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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. Thnx for the update. Just take your time. It will get here when it gets here :thumbsup:
  2. As i said its only the concept. The design isn't to my liking either. Here is a wild idea. Consider making a fixed number of controls which are common for all the synths. The variable ones could be the knobs around the display area. The label will be shown in the display as you switch profiles. I had a bit of fiddling with the front panel designer. The DOGXL display is just big enough to fit 4 knobs on a side. So 8 knobs or 16 if you also choose to populate bottom en top.
  3. My guess is the display in the picture is a DOGXL160-7 with touchpanel.
  4. I totally agree. It basically would be a synth control surface. If we make it programmable, people could alter the key/knob bindings for their own needs. As i said in the other topic we are basically taking the concept of the Midibox UC and recreate it for Core32. Hopefully we can improve on the design, which isn't ideal. In the meanwhile i started building my Core32 yesterday. But didn't get passed the stage of placing the 12 Mhz Crystal. I found out i forgot to order the two caps required :pinch: Update: With a little bit if scavaging i managed to find all the parts.
  5. Details on the Use Audio Plugiator ASX board: Technical: CPU - ATMega32 DPS - Analog Devices SHARC 21363 Internal Connections: 9 Volt DC Powerconnector Midi IN External Connections: USB - B MIC IN Headphone Out Line Out Left Line Out Right Physical Dimensions: 95 x 130 mm Here is a closeup of the internal powerconnector:
  6. Been awhile since i posted. I am going to start building my Core 32 tomorrow. I had some trouble getting my hands on the LF33CV. Anyway, maybe it would be a good idea to either ask a mod to rename this topic or start a new one? The current title might give people the wrong idea. Perhaps that way we can get more people interested.
  7. Here is the D50 Service Manual It seems there is some people on electro-music.com who seem to know a lot about the D50 techically. Maybe you can try and ask there.
  8. This maybe? http://www.bustedgear.com/repair_Roland_d50_key_contacts_2.html
  9. I have decided to put my MBFM on hold. And build a MB6582 first. This way i can see how a frontpanel design works out before i order a new design for the MBFM.
  10. Is there a big price difference between the normal ones and the RGB version? i think a true mini TFT color display is a bit too expensive...
  11. Well i have one picked already :wink: the other one is extra, if Thorsten decided to port Midibox FM or something like that :laugh:
  12. I noticed your pictures yesterday :thumbsup: I have received two Core32 from Timothy today. Will probably start building this weekend :ahappy: .
  13. I assume it will. But the PDF on the website doesn't make clear how to do it.
  14. No i agree, with the current layout its not so user friendly. With Core32 you can also use DOGXL160-7 160 x 104 grafical display. So i might be easier to make a user friendly gui.
  15. Unfortunately no reply to my question as of yet :devil:
  16. I was wondering if we are not simply trying to recreate MIDIbox UC which might not be a bad idea...as the original creator mentioned Core32 is the way togo.
  17. I never read your original post, as i was not yet involved in midibox stuff. So i just had a big cup of coffee and enjoyed the read :tongue: . First of all i don't really understand why you would return here after 4 years to post a message saying you never want to talk to us again? Secondly i can only agree with the other midiboxers here. I don't see why you should be granted permission to profit from other peoples time and effort. You could have taken all your energy and develop something yourself. But i get the feeling you only used it to keep your grudge alive.
  18. Maybe we could. To get things started on my end, i have ordered STM32 Core from Smash.
  19. Shuriken


    Works fine here...
  20. Well that's my problem as well, i don't have room to house such a massive device. Maybe Mios8 would suffice. But then again if you consider combining a controller, simple sequencer and graphical lcd then maybe it's to much for a PIC based device. So i am definatly considering a STM32 based device. For which i would need to brush up on my C programming skills as there is no code available for Midibox 64. I also would need to order a STM32 from Smash (love Smash but hate the high shipping costs :pinch:). Will think about it over the weekend. But it may also pose a nice programming challenge for me.
  21. I got a reply from Use Audio VIN_KYBD = 9 Volt The little square IC on the right is a ISL6402 which convert the 9 Volt to the required 3,3 Volt for the SHARC DSP.
  22. I already made some pictures. So i have taken your suggestion and mailed it back to them.
  23. The first idea scared the hell out of me :frantics: The second idea is more to my liking and this is what i had in mind. I am still wondering if i should go with just using a MIOS8 or start with MIOS32. I had a reply from Use Audio. According to them the power should be 9 volts. But i think they didn't quite get what i meant (or didnt want to :shifty: ) I wont dare putting any power on the board till someone has done some confirmed measurements.
  24. Ok, thats helpfull. I must say that both the Lightwave and the Pro 12 have an enormous amount of controller knobs. It will be very difficult to make a general control interface compatible with all these plugins.
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