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Will someone build me a midi controller?


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New to this forum. Never built anything electrical before. Need a midi controller built. I live in London. Can anyone help? I can draw a blue print of what is required. I can probably even do all the prep work i.e. building a box and installing all the dials and buttons. But cant do wiring, never worked with electronics before. If anyone can help I'd be most appreciative.


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well i can guess why no-one has replied yet and thats because you have asked a question thats sort of a no-no here.

the whole purpose of this place is to learn and to build and to share your experiences, no one will build you a controller im afraid, mostly because they are too busy building thier own.

my advice is to go to ucapps.de and read up, goto the wiki and read up, read through the forums, then go back to the beginning and start again until your comfortable enough to build it yourself.

thats the only way its going to happen im afriad.

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"Sort of a no-no"? I'm offering to pay someone to build me a midi controller, and to ask that is "sort of a no-no"?, on a midi controller building website??? How pretentious!

"Too busy building their own"?? So let me get this straight, the people on here spend all their time building midi controllers... and thats all they do is it? Dont they use them at all... or sell them for that matter? They just build one, then once its built they start a new one, and so on and so on, thats why they're so busy? So if they're SO busy just building midi controllers, they must have rooms in their house dedicated to all the midi controllers they build, and what....they dont think they could sell them to someone who doesnt want to build their own??!! So no one on here has time to actually earn money by doing what they know... building midi controllers??

I'm a DJ, I spend my time practicing my scratching and DJing techniques, I'm not looking to get into building midi controllers as a hobby, I just want to pay someone to do it for me as a one off and that'll be it. I wont need any more help on the matter. I thought a forum that is dedicated to building midi controllers would be the first point of call. Maybe someone knows a builder, or could point me in the right direction. Should have known that the first responses I get would be from some jumped up geeks telling me that to offer to pay someone for their services is a "no-no" on this website.

We're in the middle of a recession and no one wants to earn themselves some extra cash by doing something they're obviously keen about. But instead tell me it's wrong to ask! Well fuck the lot of you then! You wont see me in here any more. What a shit, unwelcoming forum this turned out to be!!

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calm down please.

Midibox is a non-profit, DIY-community.

This means, that it's forbidden to sell complete midiboxes (and make a profit with that).

If you find someone who will build you a midibox "for free", that's fine then.

TK has put a LOT of work into this project and he shares it with us.

It's neither right nor allowed to make profit that way.

If you don't want to get into midiboxing, you can just go out and buy some commercial midi-controller.

Midiboxing is a lot of work, but in the end you've got your own midi-controller that is designed by you and that fits all your needs.

And I think that's worth it.

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"What a shit, unwelcoming forum this turned out to be!!

and prehaps, if you had taken the time to read all the relevent sections on the forum, ucapps.de and the wiki you would have learned that , the answer you got was the one to be expected.

and now just because your not getting the answers you want you dont like it so you throw your toys out of the pram.

to be honest any chance you may have had of someone building you any conroller has gone now and by your own attitude this has happened.

most of the guys here have families and jobs/businesses to hold down as well as having thier own freetime learning and building thier own projects, but then prehaps you didnt think of this.

as stated midibox is non profit, non commercial and as building a control surface takes time out for these guys its a lot to ask off your first post.

one thing we do is encourage people to learn, the members here help at every opportunity, had you asked for help it would have been offered where self build was concerened.

you could have got the complete kits for the modules from smashtv, each kit complete and simple to assemble, then we could have advised you where to get some cheap parts from, pots, faders etc, and then i would have helped with a case design or advised you on a prefabbed case/enclosure.

this community has a few simple rules which we all agree to when we start using thorstens applications, but most of all if your not prepared to put any effort in, no one here will put any in either.

so i suggest that if your not interested in learning, becuase you would have to learn how to use the editors and set things up anyway to use the controllers then prehaps these will be of use top you.



oh and dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Edited by ssp
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Excuse me, vinylboy, buy you were politely "pointed in the right direction". You asked about getting a controller built, and we politely informed you that MIDIbox is a DIY community. People volunteer their time helping others to build their own controllers, synths, etc. If someone wants to make money from selling one-offs or producing MIDIbox gear in bulk, using the efforts of people who donated their time for free, then those people have a right to not want that to happen. Hence the DIY only rule.

FWIW this forum is incredibly welcoming to people who come here wanting to build their own controllers etc. A few minutes of actually reading the forum would have shown you this... people come here with ideas and we help them build the controller of their dreams. If building it yourself doesn't interest you, that's fine, but there's no point complaining about the fact you've just stumbled across a community of people who don't want to build stuff for you.

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