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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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MIDIbox Guru

MIDIbox Guru (4/4)



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  1. As some of u have noticed, I'm rarely inside here these days. This is not because I am tired of you guys, or think less of midibox. It's simply because I am in the process of selling my current house, and moving into my grandma's old house (she died a month ago) - this means a lot of work. Extensions, + total renovation of the old part of the house. I'll be on IRC when I can, and show up here from time to time, but for a time now, I'll be busy with house stuff :).

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