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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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complete noob here, though I'm no stranger to h/w sequencers (P3, cirklon, zyklus, octopus, nemo, notron....) & I haven't been using the midiseq for very long BUT I think I've found something that doesn't work as I'd expect:


I have two tracks playing in track group one, on adjacent midi channels. I go to the transpose page, select both tracks at once (& the transpose page is saying G1TM as I'd expect) but only track one is getting the transpose.


machine is running 4.088.


duncan (r.m.i.)

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oh, & another thing..... roll. the switchng on & off of roll events applied to steps. doesn't seem to work using the step switches, & it's also unreliable (not to mention inconvenient) to take it off with the encoders; sometimes this doesn't make any difference either.


it'd be ideal, really, to be able to preselect a roll value that will work with the rhythm of the composition you are working on, select it for all the steps where you might need it & then simply switch it on/off with the trigger layer buttons.



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I have two tracks playing in track group one, on adjacent midi channels. I go to the transpose page, select both tracks at once (& the transpose page is saying G1TM as I'd expect) but only track one is getting the transpose.


It works at my side, e.g. select Track 2 & 3, go to transpose change -> octave and semitone transpose changes take place for both tracks.

I need more information to reproduce the issue.



the switchng on & off of roll events applied to steps. doesn't seem to work using the step switches, & it's also unreliable (not to mention inconvenient) to take it off with the encoders; sometimes this doesn't make any difference either.


no problem here - could it be that there is a problem with the buttons of your MBSEQ?

Does this also occur with other trigger switches, or only with Roll?



it'd be ideal, really, to be able to preselect a roll value that will work with the rhythm of the composition you are working on, select it for all the steps where you might need it & then simply switch it on/off with the trigger layer buttons.


Well, where should such a configuration item be placed... finding free places in available pages is the biggest issue ;-)


However, did you know that roll can also be controlled from a parameter layer?

This gives you much more freedom (-> more variance)

Actually the trigger layer based roll only exists due to legacy reasons, the parameter layer based Roll/Roll2 is much more useful


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi again-

I'm trying to transpose tracks 1 & 2 together. as I said, the display tells me I have multiple tracks selected for editing, but only the one I was in when I selected the other one gets transposed. so if I have been editing in track 1, then change to track 2, then hold down track 2's button & select track 1, the display changes but only track 2 gets transposed.


let me have another look at how I've been using the roll function. I think I've been invoking it through a trigger layer, since that seems intuitive, & I think it might be a bit broken. I use the switches to enable/disable it on a step, & dial in a value using the encoders. now, when there's a value displayed, the button doesn't switch the roll in & out like I'd expect. also, sometimes I turn the roll off with the encoder instead, & still get a slight roll- more of a double trigger- at the event.

what I'd want to do is dial in the correct value for the timing of the track (& any audio echo I might be applying), & then switch it on & off using the step buttons, so I could drop rolls into a track while it's playing.... it'd be cool if they could switch themselves in & out too, semi-randomly.... on the P3, you'd apply a mask to an aux carrying the repeat event to achieve this.

but I'll have a look at the parameter layer version first too.



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I'm trying to transpose tracks 1 & 2 together. as I said, the display tells me I have multiple tracks selected for editing, but only the one I was in when I selected the other one gets transposed. so if I have been editing in track 1, then change to track 2, then hold down track 2's button & select track 1, the display changes but only track 2 gets transposed.


Both tracks get transposed at my side, regardless in which order the tracks have been selected.


Just to be sure: can you transpose the first track when only this one is selected?


Could you please pack your session subdirectory into a .zip file and attach it to this thread?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I'm wondering if the transpose thing is because one of the two tracks was created in jam mode.... it's still exhibiting this behaviour despite changing the jam track to T&A though...


the session I've been playing with is the first one that loads from the attached zip; I don't know what the other stuff is in there- previous owner.




the roll thing.... what I mean is, use the parameter layer roll settings to set the number of repeats & their spacing, & the trigger layer to switch them on & off. this way, you can preset the roll vallues you want against each/all of the steps, then enable/disable the rolls using the trigger layer. otherwise, when you want a roll, you have to scroll through the values to get to the one you want, & the sequence will play one or two incorrect rolls while you are doing this.




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I'm wondering if the transpose thing is because one of the two tracks was created in jam mode....


No; the notes which are visible on the screen will be transposed, just straightforward without special dependencies.

And the firmware uses the standard function to change octave/semitone transpose values, the function itself takes care for multi-track selections.

Which means: if you notice such a problem in the transpose page, you would notice the same in most other pages where the standard function is used.



it's still exhibiting this behaviour despite changing the jam track to T&A though...


Could you please explain a bit further what you mean with this?


It would really be helpful if you could explain the steps which are required to reproduce the problem, such as:

- power-on

- MENU+GP7 (Transpose)

- Push&Hold Track1, Push Track2: both tracks should be selected

- press GP10 to change Octave Transpose from +0 to +1


I tried the "TUTOR2" session that you gave me, but without success - meanwhile I assume that we are speaking about different pages.



the roll thing.... what I mean is, use the parameter layer roll settings to set the number of repeats & their spacing, & the trigger layer to switch them on & off. this way, you can preset the roll vallues you want against each/all of the steps, then enable/disable the rolls using the trigger layer. otherwise, when you want a roll, you have to scroll through the values to get to the one you want, & the sequence will play one or two incorrect rolls while you are doing this.


Ok, this is an easy enhancement and it's also no critical change, since people who want to use the function have to reconfigure track assignments (so: they have to know what they are doing) -> no compatibility issues to be solved.


Try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_089_pre2.zip


Change to the Menu+GP9 (Trigger) page, disable the Roll trigger assignment (normally C), and assign RollGate (displayed as "RollG" under GP10) to C

-> rolls will only be played if the RollGate is set, and the Roll or Roll2 parameter layer doesn't show "----" for the step.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thanks again for the quick response, & I'll get that 089 loaded in a minute.


from power on, in group one of sessions/tutor2, I've got stuff in the first three tracks.

I do exactly what you say- I have tracks one & two playing, track three is muted for now.

I go into the transpose menu & hold down the track one button while pressing track two.

the display now reads G1TM.

if I alter the octave setting, only track one gets transposed.

the only way to transpose track two is to select it on its own (so the display then reads G1T2).


I cleared both patterns & built new ones in their place, still the same thing.


is there a way to initialise the whole machine?



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ok, I got the new f/w loaded after a bit of futzing.... still learning the machine.... got MIOS studio working on this mac, all good.


here's a zip that contains the session with my two patterns... see if you can figure out what I'm doing wrong!


but the roll gate works perfectly, exactly what I wanted. at the moment I'm just using it to turn ratcheting on/off in a berlin school sort of way, but eventually it will be used for drums too.




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I cleared both patterns & built new ones in their place, still the same thing.


I think that I found the issue:

Track 1 has Octave Transpose +0

Track 2 has Octave Transpose -1


If both tracks are selected and the configuration of Track 1 is visible, Transpose +0 has no effect

If both tracks are selected and the configuration of Track 2 is visible, Transpose -1 has no effect

Because the global parameter handling function breaks if the changed value is equal to the visible value.
So, if you would select +1 instead after power-on, the change takes place, and that's the reason why I haven't noticed this. ;-)
Please try this update:
Change should take place independent from the visible value now (for all parameters, not only transpose)
Best Regards, Thorsten.
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ah, I see.... a relative-vs-absolute thing? bad news is it's still not working.


I'm uploading the hex file for the stm32f4 using the mios studio 2.4.6. on a mac running 10.10.3, & the unit responds as I'd expect ("one error, which can be ignored")


I'm leaving the f/w config file as it is though, because this unit is set up to drive a TPD. which now writes my name when the machine boots.


it's no biggy this- eventually I'd be using a loopback from another pattern to do the transposing & scale changes. if I had a wishlist, a more flexible configuration of the mixer pages would be quite a bit higher up....   


anyway, thanks again for looking into this.



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too bad that this wasn't the reason - it was the last hope that such a minor issue could be the reason.



ah, I see.... a relative-vs-absolute thing?


No, this comparison is important for the case that somebody wants to record parameter changes with an external DAW. The MBSEQ UI will only send actual changes via CC to simplify editing of the recorded data.


if I had a wishlist, a more flexible configuration of the mixer pages would be quite a bit higher up....   


Mixer page extensions are expensive (resource & conceptional effort wise) and have to be prioritized with other items in the wish list.


I won't work on major features extensions in the next 2..3 months, so don't try to request everything which comes into you mind, instead please start exploring the given possibilities first and try to consolidate your ideas so that they fit into the given framework (and into the $10 chip of the core module which sets the limits as well ;-))


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

I experienced something since version 88 about wich I am not sure if it is intended:

When i press stop or pause while playing, the sequencer stops midi output but the chaselight on my 4x16BLM keeps running.

Als o the paly button and pause or stop button are blinking.

Pushing the play button while the sequencer is runnig does no longer cause a jump back to „1“


Best Regards,


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  • 4 weeks later...


I noticed that the state of Jam page option <i>Fwd</i> is not saved when you save a session, but it's always <i>on</i> when you open a session. (I'm using 4.088.) It's not a big deal, but the <i>Fwd on</i> setting interferes with the MIDI Router setup I have for my "base session" where I always start working. I need to turn the <i>Fwd</i> option off manually every time, and it would be nice if this wasn't necessary, but instead the state was saved.

A few details on my setup: I have one MIDI controller keyboard and one (small) synthesizer keyboard . I select a channel on the controller and the router routes is everywhere (so it will play the synth that is listening to that channel), whereas the keyboard-synth is always on channel 1 (with local off), and the router routes the notes played on it to whatever is selected with the Group/Track buttons on the SEQ4. This way I can play whichever synth with both of the keyboards – including the keyboard-synth with the controller, if 37 keys are not enough for a two-hand-piano style playing, for example.

However, if the Jam page <i>Fwd</i> option is on and I control the keyboard-synth (on ch.1) with the controller (on ch.1), the <i>Fwd</i> option will forward the notes I play on the controller (which are supposed to play only the keyboard-synth on ch.1) to the synth that is selected on the SEQv4 as well. This means I cannot control the keyboard-synth's synth engine with the controller AND at the same time use the keyboard-synth's keyboard to play some other synth.

This is a relatively small thing and if changing this involves complications, it's probably not worth it, but it took a while to realise that the Jam page <i>Fwd</i> option has this effect, and that the fix is to switch it off manually at the beginning of every session.

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When i press stop or pause while playing, the sequencer stops midi output but the chaselight on my 4x16BLM keeps running.

Als o the paly button and pause or stop button are blinking.

Pushing the play button while the sequencer is runnig does no longer cause a jump back to „1“

I think that this is intended in slave mode: the sequencer won't stop, just mute the tracks and continue in-sync

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

V4.089 has been released! From the ChangeLog:

MIDIboxSEQ V4.089

   o added DIN testmode which can be enabled from the MIOS terminal with the
     "set din_testmode on" command to display button and encoder movements.

   o added "Roll Gate" as new optional trigger layer assignment.
     It gates the Roll or Roll2 value which is configured in a parameter layer.

   o Euclid Generator: parameter layer into which the pattern will be copied
     now selectable.
     Velocity/Accent will only be changed if the first parameter layer is selected.

   o it's now possible to quickly duplicate the steps of a track:
     press&hold COPY and press the PASTE button

   o Groove page: by default, groove configuration changes are applied on all tracks now.
     It's possible to select a "local groove" by pressing GP7 button in the groove page.

   o BPM page: it's now possible to configure an output delay for each MIDI port.
     (positive and negative delays are supported - this is currently an experimental feature!)

   o fixed NoteOff in Jam Forwarding mode if FTS, Limit or Humanizer is enabled

   o NOTE: due to a RAM capacity issue, the UNDO function is currently not available
     for the LPC17 firmware

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Actually I missed to add this to the UTILITY page.

Please try this pre-release:

It comes with another new feature: the right half of the Fx->Scale screen shows the resulting keys now, which should help to get an overview about the forced notes which will be played.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to be able to add a small number of extra DIN inputs to my SEQ with the intention of sending gate signals from my modular into the SEQ and convert them to MIDI notes while I can then send out to MIDI gear connected to the SEQ. 

My usecase is taking gate signals from a Mutable Instruments Grids (+5V, 1ms), convert these to MIDI note data and then send these off to trigger my Yocto 808. 
Over the weekend I plan on putting together a standalone Gate to Midi converter using the MBNG, DIN module and STM32F4 core to experiment but this seems like overkill for a basic task. 
Is this possible?
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I'd like to be able to add a small number of extra DIN inputs to my SEQ with the intention of sending gate signals from my modular into the SEQ and convert them to MIDI notes while I can then send out to MIDI gear connected to the SEQ. 

My usecase is taking gate signals from a Mutable Instruments Grids (+5V, 1ms), convert these to MIDI note data and then send these off to trigger my Yocto 808. 
Over the weekend I plan on putting together a standalone Gate to Midi converter using the MBNG, DIN module and STM32F4 core to experiment but this seems like overkill for a basic task. 
Is this possible?

I've just done a quick test and running gate inputs from my modular in to a DIN module works perfectly (as I expected it would).




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