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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. Shuriken


    The GM5 v1_1 module. Unfortunately i discovered too late i was using the version 1_1 pcb. The GM5 chip was already sitting on it nicely. Hence the ground pins of the DIN sticking out.
  2. Do you hear the opamps make a popping noise when u turn your MBFM on?
  3. Ofcourse, don't know what i was thinking :whistle: Anyway thanks for making those changes, less chance of possible confusion.
  4. Since there is no separate section for frontpage related messages and i am not sure who to bother with it through pm (wilba, thorsten, nils?) I noticed the following. On the Frontpage is says: 2009-10-04 MIDIbox FM V1 V1.1e then if you click on V1.1e you goto the Midibox FM changelog site which says: MIDIbox FM Change Log Last Release: V1.1c @ 2009-10-04 * V1.1d o built for MIOS V1.9g (or higher) to support new encoder types. Rotary encoders won't work with older MIOS versions! o a new SysEx command allows to store the current patch into EEPROM/BankStick. It can be used of no Control Surface is available - parameters can be changed via CC or SysEx o volume parameters now updated immediately on CC #28..#31 changes o reduced intensity of LFO/EG5 Pitch Depth parameter If you load the actual firmware in you Midibox FM it says: V1.1d So i think someone screwed up...just a little bit :rolleyes:
  5. I am not entirely sure what you mean. Something like Asio4all?
  6. I received the knobs today. Thanks a lot. :ahappy:
  7. I was in a similar position as yourself. Although i had a sort of working MBFM, i couldnt get my finger on the problem (I did have sound however it was faint and with lag). I decided todo a complete rebuild of the OPL3 module. I ordered a new pcb from Mike and ordered all the parts myself. Only reused the IC sockets and the TL074. Two weeks ago i soldered the whole thing together and to my surprise it was actually working. If u need it, i may have a spare YMF262 for you. It is a pull though, not a new one.
  8. At 80 pieces now, slowly crawling forward to 100 :thumbsup:
  9. No, my first name is Joeri, Lastname starts with the letters Bl. Hence my username joeribl.
  10. Not sure what you are trying to say with the Gerbil. After magneto pm-ed me, i added him to the list myself :wink: .
  11. You should add your name to the list on the wiki.
  12. /cry One step back on the way to 100. We still need 37 more pcb ordered.
  13. A PC PSU is unstabilized. What you really want is a stabilized design. I have build a psu according to the following the following design: http://www.circuitsonline.net/schakelingen/30/voedingen/78xx-voeding.html The PCB setup: http://www.uploadarchief.net/files/download/co%2078xx%20voeding%202008.pdf You can use the design for both the +5V and the -12 and +12 Volt. Or you can combine the -12 and +12 in one design like: http://www.reconnsworld.com/power/multipowersupply.gif
  14. Shipment arrived yesterday. Thank you very much.
  15. Ok, i have ordered 4 more. There is always an option to sell them afterwards.
  16. You will have to add your name and amount here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/tk_gm5_bulkorder But since we are only at 117 pieces atm, i wouldnt hold your breath.
  17. Storing patches would be a very nice feature indeed. Looking forward to start building this. But first i have to finish up my MB FM.
  18. Stever, What is the 128kb Storage used for? I read through the articles a few times, but i couldn't find much info about it.
  19. The DB60XG also includes an Line IN (Waveblaster connector 12 and 16). You can apply effects to it. Years ago i build a a little board which was designed by the german electronic maganzine Elektor (http://www.elektor.de/jahrgang/1997/juli/synthesizer-mit-yamaha-db50xg-karte.61631.lynkx). The only problem with that is, that the PSU capacity is on the small side. I used it with a Korg Daughterboard which draws more power then the Yamaha DB50xg. So i had to make some modifications to it. I recently bought a DB60XG clone from ebay (probably from the same guy ;)). I want to build a 19 inch version with at least 2 daughterboards, so i can house both cards. If you go and make something make sure you build a beafy PSU. These cards were allowed to draw a max of 500 mA from the 5V line. I expect the DB60XG to draw more power then the DB50XG since it includes additional IC (AK4510).
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