed them. i used to live in st pauls in bristol right in the heart of the jamaican community and listened to reggae every day, i had no choice when the guy next door had the loudest system in the city! i still listen to some old favourites like cofi , cutty ranks, Ce'Cile and a few others. looking over some old posts its good to see you finished you projects and seeing them used in the videos. im just finishing my fist batch of projects now and the help i have had rom the guys here has been worth its weight in gold!! its nice to have an accomplished midiboxer and artist back here again. and remember!! no one cyaan test fe dat is fe mi bredda ( i speak fluent patois!)
  16. see that... thats sexy that is! and yep im jelous!
  17. this eveing i was able to read the schematic and build my gm5 module, only needing advice regarding 3 parts and that was it. i managed to do some smt work for the first time in a long while and it went perfectly fine first time!!! which even amazed me! with smashtv looking on for a message on the chat board i then began the "its working dance" and shook my ass like crazy! i check it in mios and threw a load of data at it and used the mios keyboard also and it worked with the green led (need to change that for blue) flashing like mad! now the only thing im stuck on is the pin wiring from j6 on the gm5 to the j11 on the core, yes i see the MI and MO on the pins on j11 of the core, but i dont understand which pins connect to which on each other board. i really need a stupid mans diagram which shows the link between both boards pins. can someone help me out on that please as theres nothign in the schematic i will upload some pics in the morning right now im going to bed a happy guy! thanks again to smash and sinesurfer
  18. its just on the mtc front jpg on the top of the thread, it looks like there is two decimal lights per led. do you see what i mean? to be honest it wouldnt take you long to change the units out for replacements if you need to.
  19. hey manticore, good to see your getting things done!! im in the middle of finishing mine, not much more to do then its just doing the casework. i cant help regarding the software, but just xhange the pin wiring on the decimals one to the other, as yours has one each side of each segment display by the looks of it. seeing yours makes me a little itchy to get mine finished , but i have to finish the gm5 midi module thats going to control it first! once its all runnig and tested i can then get the casework done. its nice for me to see another one built and done! ssp
  20. sorry guys i havent been in for a little while, i needed to take some time out and rest up. stryd, i will take a read up on things today, if it isnt making sense i will let you know, iy will be nice to just do a link ribbon rather than having to wire the midi pins/ports to each other, taking the easy route so to speak. doing it this way im taking the time to learn about the modules and allocations of ports. all i have to do now if buy a couple of components to do the jumpers and buttons on the side and then do the button board for the shuttle etc and i can get the case work cut and build the finished thing then! well... im hoping i can!! more to follow
  21. wilba if any chips become available or a complete sid kit , please let me know as soon as and i will definatly take it off your hands. i just took a look at the video of thorsten playing with his sid that you gave him.. erm... want one!
  22. well you can get the core from either smashtv or mike, both have comlete kits available so you dont have to source the parts yourself. look here: smashtv: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/buy.html mikes: http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/shop_englisch/index.htm and then choose the kits i got mine from smashtv mainly due to the extras i wanted and the silkscreened boards all excellent quality and service. there are guys who have built mb64's in the uk, best thing to do is take a good read through the forums and also if you look in the ucapps gallery section you will find some built by uk users and if you click the links they goto the relevent sections in these forums and you can read up on them in there also. the best thing to do at the moment is to read up as much as you can before you start. all the info you need is in the forums and the ucapps website
  23. finished up the link board for the leds to the dout board. its a bit of a mad way to do it, but it was enjoyable albeit a little hazy on times!! but its tested with my meter and its all correct which im amazed at, and it fits under the main board fine, i just need the rest of my parts to arrive from rs and cpc now. top view: bottom view: attatched to the display board: one of the members sent me through a gm5 kit and it arrived in less than 2 days which was great!!! many thanks to rosch/roger for this, it means i can run the midimon internally now! now then it states in the info for the gm5 that it can be connected to the core for digital midi use i think using j11 on the core and j6 on the gm5, is this right what i am thinking or am i wrong? also if this is the case can someone explain the wiring to me in a more simplified way as the heads not understanding it at the moment!! heres a pic that you can draw onto if you so feel the need to make it even more simple for the stupid man ;) what im reffering to is this section of the info page, a link schematic added to the info sheets would be great as the current one fails to show this link wired or run in any of the pdfs, unless im blind again! more to follow!
  24. i saw the sold out bit ;) i was just hoping that you may inadvertantly come across one by surprise at some point!
  25. looking for a gm5 kit or assembled working module please, im based in the U.K so plese include postage in the price. thanks
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