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Everything posted by Lamouette

  1. ok, i tried to upload the .hex and it seems work as well. Mios studio write : [9913.662] [MIOS32_MIDI_SYSEX_Cmd_Debug] command handler not implemented by application so i think it's ok. What i have to do now ? how i can know if everything is working fine ?
  2. the transparent knob could have different caps too ?
  3. Ok, i verified the pcb, but for me all looks like nice... now : When a connect the USB Plug : with jumper on 3.3V : i light (ethernet fix, and the led of the lcp1769 flash (on off on off on off...) with jumper on 5v : same thing... Each time the IC6 and IC7 seems cold or not too hot. i add link for the photo of my PCB, maybe something will appears obvious for you. Maybe i burned a pic cause i worked with a pull over. i can try to change them. Thx !
  4. realized today that i worked with a pull-over to mount all my electronic components.... maybe i burned all the things..... Static electricity is really dangerous ?

    1. latigid on

      latigid on

      Wool = bad. Get yourself a grounding strap! ICs, especially CMOS are the most sensitive. Passive components not so much

  5. Building my shruti 4-pole ! but blocked on the SEQV4, the LCP17 don´t work !

    1. jojjelito


      That's the good thing with a backlog. Always something to do :D

    2. Lamouette


      yep, you´re right, i´ll debug the LCP17when the Shruthi will bug :)

  6. Ok, so i think i have a problem : - I mount the half-lcp1769 on the LCP Board - But : !!! If i connect the usb plug with Jumper J15_s in 5V, the led on the LCP1769 light 1 time and stop and nothing happens (J26 not connected to the lcp1769) If i connect the usb plug with Jumper J15_s in 3.3V, the same thing happens (J26 not connected to the lcp1769) If i remove the Jumper J15_s, the LCP1769 is in continious flashing (On off with fade -> on off with fade -> ... There is no jumper in J1;J2;J18 if i let the usb pluged, the IC6 is cold (a bit warm) and IC7 is really hot. Thx to help me ! Bye Edit : Up
  7. Hi there ! I finnished to build my LCP17 Board, and i prepare the LCP1769 to mount it on the LCP17 board. So i flashed the 1769 and cut it in 2 parts : When i connect the 2 parts and connect them via usb to the computer, the led light and fade 3 time, stop, and goes on. i have to check another time but normally it´s that. am i OK ? Problem : afetr that, i put the half card, on the LCP17 Board, but when i connect the USB, all the led (LCP176 and ethernet port led light 1 time, and i have nothing more working ? What i should do to debug it ? Power supply problem ? i really don´t know.... HELP :)
  8. Hi ! i finnished the constructon of the LPC17; but i have a problem ! actually the board is build, and the LCPxpresso is cut in two part, and ready ! So i tried to test if something work ! But i flashed the LCPexpresso (I think it's ok) and i put in on the LCP board ! I don't know if it works, when i put the USB cable in it (power by usb), the card light for 1 second and stop, and i din't see any device on windows or something like that. if i put the other part of the board and the toher mini usb ( So one USB come from PC to LCP17 Board; and one for the PC to the second part of the lcpxpresso), all the light are lighting (lcpspresso led in continu, and ethernet in continu), if i unplug the usb of the LCP board it's the same, but if a connet only the USB from computer to the LCP17 board, i have just this flash of 1 second and nothing more... What i can do to test if i did something wrong ? Problem solved by check (Again and again) on my solder point.
  9. ok thx for the explanations ! :flowers:
  10. Oh, i didn't understand all you said ! For the PSU you use hawkeye, you don't use an AOUT module ? And what is caps ? Jojjelito : Switcher are noisy ? so as you said the better way is to buy a psu with 5V and +15/-15V and regulate it at +/-12V ? I don't know how much power could take a SEQV4 + AOUT Module and BLM ? I have another question : i will use my SEQV4 sometimes with a generator (Petrol -> Electricity coz there is no other choice in the forest :D !) But theses generator are not regulated, and i know that with a switching psu, there is some risk to burn all, the better is a normal psu, do you think i can use another kind of PSU ? i think i'll buy the same psu as you for start now, but i want to modify this quickly ! So i want to learn how it works ! ;)
  11. Hello, I´m building my SEQV4, but i have some questions to finish it and for my knowledge.(I´ll use this thread to ask all my questions) First I have some question about the power supply for the SEQV4 i live in canada actually but maybe i´ll back to France one day. So i want to built stuff with adaptable power supply everywhere. I´m building SEQV4 with AOUT module, and in the future i will power a BLM so i think i will need a special PSU. but i´m lost between AC/DC, different voltage, etc... I would to use an internal PSU (with only an cable i connect on the SEQ, not a wall adaptator) I find this : (i read in a post that i need 5v and 12V for AOUT and SEQ) http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Phihong/PSA45U-201-R/?qs=GIJ4W%2fbeq0eUEwkhtHOEdA%3d%3d It´s an external psu, but maybe i could adapt it to become an internal (i find it expensive but maybe that´s the price ? I also find this : My linkhttp://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Emerson-Network-Power/NPT42-M/?qs=FRcv9fplYLZF%252bCxF4l7TSw%3d%3d It is internal, and really compact, so maybe it´s better for me, but more expensive ! Do you think it will work ? That´s all for the first question ! Bye
  12. Easter,,,, free days.... soldering... camp fire..... Yeah !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jojjelito


      A day without chocolate is a day wasted :)

    3. technobreath


      Amen brotha! Yey! Easter is fun. Already fired my first camp fire myself for the year :)

    4. Hawkeye


      chocolate easter eggs! :-D

  13. HS : Ça fait plaisir de voir qu´il se passe quelque chose sur le forum FR :) Pour info j´ai reçu mes pcb pour le SEQV4, je suis en plein dans la soudure ! (Enfin le peu de temps que j´ai entre le boulot, les heures sup´ et les 3 heures de route chaque jours !) Finalemment ça va plus vite que je le pensais (Enfin pour moi qui n´avait soudé que genre une led au lycée à 12 ans :) ) Pour le moment ça se passe bien, je me surprend même à faire vraiment du boulot propre, je posterais des photos bientôt ! Par contre ne négligez pas le matériel de soudure, je pense qu´il y est pour beaucoup ! Pour le moment, j´ai fini 2 module din, 1 module dout et je suis sur le lcp17, j´attaque le quad midi ce soir et je finirrai le lcp17 plus tard car de toute manière, je n´ai pas encore le lcpxpresso. Après ce pavé.... Bonne journée !
  14. started my first soldering job this weekend ! hard at the begining, but i finally love that ! I done 2 din and 1 dout module !! i´ll start the lcp 17 tonight !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamouette


      why solder smoke ? maybe you mean a special expression i don´t understand ?

      Capacitors solded ! i love my soldering station !

    3. jojjelito


      If you use rosin core (flux) solder it will smoke when you heat it up to solder components. It's not that good for you, but a sign of a true DIY electronics geek :)

    4. Lamouette


      haha, yes this little smoke when you put your tools on the thread ! i was thinking about smoking and welding at the same time !! But since i quit smoking !!

  15. i´m interrested too, but i didn´t find anythings, if you have some informations, share them !
  16. Thx acul, yes it is but there is a problem for the integration of 3 legged 3mm led with the livid buttons. I create a post on "part quetions". I think the solution is to use SMD led, i'm searching for reference ! Edit : The project is actually paused (i have to build the SEQV4 first and a Shruthi) it will restart ASAP
  17. -> Julien Voirin : Yes for SMD it's a really good idea ! But it's really little, so it's not too difficult to weld them ? I will put some link to verify if i choose the good smd led. -> Ilmenator : I know that i can't defy the las but maybe another brain could have a good idea for me (like SMD led :) ) Thanks
  18. So there is no solutions ? maybe if i cut a bit of the circle contact ? but perhaps the rest of the part will not be robust... Maybe i could twist the legs a bit to reduce the size required... I really don't know !!
  19. Hello ! I have some problems and some questions with the little livid pads. I'm working actually on a BLM 16x16xX with livid pads but i have a problem. the external dimension of 3 leg of a led is 5.5mm and the intenal dimension of the livid contact is 6mm. so if i create a pcb these 2 part are too close... Someone here have already create a PCB for the Livid button ? is it works with a 3 legged LED ?? Thx ! Bye
  20. Hey; i give you some news : I stop my work on the PCB for a moment because i didn't know what are the dimensions of the contact on livid buttons ! I received my 2 first pad today ! (thx to Altitude on this forum \o/ ! Really nice ) So now i could draw a new contact on Eagle especially for the livid pad ! The contact dimensions : Now i can continue my work ! see you next step ! Bye (Sorry for the big size of my photo)
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