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Everything posted by Lamouette

  1. i really like your sound ! did you sold all your 12" ? and witch track are on it ? Bye
  2. No one have others idea ? somewhere to find a solutoins ? i received a power supply yesterday, i will try to use it tonight, if i have problems with it, i will ask my questions here. i give you some news asap. :flowers: Bye
  3. Hi, i tried to connect only one LCD, but nothing change... Maybe my usb port don't send suffisant power... :unsure:
  4. i connect the lcd, via a DIL connector, and yes i have 2 pins A and K, but they looks like integrated on the DIL connector. the LCD : C-51850NFQJ-LG-ACN Links for datasheets : http://www.kyocera-display.com/SiteImages/PartList/SPEC/51850ace.pdf http://www.kyocera-display.com/SiteImages/PartList/DRAWING/51850acd_drawing.pdf i don´t think i made a mistake on the ribon cable, cause the lcd works, it´s just insuffisant lighting !
  5. Salut, je vous donne des news de mon avancement sur le SEQV4 : Tous les modules sont montés. j´ai eu pas mal de problème de firmware (les uploads, la débug...) mais hier, ça y est, ça a marché ! Bon j´ai encore quelques bugs : Carte SD non reconnu, trop faible luminosité des ecrans... et quelques autres babioles ! J´ai reçu ma faceplate (de frontpanel express, en vert anodisé, juste magnifique !!!), la j´attends encore des pieces, genre des spacer, des vis, pour monter la faceplate avec le pcb de wilba. j´envisage me faire un boitier en erable massif... On verra bien ! Sinon bin la fievre du DIY me monte a la tête, je suis aussi en train de me monter un shruthi 4-pole, et des que j´ai fini je me commandeun kit xoxbox ! Bref pleins de choses de prévu ! Et vous ? ça avance ?
  6. Lamouette


    From the album: Lamouette - Midibox

    Assembly of the LCP017, the SD Card adapter, and the 2 screens ! I'm on the way !!!
  7. ok, i removed the J27, and : - i detected the mios32 midi in and out ! - i installed the usb mass storage to try my SD Card adapter. - Windows detected the SD card so i could copy the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file -i re uploaded the seqv4 hex file ! i unpluged all the LCP17 i pluged the lcl, but the light extremly low. at the beginning i thougt they didn't worked, but they work ! So my new problems : I turn P1 and P2 but only the contrast change! also, at the begenning i can read on the screen that my SD Card is not found. is it normal ? in MIOS Studio If i try : set fastboot 1 -> Unknown set parameter: 'fastboot'! msd on ->ok, but windows asked for a formate, but he can't do it ! i give you a picture of the assembly (you can see that the screens are really low lighting) Bye !!! and thx !
  8. Thanks for the help ! I pluged the LCP17 but i have this : I seems that mios studio detect the mios32, but when i try ; "help" he just don't recognisse the action. when i'd uploaded the firmware it looks like well... I really don't understand ! Bye
  9. From the album: Lamouette - Midibox

    Bad thing : nothing happens when i try "help"... :purple:
  10. Lamouette

    IMG 0968

    nice ! :frantics: I will have "a little brother" soon ! is it the SMR4 ?
  11. OK, i finished th SD card reader, so i put the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file on the SD card, i plug it on the adaptator and i connect it to J16. i pluged the USB : - The led on the LCP1769 (half module) is flashing (on off) everytime, and the ethernet port (green) are lighting, but my computer didn't detedt any SD card (it just sound like "windows has detected something", but nothing more. if i connect a screen, he don't light too. i'm lost... Someone to help me ?
  12. i´m on for maybe 50-60knobs too.... Hope a new bulk will born ^^
  13. Ok, it will work so. Thx all !
  14. Hum..... summer holidays or a fat mixer,,, that is the question !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamouette


      i'm already single, but i need holidays :/

    3. Hawkeye


      1)search gurl

      2)let her invite you to holidays

      3)buy mixer :D

    4. Lamouette


      haha !! Should be nice !

  15. ok, thx for your answer ! (you are so quick ^^) I read on the SDCARD PDF that : PIC based MBHP_CORE (5.0V IO) requires additional resistors (voltage dividers) and a 3.3V Voltage Regulator cause i will use 5v screens, maybe i have to had something ?
  16. Hi, Finally, i upload the SEQv4 loader with MIOS Studio, and it seems to work ! Now i´m a bit lost cause i have the Wilba pcb with all the part mounting on it. i also have mounted some din and dout modules to fit with it, but i understand recently that i don´t need it with wilba pcb.... So now i have my LCP 17 ready (i think) and the wilba PCB ready too. What i have to do now ? i´m building the SD Card reader. so now ?????? i think i have to do this but maybe i´m wrong : - connect a SD CARD to the LCP17 and load the SEQV4 files on it. - connect the screens to the lcp 17 - and to finish, connect the Wilba PCB to the LCP17 Am i right ?
  17. Lamouette

    IMG 0050

    We need some photos of inside !!
  18. Hello, i bought for my SEQV4 a SD Card adapter kit : MOUSER PART But i have a problem : i follow these 2 page : Mbhp_sdcard mbhp_sdcard.pdf But on this adapter i don't see VSS and VCC; so i don't know how to connect it. Do you know how it work ? i search but didn't find something about the shema of the adapter. Another question : Do i have to sold the SMD part ? (see on pictures) ? All the picture here : Thx !!
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