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MB-SEQ V3/V4 Control Surface PCB and matching case


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hello everyone

i´m very excited about this nice project.

i´m sleepless in the night, browsing through the ucapps sites and forum for longer time now.


as I´m not so good in layouting, I would prefer to build also your design WILBA

as it´s also so damn sexy :whistle:

looking for years now for the perfect midi sequencer, I think now I found mine.

And as I´m also into modular, this sequencer interests me even more.

Don´t know, if I´m in the right thread to ask,

are there any pcbs/ parts/ kits running around?

especially the wilba desighn?

perhaps even from you, Wilba?

............ can`t wait to start soldering :w00t:

thanks for your answers :flowers:

youkon from germany

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i added my name to the wilba's PCB bulk order.

i guess i'll have to wait, as i understand the last bulk order was in January.

do i need to send a PM to Fussylizard for this ?

1000 congratulations for this great community,

TK, Wilba, Fussylizard, and much more...

best regards

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1000 congratulations for this great community,

TK, Wilba, Fussylizard, and much more...

Don't give me that much credit. I just shipped a few packages so Wilba could focus on sammichSID. :-)

I'm out of PCBs from the January order, so people wanting MB-SEQ boards should add their names to the bulk order page like you did.



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I just shipped a few packages so Wilba could focus on sammichSID. :-)

well, that's enough for a newbie like me to think this is really cool :-)

i've already ordered some composants from smashTV shop,

i will wait till i get everythings

during this time, i will read everythings i can about midibox

see you

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There is a bit of confusion regarding this recent PCB/parts bulk order in January 2010.

This was only a 2nd run of "bleeding edge prototypers" i.e. the people who will make their own panels/case.

I posted in this thread for people to email me:

Due to incessant nagging, I will run another very, very small bulk order for PCBs. Maximum of 10 places.

I will be nice and pack some Re'an knobs too, but everything else is easily purchasable from Digikey, Mouser or ALBS.de so someone else can manage that. I would REALLY love to just send a batch of 10 PCBs to someone else and let them split it out... but I doubt anyone is willing to volunteer.

I guess the PCBs might cost 35 AUD each, but I don't really know until I get a quote.

If you are interested, email me at Jason.S.Williams@gmail.com

13 PCBs reached. No more orders please.

This small bulk order was just for people who were going to build their own cases, and who were quick enough to reply (and were paying attention to the thread).

The real (big) bulk order for people who added their names to the list here:


has not happened yet, and maybe never will... the original aim was to get cheap panels/cases produced, Doug Wellington offered to run this, and stuff happened, he was away for a while, and then busy with MB-808 and other things... I've since done other things (sammichSID) and not been as motivated to run a big bulk order for PCBs/parts when the only options for cases are expensive FPE/Schaeffer panels or cheaper ones made by people with CNC routers, but unable to meet the demand of this bulk order. When I polled people who were on the list, 80% said they wanted to wait for "Doug's case", so there was no point running a big bulk order until that happened.

If you're interested in this PCB, and are happy to deal with the panel/case by yourself, I am sure they WILL be available again eventually, but I am not likely to run another bulk order for PCBs/parts while I run the sammichSID kit mill, and even after that, I'll probably take a break from kit mill stuff and actually make something for myself.

Maybe someone else who is experienced and trusted can run another small bulk order. Maybe SmashTV can stock the PCBs so you can buy them and get the parts yourself through bulk orders. I don't know what will happen.

I've done one bulk order for 37 PCBs/parts and fussylizard has done 25 or so... and combined I think we've supplied most of the experienced MIDIbox builders (i.e. the people who have built stuff before, posted often, been part of this community, or just bought stuff from me so many times before, I remember where they live). A lot of newbies who might have seen a blog picture of TK's MB-SEQ and put their name down for a "quick easy cheap" MB-SEQ solution obviously haven't been catered for. Oh well. I can't please everyone all the time. :rolleyes: I can't even find time to upgrade my MB-SEQ to V4, or even build a case for it!

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well, fair enough about the pcb/part bulk order.

i'm going on and build my own seqV4, with parts, case and everything.

but, if a bulk order happen one day, a big one or a small one,

i am still interested in this, that's why my name is still on your pcb/part bulk order.

have a good day

best regards

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That would indeed be great. I hope he reads this thread.

Anyway thanks for all the efford you already put into this project and your other projects! :console:

hi, can 't you arrange something with the folk over there at prodigy pro ? There were at least 2-3 europeans involved with case stuff.

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This may be a good time for me to pipe up and let you all know what I have been up to...

Since I was on the second run of bleeding edge panels, I decided I was going to get a case fabricated to fit the SEQ4 Panel. So i started up Turbocad and came up with a design... Wilba was nice enough to provide me with the backplane pcb files so that I could make sure my drawing is accurate and that everything fits together properly. My goal was do design a case that was as low profile as possible and included a place for Wilba's MBSEQ pcb and panel (which was extended a small amount), core32, 2x IIC Midi boards, and an Aout_NG. I've got to say it has all come together pretty well, but needs minor tweaks (the spacing inside is extremely tight in some places). My front panel should be here tomorrow from FPE which will confirm that I made a mistake and my nice optrex displays do not fit in the standard wilba front panel (doh! realized the mistake too late). I'm hoping that I am wrong though.

I'll post a couple of pictures of the design tonight, but may pass the project on to someone else as I'm not sure whether I actually need a SEQ4 for myself anymore. I haven't decided quite yet.

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My front panel should be here tomorrow from FPE which will confirm that I made a mistake and my nice optrex displays do not fit in the standard wilba front panel (doh! realized the mistake too late). I'm hoping that I am wrong though.

What makes you think the Optrex displays won't fit? They fit my panel, even though the mount holes are a little wider apart (vertically) than other standard 2x40 LCDs.

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What makes you think the Optrex displays won't fit? They fit my panel, even though the mount holes are a little wider apart (vertically) than other standard 2x40 LCDs.

As far as I remember, the problem was that the display that is raised from the pcb goes between the mounting holes on the right... I can't recheck that right now, but the panel arrived today, so I'm crossing my fingers that I am wrong.


Though, I'm pretty sure I"m going to sell off all of the parts and not build this anyway. Wilba, would you be interested in taking on the design?

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These are not quite finished, but i have been messing with infill colours -




The panels are the same as Phil's build a page up in the thread, but with different coloured infills. You can see a couple of mb6582 panels creaping in at the side also : )

The mbseq panels are not yet complete - i still have the rear side milling to do, and i have some acrylic in that i want to use to make up some screens. Theyre not even properly cleaned up yet (oily smudges!), but im really just posting here to show the infilling.

The different colours are -

Natural (ie no infill)



Green (i like this : )



I tried some with blue and purple also, but they were maybee a little dark against the black?

I think the different colours will look very good with black button caps, and a similar colour of LCD screen to the infill (which is part of the reason i choose lots of different colours)

Interested to know what people think of the colours?


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I like the green as well, it matches my EL backlight :)


I thought your displays were blue?

This is the tone of blue i have -


But it seemed too dark against the black metal?

Its not that much fun (you have to scrub with solvents and a toothbush for some time) but if you ever feel real strongly about it, its possible to change the colour of the infill on your panel.

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ps. do you have the plastic for your panel's screens yet?

if the ones im cutting for the above batch work out correctly, ill cut a coupld extra for you, and mail them over...

I found a sheet of 2mm perspex at the office but to be honest, cut with a dremel and stuck on with uhu they look a bit crap so that would be great if you could :)



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Re: julianf

Awesome work! Is this what we need to get a run of panels and WilbaSEQ PCBs on the way? Or has the motivation run dry? (Yes I did see Wilba's post a few days ago.)

If it's a happening thing I'd be happy to help with whatever organising I could.


I guess I'm assuming two things (typical of me, sorry):

1) Would julianf (or somebody else) be prepared or able to produce a large quantity of panels?

2) Would Wilba (or somebody else) be prepared to order a large quantity of PCBs and ship them? From Wilba's previous post, probably he is not keen to do this.

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I thought your displays were blue?

They are a sort of bluey green......

Its not that much fun (you have to scrub with solvents and a toothbush for some time) but if you ever feel real strongly about it, its possible to change the colour of the infill on your panel.

I am perfectly happy with the white, I don't want to take it to bits "again" :)


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A quick question about the PCB: Is there a schematic/diagram showing how the LED/Buttons SR matrix is connected?

I am trying to find out the SR/Pins of the extra LED and Buttons to assign them on the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file. If I understood correctly:

-There's one unused LED on J3. What SR/Pin is it using?

-The extra buttons on U6, out of the matrix:

I see that the Datawheel button goes to U6 pin 12 and the GP encoder buttons to pin 11. I also noticed that the other side of U6, pins 3-6, are free. That would make 6 extra assignable buttons. Can somebody please confirm that I got this correct:

U6 Pin 11  is  SR 6 Pin 0  on the HW file (GP encoder Buttons)

U6 Pin 12  is  SR 6 Pin 1  on the HW file (Datawheel Button)

U6 Pin  3  is  SR 6 Pin 4  on the HW file

U6 Pin  4  is  SR 6 Pin 5  on the HW file

U6 Pin  5  is  SR 6 Pin 6  on the HW file

U6 Pin  6  is  SR 6 Pin 7  on the HW file

Many thanks again.

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I have tested these extra buttons. The table in my previous post seems to be correct.

Now to find the LED.




I found the extra J3 LED --> SR 17 Pin 0.

If I am not wrong, I also noticed that there are another 3 free matrix positions: SR 19 Pin 0, SR 20 Pin 3, SR 21 Pin 0. These do not have jumpers on the board and I have not checked how hard it will be to add these LEDs.

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