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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. The B4000 maybe a special but Use Audio did keep the most common midi control changes the same. Would be nice if we could somehow find a compromise for the additional plug ins as well. Unfortunately no Midi implementation can be found online.
  2. I assume the front panel connector is 8 pin one on the top left of the board. I would be gratefull if you could take some measurements. I have also e-mailed Use Audio but i don't think it will get me anywhere. My ASX board has the same thing written on it. So that confirms it. The two white two wire plugs are indeed MIDI IN and MIDI Thru. Either of the white four plugs is for power. That was just my impression. I couldn't find the board anymore in Dutch Music Stores. And since Thomann wasnt carrying it either i came to that conclusion.
  3. I have received the board. Have you ever found out what the power requirements of the ASX board is? It has a 4 pin power connector. So i would assume it requires 2 different voltages. Is the board inside the Plugiator desktop module exactly the same?
  4. Not sure but on their website you can select a panel size of 490mm. And in their app if you use the latest version it no longer complains about the size if you select a 19" panel.
  5. You should have a look at this website: The Electronic Sound-House This guy has made a wind controller himself. He has all the schematics online. But i can tell you now it's not an easy task.
  6. Has anybody taken the plunge yet? I am getting near finishing my MB-6582. So panel ordering will be next priority.
  7. Received 4 boards today. Thanks a lot nILS :thumbsup:
  8. Just a pictures of the very nice looking MS20 clone filter pcb
  9. Just a heads-up. By the look of things the Plugiator ASX board might be EOL. Thomann is no longer carrying the ASX version. And i had a search on the web and couldn't find much stores who carry it either. So i made the jump and ordered one from ebay for 149euro. I am not even close to starting this project, but would hate to miss out on it later because i couldn't get the board anymore. First i need to give my MB-6582 it much needed attention and my MBFM project is also in a state of flux. As far as the design goes, i had a look at the Arturia Origin. This is more or less what you describe in the sense of the interface. It combines a control interface and a sequencer.
  10. This looks like its going to be a very nice project. Good luck with finishing your build. Oh btw, someone mentioned using the Use Audio Plugiator ASX board. Looks like those are EOL so if you want one, better act fast.
  11. I just had a look at the Maplin website. I live in the Netherlands and apparently they only deliver to UK or Republic of Ireland. If no one else has an alternative i might just take you up on your kind offer :ahappy:
  12. Hi, i have been looking on the net for most part of this morning. But i cannot seem to find much. For both my Midibox FM and MB-6582 i am going to build an external psu. I want to stuff those PSU in a decent looking vented housing. So far i only found: But it will cost me an arm and a leg (25 euros) to ship a 2 euro housing. So not really an option. I can't seem to find any shops on the EU mainland which carry something similar. Maybe anyone else has an idea where to buy a vented psu housing?
  13. I had a quick look at it. The MABP5S has 10 mm between the front ground pins. The MAB 5 SH has 5 mm between the front ground pins. The PCB of the gm5x5x5 provides holes for both options so it shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Resistor was kind enough to send me a pcb. I also received the pcb for AOUT_NG from Smashtv. So once those are build i can give it a go with MBFM.
  15. The ASX module is way more interesting. I was looking at the CME + ASX combo awhile back. But didnt like the feel of the CME keyboard. To many people were having problems with it aswell. So i left it. The plugiator module itself seems to be lacking controls. Bundling the ASX with a MB64 would totally solve that. The hard part is to make a proper interface that would suit most plugins. I don't think a core32 is a strict requirement and would probably make it harder as the MB64 hasnt been ported from MIOS8. Besides that the ASX module has it's own USB port for MIDI connection.
  16. The OPL3 module uses 5V en +12 -12V. So 25 Volt Caps should be sufficient. However at the shops i buy components 35V is more common so cheaper :ahappy: The first time i bought the OPL3 kit from Mike he shipped me 35V ones....
  17. Any chance of the design being published for use by the DIY crowd?
  18. My vote is on the White on Red. It looks darn pretty on the MB-6582 pcb's.
  19. Nice, did you design the pcb for the MS-20 filter yourself?
  20. Yes, i used the same. But i was looking at your picture. And it seems to me that the polarity of C16 is wrong. Uh nevermind...it seems mine is wrong :pinch: . Maybe you could post some detailed pictures of top and bottom of the pcb?
  21. I seem to have noticed this behaviour with my mbfm aswell. Which seemed kinda odd to me. I don't have any problems though.
  22. I finally got my MBFM properly running. I had some trouble with the bankstick. Which weren't detected. After some measuring i found out the input voltage was to low. So i altered the cabling on the multi voltage transformer. Now its eating 8 volts instead of 6 and its working quite well. So after that i could upload the patches and start enjoying some sounds.
  23. Shuriken

    MBFM Temp layout

    From the album: Shuriken Midibox

    MBFM Temp layout :thumbsup:
  24. From the album: Shuriken Midibox

    OPL3 Module Bottom
  25. Shuriken

    OPL3 Module Top

    From the album: Shuriken Midibox

    OPL3 Module Top
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