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Status Replies posted by technobreath

  1. chunks in a pile of coal in the bowl. Take out the ligther and lit it, STEEAAAAK! :D MMMMMMMM

  2. just noted, that the current unix time starts with 1337 :)

  3. www.google.com.au - The big G celebrates Dr Robert Moog with a doodle!

  4. is soldering Shruthi-1

  5. Soldering. It's no mere hobby, it's a way of life! Or something...

  6. is packing stuff to go on a tour for the next 2 weeks - whee :-)

  7. smash came by and washed my car

  8. Can you spot the mandelbrot fractal? :-) http://youtu.be/tUGFq6EWo3E

  9. smash came by and washed my car

  10. Can you spot the mandelbrot fractal? :-) http://youtu.be/tUGFq6EWo3E

  11. Soldering. It's no mere hobby, it's a way of life! Or something...

  12. After reading nils' link to nikolai tesla comic on fb today I know I am a geek myself. Yesterday missus went all "fred-come-to-bed" on me, and I told her - nah.. this pcb needs to be soldered first :P

  13. graduating college this week. my degree is 'electronics and computer engineering', and i wouldn't have taken interest in it if it wasn't for midibox.

  14. is soldering a lot

  15. Hungry for a nice sammich!

  16. Anyone up for another bulk order for Waldorf knobs? If there is interest, and the price isn't doubled since the 2011 bulk order, I can guarantee I'm in for at least 100 knobs.

  17. Anyone up for another bulk order for Waldorf knobs? If there is interest, and the price isn't doubled since the 2011 bulk order, I can guarantee I'm in for at least 100 knobs.

  18. Received first batch of "greenies" capacitors from Singapore

  19. Time to mix some yellow etchant goo.

  20. Time to mix some yellow etchant goo.

  21. Time to mix some yellow etchant goo.

  22. Received first batch of "greenies" capacitors from Singapore

  23. Got a goodie bag at my local computer store (webhallen.com). They rule! Bluetooth mouse, USB hub, some CyberClean, a frisbie and PacMan candy.

  24. had his first workout session with personal trainer today :D. Hehe, I never thought I'd be the one to hire a personal trainer, but it's great fun, and effective - just do what u're told :D.

  25. Exploring Bangalore :)

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