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A new MB6582 is born


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Hi guys,

I spent some time the last couple of days to complete another MB6582 with some improvements. Check out the SID sockets, they are brilliant. With a simple klick (better known as "no effort") you can install and remove the SID's. This time I went for a green control surface. The machine is called the "mean green SID machine" :-)











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OMFG those sockets are awesome! If only I didn't solder boring sockets on my current base PCB.... I may have to build another one just to use these sockets.

nILS, buy me 8 of them.

Actually, make it 10... I should prove they are also awesome on sammichSID.

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  • 2 years later...



Sorry for the newbie question, but what are the relevance of the 3 components with the heat sinks on?


I ask because on my build two of them (the ones in line with the SID) are absent... Just wondering what they do?


(my synth seems to function just fine just troubleshooting the build I recently received and 

 learning the ropes so to speak)


Thanks in adavnce,



Edited by SpaceFire
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Hi ilmenator,


Thankyou for your reply, Interesting, helpful and insightful, because the LCD on my MB6582 is rather dim (back light seems ok-ish but low contrast on the display) and I have been looking into possible causes, someone mentioned a contrast adjustment, but I couldn't find where this might be or how to adjust it. I have read that the PSU can effect the more power hungry backlight displays, so I may have to change from the two separate supplies soldered together option implemented currently, apart from anything else they are German socket type and I live in the UK, I can hack to work it with a quick screwdriver to the earth socket (or more clumsy adapters), but it's inelegant to say the least.





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