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Building a new OPL3 from discrete components -- possible?

Green Xenon1

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I'm thinking of building my own version of the OPL3 FM synth chip without the use of frail devices. I would like this OPL3 replica to fit all the following characteristics:

1. Does not need any soldering to build

2. Is easy to physically carry around

3. Can withstand temperatures extreme enough to destroy the original OPL3 chip

4. Can withstand physical stress [such as from accidental falls] without experiencing any damage

5. Does not contain or require the use of any hazardous material [such as UV light and chemicals] for construction or operation

6. Can withstand static electricity without being damaged to any extent

7. Can withstand -- but does not use -- amperages high-enough to instantly destroy the original OPL3 chip ithout being damaged to any extent

8. Can withstand -- but does not use -- voltages high-enough to instantly destroy the original OPL3 chip without being damaged to any extent

9. Can withstand -- but does not use -- wattages high-enough to instantly destroy the original OPL3 chip ithout being damaged to any extent

10. Can withstand square-waves [e.g. clipped waveforms], spike-waves, triangle-waves, and other sharp-edged signals intense enough to immediately obliterate the original OPL3 chip without being damaged to any extent

11. Can be submerged in water without being damaged to any extent [even while running]

12. Can withstand short-circuits without being damaged to any extent

13. Is small enough that it can be easily washed in the average household bathroom sink

14. Can be vigorously cleaned with water and dried with any towel without experiencing any damage.

15. Can be disassembled and reassembled without being damaged. This is in case #13 is not possible. If #13 cannot happen, then I can wash and dry each component after disassembly and then reassemble the OPL3 after all the parts are clean and dry.

Is is possible for me to build my version of OPL3 device given the state of today technology? If not, what is the closest I can get?


Green Xenon

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The only problem I see is that the copper will tarnish when you scrub it in the toilet. :hmm:

I think maybe you want to check the AlchemyBox website... :sorcerer:

Maybe if you coat it in silicone. I guess that's what you would use to connect the components too. It would bounce as well! :whistle:

Go for it! let us know how it turns out :thumbsup:

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The only problem I see is that the copper will tarnish when you scrub it in the toilet. :hmm:

I think maybe you want to check the AlchemyBox website... :sorcerer:

Maybe if you coat it in silicone. I guess that's what you would use to connect the components too. It would bounce as well! :whistle:

Go for it! let us know how it turns out :thumbsup:

Why use the toilet? Why not a sink?

Silicon is a semiconductor. Would it be possible to use open air as a semiconductor -- with the distance of spaces between the coppers determining whether the amperage is a '1' [higher] or a '0' [lower]? These "spaces" would be gaps consisting of nothing other than air. I'd imagine the electric current would have to be an overall very high-voltage but low-amperage -- similar to electricity outputted by in stun-guns. Given the same voltage, a wider 'space' would result in a lower amperage while a closer one would result in a higher amperage.

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Someone did a breadboard Pokey:


Quite why, who knows.

Doubt you'd be able to do an OPL3 out of just copper, might need to use a bit of string and some hot glue or something as well.

Excellent, I guess this is the closest to what I'm looking for. How would I build an OPL3 using a breadboard and discrete parts only [no chips, and hopefully no PCBs]? Also, what maths would I need to know in order to build it?

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In how many forums are you asking these questions??

It's just here, and at vintage-computer.com?


Or are there more??

Get a diagram of the OPL3 and start building, air gaps, silicone, copper, the whole works, submerge it in hot resin a few times and it will be ready for it's first trip in the sink.

Good luck :)

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So many questions and so little answers :ike:

My first and probably last question for you is.....WHY?

You say less sensitive to falling. I don't see how 5 stacked PCB of 400x100mm can be less sensitive then 3 tiny IC.

More silly questions, soak the whole thing in water.....You must have been high when you wrote this topic :pinch:

Edited by Shuriken
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