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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. No, i haven't build it. I decided against it actually. The two big resistors are basically giving off 12W of heat under full use. Since i am not going to be using 6581 SIDS, i wont need 12 Volts. So i decided i might as well use a C64-II PSU. I did almost do it though but then the resistor were out of stock at Reichelt.
  2. I have a multiple voltage configuration transformer. I started out with 6V as well. Worked fine on just the core. But when you start adding components, the voltage drops. My banksticks kept being initialized. I couldn't figure out why. Then i started measuring and they where only getting 3,5V. So i upped the voltage a bit. The reason the voltage drop is significant when using 12V AC, is probably the thermal protection kicking in. The 7805 has to dispensate all the excess power as heat. I would recommend adding two diodes to that design. Like in this drawing. It might not be a bad idea to add a diode to your 5V supply as well.
  3. was only kiddin' and loves his hardware synths

  4. Yup Altitude is right, 6V wont cut it. Usually a 9V transformer is used to feed a 7805.
  5. finds hardware synths overrated as well and hugs his vst

  6. I don't understand. As your whole case is metal, there shouldn't be any potential difference between back and front. But perhaps the adapter has reverse polarisation and the V+ is connected to the case?
  7. needs to start programming for his 3,2 inch tft + touchscreen

  8. I found that post aswell and it says SmashTV delivered 16 Volt ones, not 25 Volt. You are right ofcourse. But i don't understand why the choice has been made for a niche part. The parts i found at Conrad and Reichelt are all RM 7,5 and have 0,8mm legs. Edit: Puts foot in mouth :whistle:. It seems Conrad carries a Panasonic one which fits the bill . Part number: 422039 - 89 for anyone that needs it.
  9. I have my MB6582 almost finished. But still needed to sort out the PSU. So i wanted to start soldering the components on it, but i ran into a bit of a problem. As suggested by the MB6582 surface partlist i ordered 2200uf 25V caps. Those are 7,5 RM with 1,0mm legs. But to my suprisse the mainboard has a big silkscreen but 5,0 RM 0,8mm position for both the caps. As the rectified voltage goes way past 18 Volts i don't think its right to put in a 16Volt variant. But still dont understand why a 25V part is suggested as it wont fit the board... Isn't this a bug or something which needs to be changed?
  10. so wanted to copy someone else’s status, but nILS always beats me to it

  11. Na wat post gelezen te hebben over problemen met C64 voedingen en een horror verhaal van iemand die al zn SIDs kon vervangen, heb ik daar maar niet voor gekozen.
  12. Ik ben bezig met zowel een MB FM als een MB6582. De MB6582 is in vergevorderd stadium. Ik heb de case en panels ook al. Alle printen zijn gesoldeerd, ik kon het alleen nog niet helemaal vinden met de voeding keuze. Ik heb zelf uiteindelijk wat ontworpen, maar daar toch maar weer vanaf gestapt. Eens kijken hoe dit gaat werken. Als ik de voeding(gedeelte) klaar heb kan ik gaan testen en in werking stellen. Qua bezetting word het nog beetje half werk. Op dit moment heb ik 4x 8580 liggen. Verder nog bezig met 3 filters, NG_AOUT en wat aan experimenteren met CORE32.
  13. They are using a LM2575-5. I assume you can quite easily make it yourself. I haven't tried one myself. But switching psu are much more efficient then liniar ones. So if you are not using a MB wich has analog audio, its ok to use a switching psu.
  14. Ok, but i am not going to answer there in dutch :laugh:
  15. First of all, please don't cross post. It won't get you any more responses. I must say i don't have any experience with the midibox router project. However the info you provide is quite minimal. Have you checked the following page?: http://www.ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html Also did you check all the boards have the correct voltages?
  16. I sure hope these cards actually contain a real opl chipset. By looking at the pcb i am not so sure about it. But since you already bought it, we will know soon enough.
  17. Thanks, i actually figured it out when i was looking at the schematics for a Roland Juno 60. Roland also used it in their PSU design.
  18. As i have two untested AOUT_NG laying here, i am following this with great interest. R41 should be 1.5k and R33 should be 2.2k. So i assume you measured those soldered on the board? I measured R33 en R41 on one of the boards and got the same values.
  19. 1.) I think only CVOUT is supported. Why would you need CVIN? 2.) Yes you need an AOUT or AOUT_NG module.
  20. I can't help you with those. I do have another suggestion though. I use these: It was suggested by someone on the forum. Can't tell you where you can get those in the US though.
  21. It seems Elektor has an upcoming article with a nice looking digital effects processor. It's based on Spin Semiconductors FV-1 which i have had my eyes on for a while. What i can make of the small pictures in the magazine, its going to be a mainboard + frontpanel design with 16x2 lcd. It includes 8 DSP programs. But more programs can be found here. Its all assembler by the looks of it.
  22. It's not an required item. So if you don't want people to know...just dont fill in the date. Or just a partial date also works.
  23. And since we now know your age :sorcerer:
  24. Darn, now you spoiled it. I get a percentage on each unit of trimpot sold :devil: No seriously...no idea how those got in there, so sorry for that :blush:
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