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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Update Complete!


Hey there, I just like you to know that I am very, very glad and full of motivation to work with my midibox again.

Originally built in 2005, the "baby" has now made the next step.

It was updated from V2 to V4, which was not too difficult beside the hardware button configuration.

Encoders are no longer flickering due to the non-detended option and the amount of functions is just crazy.





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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a feature request, which may or may not be doable. I would like to use one of my lre8x2cs boards with my Sequencer. I am using Wilba's panel and envision plugging the lre8x2cs into the J2 on the CS PCB. My request is whether or not we could have a setup page to assign the encoders and switches on the lre8x2cs to various parameters? My plan is to use the first 8 to control the CV outs that are controlling two of the sm2044 pcbs, and the other 8 for various things like LFO's and midi delay parameters. Would this be possible in some form?




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Hi Alex,


such a feature would require a some mapping tables which are very hard to maintain! :-/

(effort that I don't really want to spend by myself)


You could use a second core and run the MBNG firmware on it. It could send NRPN parameters to the MBSEQ: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2Fdoc%2Fmbseqv4_cc_implementation.txt


A direct access to the CV outputs is currently not provided via NRPN, but I could add this if you go this route.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks TK,


That sounds like a good option... I am in the process of switching from the STM32 to the LPC core on my sequencer due to never being able to get either of my AOUT_NG's to work with the core32... They work fine with the LPC.


In your suggested solution, would I be able to hook the AOUT up to the sequencer core? If so I can use my stm32 for the MBNG end, if not then I would get another LPC built... I would of course prefer to be able to use the STM32.




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Hi Alex,


yes, you can use the STM32 core for MBNG, and the LPC17 core for MBSEQ with AOUT.

It will be possible to access the AOUT channels directly via NRPN


In addition (but this is unrelated to your request, just a general informations for others), I'm planning a new routing option which allows to send MIDI events to the selected MIDI port/channel of the 16 tracks.

It will work the following way: if an external MIDI controller (such as MBNG) sends MIDI events to MBSEQ over channel 1, the events will be routed to the selected MIDI port and channel of Track #1

Channel 2 will be routed to the MIDI port/channel of Track #2, etc.


This will significantly simplify the integration of MIDI controllers and keyboards! :smile:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Great, exciting!!! I got my LPC core hooked up to wilba's front panel, confirmed it works with jbdiver's aout/gate breakout PCB (except that gate 8 is gate 7 and gate 7 is routed wrong due to a difference between J5c on stm and j28 on lpc). I am getting a hardfault anytime I try to copy files to and from the sd card and my laptop... I only get the hardfault with the seq firmware and not with the NG. I am getting around it by inserting my SD card directly into my laptops sd port.





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I guess that it crashes when the MSD driver is activated, right? This could be related to a RAM consumption issue again.


You could use the MIOS Filebrowser instead, did you already try it?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new release is available:


MIDIboxSEQ V4.071

   o if not in song mode, the Rew/Fwd buttons can now be used to select the step view.

   o the MIDI router provides the new destination "Track".

     If this destination is selected, incoming MIDI events will be routed to the
     MIDI port and channel of a track depending on the incoming MIDI channel number.

     Usecase: MIDI events, such as CC or Notes, should be sent from a master keyboard
     or MIDI controller to synths which are assigned to different port and MIDI channels
     in the track configuration.
     Just select the track with the MIDI channel on your keyboard/controller, the router
     will take care that the events reach the right destination.

   o it's now possible to send a CC when a track has been selected.
     This feature allows to synchronize the track selection with a DAW.
     It has to be configured in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file (search for TRACK_CC in hwcfg/*/MBSEQ_HW.V4)



@Alex: sorry, your requested feature to control AOUT channels via NRPN needs some more time.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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A new version is available:


MIDIboxSEQ V4.072

   o support for the "single_usb" option, which can be enabled with the
     bootloader update application V1.012 ("set usb_single 1")

     Use this option if you are working with a Windows PC which can't handle
     the 4 USB ports correctly (e.g. stucking MIDI, Filebrowser operations are failing, etc.)



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick question: I am trying to set up a track to output to 2 sources, and can't figure out how. Here is what I am trying to do. I am using the ssm2044 board, and controlling it through the AOUT_NG connected to my seq v4. I would like one track to control both cuttoff's and another track to control both resonance's. So track 1 would route to AOUT ports 1 and 3, and track 2 would route to AOUT ports 2 and 4. Is this possible? I'm running a stereo source through the ssm2044 and would find it much less cumbersome to be able to control it with 2 tracks as opposed to 4... If this isn't a feature already, would it be possible to add in the future?




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I much appreciate the MidiRouter "Track" Destination introduced in V4.071


however I slightly changed the code for my purpose so that the router sends incoming midi to the port and channel of the currently selected track:


@Line 91 of seq_midi_router.c


else if( n->dst_chn >= 18 ) { // Trk
        fwd_port = SEQ_CC_Get(SEQ_UI_VisibleTrackGet(), SEQ_CC_MIDI_PORT);
        fwd_package.chn = SEQ_CC_Get(SEQ_UI_VisibleTrackGet(), SEQ_CC_MIDI_CHANNEL);


I didn't investigate the code very deeply, and thus I have no clue of any possible conflicts nor reliability... but up till now it works for me!!!

I'm no programmer, so I'm far from adding this as additional option instead of replacing.

Maybe you programming-goddess can add this option in the future...


btw: with the above code, the compiler gives a warning... do I have to declare the Type of SEQ_UI_VisibleTrackGet() in SEQ_CC_Get(........)?

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You've to #include <seq_ui.h> to get the declarations.


The change could lead to issues with Note On/Off if you hold a note and change the track.

However, the "Live Play" function is doing exactly the same - and it remembers the open Note On commands to avoid hanging notes. It can even apply effects! :smile:

Just select Utility->Live (GP#11) to configure this function.


So, actually there is no need for such a (redundant) enhancement.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have to admit, that I'm far from knowing all the functions of the SEQ V4

that is because it is simply so unbelievable AWESOME :hyper:  ...and I feel like a kiddy turning notes on and off :hyper:


however the mentioned redundancy makes sense, to me at least:

While in Live mode I've finished with programming Sequences and want to play with 'em

But with this option it's possible to quickly play notes from a keyboard during programming of a sequence...


Maybe I still didn't understand live mode completely.... ? I took some time last evening in learning all the functions but stuck in the track-direction-menu-page twiddling around till late in the night :sleep:  FANTASTIC......


Since this weekend spring time and barbecue season will finally start... I guess it's time for spending a beer or two to you TK!  

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Ok, for the case that it's really useful for other people, the enhancement is now part of the official release.


MIDIboxSEQ V4.073

   o bugfix for "single_usb" option

   o the MIDI router provides the new destination "Sel.Trk"

     Usecase: MIDI events, such as CC or Notes, should be sent from a master keyboard
     or MIDI controller to the MIDI port and channel of the currently selected track.



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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