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A new driver is available for DOG displays

A precompiled test application is available in the MIOS Download section, and a schematic here

They are looking sexy, no? :)



And these are btw. the fastest LCDs I ever tested! (benchmark result: 1.61 mS!)

And the power consumption of the backlight is extremely low, so that the 7805 of a core module doesn't get hot.

Backlight colour and display variant can be freely combined - just select the colours you like.

(I'm using a "EA DOGM163S-A" with black background, combined with the white backlight "EA LED55X31-W"

There is enough space under the LCD to stuff some additional components, like a "DINX1":




Only Drawback I've noticed so far: currently no displays with 20 characters per line are available - it would be the ideal solution for MBSID V2. And two displays could be combined to a 40 column display.

For applications which don't rely on special sizes, like MB64, MB64E, MBCV, etc... these displays are recommented from my side to everybody, who wants to give his MIDIbox frontpanel a special touch :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ahh I do love these!

Has anyone ever asked if they can do a run of 20 character displays? maybe we would be lucky :)

Edit: nILS you shoulda just asked, I had a driver half written about two years ago when smash put me onto these :)

It's just the 16 char thing that stopped me.... darnit :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

These dog displays look great!

If anyone is interested, I have found a supplier in the UK called mmselectronics.

I also notice that there are also 128x64 and 128x32 graphic modules available now, it would be really good if they worked with MB, they use the sam SPI interface as the character ones so hopefully it is possible.....





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  • 2 months later...

Hi all.

I have now written a driver (well hacked one together) for these displays....

I have also written an SPI based driver for the 16x3 character LCD's. Technically it should be possible to have up to 8 of either the character or graphic displays. I was thinking about looking at combining the two into one driver but I don't think that MIOS allows mixing of GLCD/CLCD?

Anyway here is a picture of the GLCD, it is 128x64, I went with the amber backlight although there are many other options just like the CLCD version.

You will notice that it requires 8x 1uF capacitors, this removes the need for a high voltage supply for the LCD.

Once I have sorted out and tidied-up the driver, I will commit it.



p.s. Apologies for the crap picture, I hadn't realised how difficult it is to take a picture of an LCD!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, would be nice if you could add this driver as well. "dog_spi" sounds ok

MIOS: In order to select the display, just add a "USER_LCD_Select" function (with exactly this name) to the driver, it would make it compatible to clcd_multi

MIOS32: the function to select a LCD device is already part of MIOS32, the LCD number is stored in mios32_lcd_device. This function is only used for CLCD drivers, as we need to address the displays separately once special characters should be initialized. GLCD drivers usually allow to combine multiple displays to a big screen without any restrictions, so that a device selection isn't required.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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tk and phil: thank you!

i'm really looking forward to being able to get what i want out of my live controller.  this is gonna rock.

for those who don't know:  this is for a $15 touchpad that can be attached to the low cost DOG character lcds (the m size) available at mouser.

so now we all have the ability to put touchscreens on our midiboxes for x/y pads and menus. :)

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