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MIDIbox SEQ V3.3


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...is now available for download: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

Most of the requested features of the last months (but also my private wishes) have been implemented (hope that the guys are still reading this forum ;))

-> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_changelog.html

The remaining feature requests can be found at the bottom of CHANGELOG.txt

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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This makes me want to get my seq up and running even more!

I had a thought about a mode for switching the 16 encoders from adjusting step parameters to adjusting CC and sending them at the midi outs for live control uses. Does the seq already do this? I just thought it would be a nice way for people to kinda get a MB16 for free! Maybe a f1-4 button would work for this?

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TK, you're simply the GREATEST!!!  :D So bad I'm about 1600km far away from my SEQ and wait almost a month to test this new thing :(

I've read CHANGELOG.txt, and noticed this thing: "additional button matrix handling for Wilba's frontpanel PCB". Please forgive me if you already remember this, but I already did a patch to support a 8x8 button matrix. Although it's just a dirt hack, I hope this will make your future work easier.

Best regards,


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Thank you! Nice to see that you find the new features useful :)

I had a thought about a mode for switching the 16 encoders from adjusting step parameters to adjusting CC and sending them at the midi outs for live control uses. Does the seq already do this? I just thought it would be a nice way for people to kinda get a MB16 for free! Maybe a f1-4 button would work for this?

Yes, this is already possible with the mixer. 32 CCs per page are free assignable, + Volume/Panorama/Program Change for each channel strip, and there are 128 mixer pages stored in a separate BankStick.

I've read CHANGELOG.txt, and noticed this thing: "additional button matrix handling for Wilba's frontpanel PCB". Please forgive me if you already remember this, but I already did a patch to support a 8x8 button matrix. Although it's just a dirt hack, I hope this will make your future work easier.

I think that I know how to program a 8x8 matrix and integrate it perfectly into MBSEQ ;) (basically I will re-use the same routines and concepts like for MBSID V2)

In difference to your version, it will be possible to use a 8x8 button matrix + the 16x4 BLM in parallel.

I will do the implementation once I got a prototype board from Wilba - just in time :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Just had a good play with the polyphonic recording => Awesome!!

This sequencer is truly a masterpiece..

As I use the J5 Trigger outs, I enabled this and re-compiled this, but I can't seem to get the trigger outs to work..


I've done this with the previous SEQ3 OS, and that worked fine.. Any Ideas?

Am I missing something? Can anyone else verify this?



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Very well done - thanks a lot TK!

The polyphonic recording works with no problems for me, just a bit tricky when playing 16th chords. But that's probably just my lame playing  ::)

I also like the tap tempo function, very clever idea to start on the fifth beat (whoever came up with that).

Still got to get my head around the SyncToMeasure, never used it before.

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This sequencer is truly a masterpiece..


As I use the J5 Trigger outs, I enabled this and re-compiled this, but I can't seem to get the trigger outs to work..

I checked this and found an initialisation error in the J5_IO module (IO pins were in high-impedance state). Therefore I released a new MBSEQ version (v3_3a) and a new mios_base package (for programmers). Sidenote: MBSID V2 is probably affected as well, although I haven't noticed a problem with the gates during the last jam session - I've to doublecheck this, it's very strange (maybe PIC18F4685 has a different reset value for TRISA/TRISE)

The polyphonic recording works with no problems for me, just a bit tricky when playing 16th chords. But that's probably just my lame playing  ::)

Btw.: I found out, that with a trick it's possible to record polyphonic notes stepwise, and improved this a bit in v3_3a. The normal step recording function doesn't work so well with chords, as each note of the chord will move the position pointer one step forward. But if realtime recording is selected, and the sequencer is stopped, the step pointer won't be moved, and can be directly controlled with GP encoder #6 below the "step" item.

Update: polyphonic step recording supported in v3.3c

Means in other words: you can select the step where you want to enter a chord without "realtime stress" ;)

With v3_3a, the previous chord of a newly selected step will be cleared properly even when the sequencer is stopped.

For future releases I'm planning to provide a third recording mode which allows step recording without auto-increment

I also like the tap tempo function, very clever idea to start on the fifth beat (whoever came up with that).

I came to this idea when I had to find a solution to determine the time between the taps accurately enough before starting the sequencer. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I checked this and found an initialisation error in the J5_IO module (IO pins were in high-impedance state)

Sorry, I shoulda said something... I saw that earlier but I figured it was meant to be that way

(I was ensuring my sram driver wouldn't cause problems using that port)

I've to doublecheck this, it's very strange (maybe PIC18F4685 has a different reset value for TRISA/TRISE)

I checked that too and didn't see any difference, but I wouldn't take that as gospel.... please let me know what you find :)

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For future releases I'm planning to provide a third recording mode which allows step recording without auto-increment

Would it be possible to assign a key to a "Rest", so when entering a pattern (step time) , say the "Low C" would be the equivalent of a rest? This would enable one to enter a riff etc with rests without having to adjust the step knob.

Not a huge ask, but I would find it useful. (Maybe others too)

Also, I've tried out the gates and they are working great..

Also Also, I just noticed that pressing the one of the four "track" buttons twice quickly gets you to the 17-32 view for that track.. is this new or did I just find it? Either way! Brilliant!



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"Sync to Measure"

When enabled, the pattern seems to loose it's timing by a few clicks.. enough to make it sound sloppy. (Less than a 16th out)

Yep, I had the same experience.

As I never used sync to measure before, I thought I didn't use it correctly, but I can't get it to sync properly.

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Would it be possible to assign a key to a "Rest", so when entering a pattern (step time) , say the "Low C" would be the equivalent of a rest? This would enable one to enter a riff etc with rests without having to adjust the step knob.

Yes, I could provide some more Remote Key functions to control step recording mode.

Which functions could be useful: step left/right/clear/repeat last entry?)

Seems like there is a problem with the "Sync to Measure"

When enabled, the pattern seems to loose it's timing by a few clicks.. enough to make it sound sloppy. (Less than a 16th out)

Oops again! :-/ Was related to the last "quick" changes - also the beat LED was not working properly.

It's fixed in v3_3b

imagine it would not be too difficult to allow tap tempo using a MIDI note#?

Should be possible (nice idea to control the tempo with a bassdrum ;)) - I've to think about a good place for the configuration. I guess that you want to define the MIDI channel as well? The metronome configuration page has some free room, maybe I will add it there.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think i have noticed something that has changed!

Maybe a bugg!!

Goto layer asingment!

Press Layer A

Turn a GP encoder or push a GP button...

Now you are back in layer asignments.... Think all menues work the same way...

Think it would be nicer if you could jump to the track with Trigger and Layer!!

Hope you gys understand what I ment!!

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Sorry to bump in on doors question.

I was thinking about live uses and thought about this. Is there some kind of function for repeating steps? I am not refering to multi-trigger of the step. I am thinking about actualy repeating the current step multiple times (going back in time I guess) by press + hold function button and twisting the tempo knob at the same time to make stuttering drum and bass style play.

Maybe the timing of the repeat can be determined by the master divider? I imagine this would make for another parameter in a menu page. I was also thinking if this concept is possible for a single track,muliple selectable tracks or all tracks. One dedicated button for single-multi tracks and one button for all tracks. I don't quite know how doing only certain tracks would work but these are all just thoughts.

About the tempo control. I was thinking the tempo knob would adjust either the tempo while pressing the pattern repeat or adjust the divider and possibly having the original value stored in memory so when you let go of the pattern repeat button, your original tempo or divider will be back and your still in the groove. Maybe even sending the multiple repeats to the midi outs on/off for extra wierd stuff?

Maybe doing any of this at any step or even only at the first step is not possible at all. :( I am no code master and maybe only half of this idea would work. If there is anything I can add or adjust in the text editor asm to at least do a repeat function that would be a start.


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I think i have noticed something that has changed!

Maybe a bugg!!

Yes, this has been changed, but it is a feature :)

Goto layer asingment!

Press Layer A

This will show the edit screen so long you press&hold the layer button, and the message will disappear 2 seconds after the button has been depressed.

Very nice for quickly checking, which events are played by a track without changing into the edit screen. You don't need to remember, how to enter the current menu page again.

It's especially nice in conjunction with the step recording function, because it allows you to check the recorded values without leaving recording mode.

Turn a GP encoder or push a GP button...

Now you are back in layer asignments.... Think all menues work the same way...

yes, because it's only a layer display, and not layer edit mode

Think it would be nicer if you could jump to the track with Trigger and Layer!!

Really? Why not pressing the edit button if you want to edit a layer?

I was thinking about live uses and thought about this. Is there some kind of function for repeating steps? I am not refering to multi-trigger of the step. I am thinking about actualy repeating the current step multiple times (going back in time I guess) by press + hold function button and twisting the tempo knob at the same time to make stuttering drum and bass style play.

Maybe the timing of the repeat can be determined by the master divider? I imagine this would make for another parameter in a menu page. I was also thinking if this concept is possible for a single track,muliple selectable tracks or all tracks. One dedicated button for single-multi tracks and one button for all tracks. I don't quite know how doing only certain tracks would work but these are all just thoughts.

Without too much effort I could add following functions to the existing code:

   - replaying the current step of selected tracks so long a special button is pressed

   - after releasing the button function, either continue with the next step, or continue with the step which would be played if you wouldn't activate the function (in other words: if you activate the function for 4 16th note steps, the track would continue with the 5th step)

     I think that both possibilities are useful. The first matches with your descriptions, the second has the advantage that the track is in-synch again with other tracks once you release the button

   - optional 2x, 3x or 4x multi-triggers per step

About the tempo control. I was thinking the tempo knob would adjust either the tempo while pressing the pattern repeat or adjust the divider and possibly having the original value stored in memory so when you let go of the pattern repeat button, your original tempo or divider will be back and your still in the groove. Maybe even sending the multiple repeats to the midi outs on/off for extra wierd stuff?

So, you want to speed up the step progression and clock dividers in addition. Thats possible, but it wouldn't allow to synchronize back to the other tracks before the next measure is reached. Is this acceptable?

Maybe a special menu page would be helpful, where you can tweak multiple speed/repeat/step behaviour parameters which control this special function, so that everybody can decide by himself, which settings are working best with his style.

If there is anything I can add or adjust in the text editor asm to at least do a repeat function that would be a start.

haha - no ;)

But I find these experimental features attractive. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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