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Technobreath's Poll


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  1. 1. Should technobreath be a man and loose the 30 kg of extra weight he doesn't need?

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Thanks for the encouraging words!

After having years to think of it, this took me a professional coach to tell me. It's not any surprise that u have gone up and down, you don't know how to keep the weight at a normal level once u get there. And that is so true, and the process of keeping the normal weight when I get there, starts first of all. Hehe.

The number one reason (and I seriously think it's a lot to it) for people (read: me) not managing to keep the weight normal, is that they (read: I) hehe, have been overweight most of my life since I was a kid, and I absolutely have no habits that is similar to what normal weight people have, and I do not know how to THINK like one. And the book I'm reading as part of the program, spend a lot of time on this, and it is really interesting reading. I have learnt a lot the past week on how a healthy person has his / hers relationship to food / snacks.

I know someone were craving for pictures :) hehe. That Aint gonna happen. Not that I can't show u my picture, it's already in the people's gallery - me and flemming. So if u need to see it for whatever reason - that picture shows pretty much how I look today, and I can post a picture later on :).

Hehe, I had a body scan (to see what the body consists of, and if everything is good and how much muscle, fat, proteins, minerals etc (wow I asked the operator how it worked and she had a very satisfying technical explaination hehe me like!). And it showed me what I already knew - I have far too much fat, but the muscles were way above normal too (very logical indeed). Hehe, so she said, we're gonna keep that during the training and dieting, coz to get that much muscle mass is almost impossible for a normal weighted person. So some things are positive :).

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Mkay, quitting the smokes is just as easy as I expected. I have done it before, and back then, it was no problem at all. Just as back then, I decided one day that enough was enough (I smoked a lot back then) and I threw it away. Now smoke is pretty expensive in norway, so you do NOT throw away a half full pack unless you really decided u won't need it anymore :P. This time I went all anti-enviormentalist and threw half a 20pack out the window on my way home from work (in a place nobody could see me of course :P). This was thursday afternoon, and I really hasn't been feeling the urge for it. And if it's the same as last time, I won't feel the urge at all.

So why start after quitting for so long (last time)? I started partially because I got bored, had some personal issues wich I tried to kill with smoking (it doesn't work more than 3 minutes - so don't do that... :)) Most of the latest period of smoking, I also did without anyone knowing. If people caught me smoking, I told em I had one every now and then, but the fact was that I had 10 each day. patethic yes. No doubt about it. But at the same time, it kept me from smoking more than I did ;). So when I sorta told people around me, I started to smoke more, so I guess I had about 15 each day now at the end (not comparable to the 25-30 I smoked before I quit last time)

My point here is - I will be saving a lot of money from now on (yes it really is expensive to smoke in norway - about 20 USD for a 20pack with today's currency). That is 450 dollars in one month! Even now that I write it, I can't stop being amazed by it :).

It is just stupid to think that I paid 400-450 USD a month for my bad health :P. Now, I am not becoming an anti-smoker-on-a-personal-crusade guy. I am not gonna start nagging on everyone I know who smokes. They can find out by themselfes, and honestly, I understand why people smoke - I just don't wanna do it anymore :).

Quitting smoking also end a lot of my other bad habits. I rarely smoked at home with my wife and kid, so I used to take the car for a spin, park somewhere, smoke some, and also bought a softdrink or something, and not so very seldom that softdrink was combined with a chocolate or a pack of pringles or similar :P. Now that I quit smoking, I realize that the smoking was the main trigger to those other events.

So now I'm gonna do a little calculation wich I have never done before - one month timeline:

$450 for smoke. Could be more.

$.5 for a ligher (approx.)

$500 - 540 for softdrinks!! IM SHOCKED!! :shocked:

$60 for chocolate

$40 for chips (non electronic ones :))

$70 for lunch bought on the road

These are a realistic summary of my bad habits regarding health... And I am :shocked: :shocked:

The sum each month for unhealthy expenses is $1 120.50 wich is insane! Combine this with the fact that dinners are often expensive because the shopping is done while hungry, and far too often, and much of the time on impulse. It makes up for a nice sum of money.

Now, I'm gonna live a normal life, so I'm gonna allow myself some of this in the future too:

$50 for softdrinks

$30 for beer

$0 for smokes

$5 for chips

$20 for lunch (made at home)

This is a completely other sum. And is very realistic too. (as I said many of the occations where I would buy this stuff go away by themselfes when I quit smoking):


Then the calculation that really matters:

$1 120.50 - $105 wich equals something like $1 115.50. Hehe, This is a huge amount saved each month. Wich translates into following:

(MIDIboxes I build anyway (so I don't list em here hehe)

Saving one year will give me this: http://en.gtwallpaper.com/gt/honda/honda_delsol_05.jpg - wich I don't believe even if I see the numbers on the calculator. Translation: unbelievable!

OR three of this:


OR 12-13 of these:


OK! NOW BOTH YOU AND ME GET THE IDEA. And I am both in shock and in awe, really... what should I do with those "new-found" money? I am gonna save some to have a buffer of "fuck-you-money", and I'm gonna buy myself a friggin honda del sol! :P :sorcerer:

And as I said, midibox stuff I buy anyway :P but now I'm gonna buy more, and do it and have more money at the end of the month than I had before :)

Nowdays, money means too much for us in the industrial world, no getting away from that, and since it is already so, I conclude that I have found a new motivation that is so strong that this CAN NOT be other than a success :D.

Feel free to be shocked along with me, and have a nice day!

And btw, after three days now, the cough is gone, and so is the strange noises when I breathe!

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Close to that yes :). It's very far between the times I drink beer out (pubs etc) and a can of beer cost about 5 bucks, so if I drink moderate quantities of beer, and buy it on the supermarket instead of the pub - it's gonna be perfect with 30 bucks a month yes :).


And I have a brother in law that I help from time to time with mechanical work (cars and stuff) and he always pay me with a case of beer, hehe, so freebies are welcome :P

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  • 1 month later...

hi technobreath!

i'am in the same boat than you... 125kg for 1,95M.... Since two weeks, i go swimming everyday, and even if i don't loose weigth for instance, i am feeling a LOT better.

Next step wil be too cook.. I am a good cooker, but with the many hours at work i do, i am lazy of cooking afterwork... So just take sandwichs outside... Very bad....

Don't know if you know that, but a french guy called lafay has done a sport method which seem to provide exceptionnals results, even on big mens like us...

This will be my nest step in motivation.....

Don't say you good luck, as luck is reaaly not involved here, but courage!

bye i'm with you! Flo

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Yo flo, and u others reading.

No good luck, I'm with you there... If we only depend on luck, there will be no such thing as a better life when it comes to health at least. Here's what I think,

I have been doing this big-wave for many many many years now. At least 10 years of shit. I haven't sat down and thought very much about it, but at LEAST 10-15 years. 1/2 of my life. And I have been making a lot of habbits to make sure I sustain that lifestyle. One of those habbits were, as you yourself point out with yourself - go eat out (gas stations are the most easily available junkfood places around here) a sausage, hamburger, 1/2 meter with white baguette filled with all kinds of funky fatty stuff etc etc.. And I am also good at cooking, but over the years I lost a whole bunch of creativity on that area, wich is sad.

So here's what I have found totally revolutionizing my life. Unlike anything I have tried before. http://www.beckdietsolution.com/ (not that I have tried too hard and many times - most of the time I have just been giving in..)

I have been very lucky as I am getting an expensive 6 months thing paid by our company. This involves coaching sessions based on that program. Personal trainer for 30 minutes a week, and I also train myself without personal trainer (wich is expeeeeeeeeeeeensive). I get to do this mostly in work-hours with pay. So basically all this cost about a month's salary, and I'm getting it all for free. (now flemming will come here and tease me about working for my dad, and that's fair to mention :) hehe, but it has nothing to do with this, as he has always taken care of his employees wether it's family or not - just needed to be said :P)

The program is different, since it's all based on really preparing yourself for, and making a change in your thoughts. Most of the diet'ers out there see the need for doing something. And they go on a diet. One way or another it almost 100% of the time falls through. One gives up, etc etc. One feel that when on the diet you are missing out on something that you should really be able to have.

One of the problems for most of the big people, is that the habbits they have been practicing for years stops them from thinking like a normal weight person. About every single corner of the act of putting something etible in ones mouth is altered and twisted in the mind. And that has been going on for years in most cases.

What I've learnt through my encounters with cognitive therapy - this program is based on that - (I have been doing some of that over the years - experiences that I wouldn't really want anyone to share, but experience I would never want to be without - u get me?) is that to correct a mindset that is practiced over years takes a long time. It's not something that can be rushed - it's your mind u work with, it's not a machine.

What I'm saying is, that if you want to loose weight there are two ways of doing it. First one is going on with diets, training etc etc and feel that you miss out. The second one is to alter your whole mindset and learn to think like normal persons, learn to interact with food / snacks / cakes etc like normal persons. And thus having a MUCH better chance of keeping it that way.

I now eat relativly normal, spend almost no money on food out - if you see my calculations in an earlier post, I am without problem doing better than the budget, I am drinking no soda /softdrinks without it being a special occation like birthday party or similar - and never more than a couple of glasses. I could go on and on. But the point is that I have learnt how to deal with my mind much more than dealing with my weight - and the MAIN point is really that if u want it to last - that is truly the only way to do it - deal with the mind first, and then the weightloss comes automatically as a consequence of that - and since it's more or less a result of your new (for real) lifestyle including new mindset/habbits, it will become a lot easier to keep yourself there in the future.

Most "loosers" go down and up and down and up all the time for years. What I really has been searching for is a way to break that bad circle. And I think I really got that now.

I have again started to cook a lot myself, to my wife's joy also :P. I have saved a LOT of money, and as you say flo - just by starting working out - feel a lot better. a LOT better! Swimming is very cool workout - and very good on the body too when it comes to getting hurt. There is no real danger for that when in the water. I'm not swimming a lot, but it's mostly because I do other stuff :P. I have a bad back, and some funky stuff with the knees (they squeek a lot when bending but no pain yet) so I focus a lot on workout for those big muscle groups - legs and back. I also workout the rest of the body, but let's face it - I already have a 6 pack in there - no kidding - and that's where I have my 120% over normal muscle mass. The coach said to me that that kind of mass in those areas are veery hard to achieve for normal weighted persons. So I focus on the problem areas :). But I want to keep all of that muscle mass when loosing the weight, so working out everything is really important. The amazing thing with this workout stuff I'm doing, is that you do multiple things @ once. Thus getting both aerobic workout and pure muscle workout in one session. I get the heart / lungs work hard @ the same time I plague those muscles. wich is nice, and has even more effect when you're heavy.

So luck has nothing to do with it.

You need courage to start doing something about it.

Before I would've said you need willpower to sustain but!

It's not about will power. Because will power will fail you

that's a mathematical fact!

A change in ones mindset is needed for sustaining it.

And if you dare to start doing cognitive therapy to help you with that

you are brave :D.

If any of you do not know what cognitive therapy is, I can lay it out quickly for you. In earlier times (not that long ago) the most used method for psycological therapy was the psychoanalyzis method. It is basically about searching deep into each corner of your mind and life to find the cause of problems, wether it's depression, anxiety or over-weight etc. This method takes years of therapy, and is many times not successfull at all.

Cognitive therapy is a relativly new form of psychological therapy. I think it started in the 90s (not really sure about that). Anyway, it is all about "coaching". Finding the cause of the trouble is not important for getting well. It's waay more important to learn how to tackle the problem, learn that the problem is there, and learn how to control it and control your reactions to it. It takes a lot less time to get a successful result. Still it needs the time it needs. This can't be rushed. It's a maturing process for your mind.

And one of the main arguments: Often there is no cause at all. It's just a huge collection of habbits / a twisted mindset that makes you react to stuff the way you do. There might not be a single cause to find. So in many cases a traditional psychoanalysis is chasing a phantom...

I have first hand experienced before how lifechanging cognitive therapy can be. I have a story there too, and have told it 100 times, and I'm not doing that again here - ask me once and I'll gladly share. Main point is that I was so down with depression, anxiety, etc that I wouldn't sit here today if I didn't get help. And that went on for years. Since I was a kid almost. And when I first got help it was 90% better within 3 months. Now I have learnt that I have this problem. Real problem isn't that I from time to time get episodes of depression and anxiety - that is something that every single person in this world also suffers from time to time. The real problem is learning how to react to it - learn that what u experience isn't a crisis, it's a normal thing in life, and it WILL pass. But if u dig yourself down, it can become too big fot you etc etc... I'm sure the smart ones of you can understand the point of this, and the rest of you who are just persons, also understand it :P.

THIS post became WAY too long. Sorry about that. I just thought I could explain what things I'm up to, and it also say a bit about where I'm at today.

And also, few things are as interesting to talk about as the human mind hehe. I have experience(s) that early in life made me interested in this stuff, and as I said. Some of the stuff I've been through, I don't want anyone to have to go through, but if you come out - and most do - in the other end, you / I / whoever does it, is left with a knowledge about life that is so valuable.

Anyway, until next time,

have fun!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mkay, it's now time for an update :).

Three weeks ago I had to make some serious decisions. I had to stop eating any kind of snacks as I used to do before. I wasn't loosing weight - especially since I quit smoking - makes it even hard to loose weight for a period after quitting.

After getting the wife really seriously in on my plan, it has worked pretty well. That was then. It still works ok, and it only gets better and better (I find it easier and easier to avoid snacks)

So I stepped on the scale two weeks ago, and had a look. Still the same 121.5 kg. I recon it takes a while to show.

The last two weeks people has started noticing that I lost weight. So today (at the personal trainer's office) I stepped on the scale again, and this time I was confident that I had lost weight. I know because my pants I use at work (this one: http://www.aeo.no/sites/default/files/produkt/images/394576.jpg) has started to just fall down if I open the belts ;) and I knew it didn't do that when I got it a while back. So I was confident.

Personal trainer told me to not be surprised if I lost muscle mass during this period, because it was very normal.

I have been doing lot of muscle workout, also running and rowing, but mainly muscle torture ;), So the readings today showed 118.5 kg - that is -3kg in a week. And the cool thing is that I had also gained .5 kg muscle mass :). Pretty sensational to be me. I'm now well below 120kg, which is the first time in a couple of years iirc.

So in short:

I have quit all snacks unless it's a very important occation for me (like my own birthday - I'm not gonna say no to a piece of cake) :).

I have quit smoking, and at the same time lost fat and gained muscle mas.

I'm happy today :). The road ahead just got a bit easier.

I have three main goals - have had them since I started this thing.

1. I will get better health in general

2. I will be able to keep my head high in positions where I earlier would've hidden away because my fat ;)

3. I will be able to purchase clothes without exploding in frustration that nothing really fits :).

So today I really saw that my efforts the last weeks have shown result, and that makes it very much easier to carry on :).

Stay tuned ;)

EDIT: No idea why the posting was doubled up... ;) deleted.

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  • 4 months later...

Consistency is definetly a key.

I've been laying off the hard work for a period now. But still didn't go all the way out of my new habits luckily. I don't know what have happened in between my last update and now, but three weeks the numbers were 120.4, now today it's 117.2...

So, not the biggest improvement in such a long time, but hell yeah, it's on the right path!


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Technobreath, if you let me I can give you some hints on how to start loosing some nice Kg, BUT (Shit, those "buts" are not cool), you'll have to have the will for that.

Edit: I forgot you already are following a plan with PT. Sorry.

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Nah, the PT stuff is over with.

I had a really bad experience with that "funny" PT. About the pricing. She started to demand too much, at the same time she started not showing up for the appointments, comming with all sorts of stupid excuses. At the end of the day, she couldn't help me... Told me that she would follow this through - of course if I did - which I did until it really started to show through that she didn't know how to handle stuff when it wasn't exactly the way she thought it was. Complicated stuff - expensive stuff.

On the other hand - I know how to loose those nice kilos, but the key here is finding a way to keep it all good for more than 6 months. So I need to not loose too much in too little time. Need to find the balance - it can't be too extreme, but I figure if I loose on average 1 kilo each week for less than one year, I will reach the goal, and more than that too. Well - I'm 180cm tall, and if I loose 1kg a week, I'll look like a stiff in the end :P. And right now I don't care if I have to use a year on it, as long as it gets me where I need to be, and ables me to stay there too ;).

Man, it's exhausting to be where I'm at now, that's for sure. Luckily I have a job that keeps me active during the days - at least most of the days - some of them are in my office too, but I like being out in the field much better!

If u have never been big (or otherwise sick) I don't think one could ever understand how it is to breath heavier than normal from going up the stairs, from taking a small walk etc... that stuff is mean. So that's what I'm tired of, and need to get to a better place hehe. I'm actually starting to write down now how it feels in different situation being that heavy. It's like carrying a 40kg backpack that u are unable to loose when u need a break :P. It is so easy to forget how things were when loosing the kgs - and when gradually loosing, it is so easy to not be aware of all the good changes - so that's why I write it down, so I will be able to see the changes much more clearly :D.

Anyway, I walk / run in the woods (I live about right next to a pretty nice and large forest with nice paths for running) 2 days a week for 40-45 minutes - that's the start. After that my feet is having a hard time coping with the beating :P. So when I loose a little more, I'll start running more often - like 3-4 times a week. I run together with my dad, which is pretty nice.

In addition I'm soon starting some muscle building excercise together with my friend - and that's one thing I really enjoy, coz there is one thing I aint - weak :P. That sorta training I master, and I am stronger than the avarage guy there, exactly because of the extra kgs I'm carrying around :P. The former PT lady had a hard time finding something that would really make me feel the muscles in the stomach area, but I found a couple of excercises that worked pretty good, and made me feel good, and not only because I realized how strong I really am, but also because it was fun doing it.

Anyway - I'll be handing in a few more updates here than I've done till now ;). It's motivating for me too ;)

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Crunches is where it's at for the abs! That and training your lower back area... Hmm, needs to hit that part more often... MMA and cross-fit is also good and fun :thumbsup: Hope you'll succeed, I need to drop kgs myself again... Bleurgh, that's what I get from living too well... or rather unwell.

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I weight/eye measure everything I eat since 2003, E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. except Sundays and 1 week on Summer Holidays.

At the point you are now, it should be very easy to loose 0.5kg per week. You just have to take out one or two table spoons of carbs each meal.

As your body adapts you will not feel that need for that bigger quantities as before. Mind that I didn't mention food changes for now.

The simpler aproach to change food choices is: Eat the thing in their closest natural state possible. I don't mean that you should start eating everything raw (lol), just meaning you should avoid processed stuff, like sausages, ham, ice-cream, fried stuff...

Well, enough for today. super.png

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Hehe J. We all live too well yeah.

Ripper. Cool. I'm not starting to measure everything hehe. I get why u do it though and all respect to u for that.

I'm all in for doing it the natural way yeah, hehe not gonna eat everything raw hehe got u.

There is too many things that we eat that is made from powder, lots of salt and

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Hehe J. We all live too well yeah.

Ripper. Cool. I'm not starting to measure everything hehe. I get why u do it though and all respect to u for that.

I'm all in for doing it the natural way yeah, hehe not gonna eat everything raw hehe got u.

There is too many things that we eat that is made from powder, lots of hidden salt and fat in that stuff.

I try to keep it natural more and more nowdays, like eating the clean meat instead of all those things that I 1: have no control of whats in it and 2: is way too unhealthy anyway.

Clean meat, if eating bread, lots of nice stuff on top and little bread. And mostly dark bread, and I don't mean dark bread colored by syrup hehe, the healthy kind. Most bread are tagged around here with a scale that shows how healthy it is. A nice thing...

However, my problem ain't so much the food and quantity of it. I usually keep it in small portions, and I'm not a guy who likes a lot of food. My problems lays more in the snacks section. I tens to eat too much snacks. The other problem is my suppers that usually is around 20.00. That's where I traditionally have ended up with a big plate of pasta or such like it.

So I cut out most o fthe snacks, eat very little of that nowdays, and that's no big problem either, I get really motivated from seeing the weight loss. And for the suppers, I never eat more than a light meal except weekends, but then we usually drop dinner and have that later in the evening.

My goal is to get to the point of feeling gooda and be able to do everything I want that I have had to abandon because of the weight. Like street blading, guess it is best explained by comparing it to skateboarding in the city only on aggressive type skates. That's fun, but last I tried I ended up injured because I am too heavy. Other thing I would like to start again is the kite jumping. Extremely fun. And one thing I have always wanted was to learn some kind of martial art, we ll see if I can find the time for it hehe. The only deadly martial art I know now is the sit-on-top-until-choked hehe.

And I think that place lays around 85kg with the current musclemass. Of course that will also be built, so we ll see.

For now I'm trying to learn the right way of eating and running in the woods 2 times a week, and soon start some more muscle building in the gym at least once a week for starters hehe. The funny thing is that now is the first time in a long time I am really up for all that, and looking forward to it. And that's not bad considering my current status hehe.

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Great move, Technobreath. At least you admit you have a problem. That's the first thing to do! wink.png

Make a schedule for meals, according to your usual one, excluding snacks. Put that paper somewhere you see eat easily and respect that.

If you feel you need to give a job to your teeth get some seeds, like nuts, almonds, cajuns and stuff like that and you solve the problem. At the same time you will be feeding your body with healthy fat, that also helps on loosing weight.

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