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Spare ALBS knobs


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I've been let down with a payment for some ALBS knobs and have been left with the responsibility of selling them on (in awkward quantities). I could do with a quick sale on these as I need the money for my holidays! I will take this thread down if the person who requested the knobs manages to sort something out.


The MB-6582 requires 15 of these knobs (Well, any knobs would do but these look good and are what you will have seen on Wilba's setup).  These knobs would also look good on any project though. I'd rather sell them all together, but can split the colours if need be. I will also split the red ones into two sets of 15.

30 Red "Waldorf" knobs

10 White "Waldorf" knobs

10 Grey "Waldorf knobs

Cost will be £0.75 each, with £2 postage/packing to the UK, £2.50 to Europe and £3.50 to the rest of the world. Payment needs to be through paypal.


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LOL. I had no idea people were still wanting knobs.

I've already sorted this with johnny as he was first to show interest.

Looks like there may be call for another order in the future, we'll see how it goes.


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crap i missed this thread.  ???  thanks anyway wilba!

bummer...those red ones would have been perfect :( does anyone know where to get these from?

Let me see what I have at home when I get these posted out. I thought I'd got everybody with this last order but ti seems not, so I will be running another one, depending on interest.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Let me see what I have at home when I get these posted out. I thought I'd got everybody with this last order but ti seems not, so I will be running another one, depending on interest.


Damn! I'm sorry I missed these!! (along with all the other bulk orders... boo hoo :'( :'( )

That was pretty much exactly the colors and quantities I wanted.

Wilba help!! I'M GONNA DIE!!

But seriously Goblinz, I'm interested if you're doing another one. I'd be keen for 30 White and 10 Grey

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Wilba hasn't been organising bulk orders of the Waldorf knobs, he's already constantly busy mining in the australian outback for SIDS, or occasionally OPL's (OPL / OPL, Opals,  see what I did there :D). Wilba managed to identify and source the knobs (please correct me if i'm wrong) and bugfight and myslef have been sorting out the large orders from the distributers.

Try looking through the last waldorf bulk order thread to get an idea of how it will work next time,  you will find a link to the wiki page in the first post.

I will open up another thread when I'm doing another order. It makes more sense (and would save time) to wait untill the PCBs/parts kits are ready, or at the very least, untill the next batch of front panels are nearing being ready. This way we hopefully will get most people included, rather than having a situation where people haven't bothered getting them because they haven't thought about the other, more vital pieces yet.

Posting an interst in other threads is a bit pointless as I'm not going to go through them when order time comes up. Please feel free to add your name to the list when I get it up and you won't get missed out.


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I missed this one for sure. Are you starting another waiting list for the next order?

No, please see above. I will start a new thread/wiki page at some point soon. People will still have a bit of a wait a while before they are at the control surface stage as the PCBs aren't here yet so I believe there is no rush ATM, feel free to PM if you feel different to this (I do understand that not everybody is building the wilbabeast). At the moemnt I'm having lots of family issues  which I need to get out of the way before i start deaing with knobs. It would be unfair for me to start an order at the moment as I don't have the time to commit to it. next month things hopefully will have calmed down a bit and we can get things rolling again.


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