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Opinions are like A-holes


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Hey TK,

Is there anywhere on the Forum that you guys review/respond to this blog???


I am interested in hearing your thoughts about the statements

"The problem is that the community expects a level of dedication which blocks many people who would otherwise become enthusiastic users and contributors."


"their requirements that everyone be able and willing to break into it the hard way is going to cut out a lot of potential users. These users could contribute with suggestions and perhaps programming changes to the synthesizers."

You see, I am a musician and super passionate Commodore lover. When I saw your spec for the first time I about sh!t a brick. I just knew I needed to get my hands on one. the inspiration your gear spec brings is incredible (thank you and thank you again BTW) and I too feel it should be more accessible to us plebeians :) IMHO There should be WAAAAY more demo videos on youtube/vimeo.

The rumor about "build 10 sell 10 a year rule" sounds like a great work around for this issue.

I am sorry if I am offending or crossing any lines. I'm just a musician who digs the 64 and think you guys blow the elektron out the water with this device and I'd love to see more of what talented musicians can do with it.

Again, thank you for allowing me to purchase one of these bad boys, I hope more people get the chance.

...vids coming soon (I still need the get a 110pwr supply)

Edited by misterite
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A few personal thoughts regarding that blog entry that you linked...

MIDIbox is more than fine as it is right now... I don´t even think the build-10 sell-10 rule is necessary... The MIDIbox users have been critizised by people stealing TKs concepts and hard labour as a bunch of elitists, that do not open up :-)... Tell you what, in my not-so-humble opinion, that is a great thing! There are more than enough commercial music gear vendors out there, that are very glad to sell their products to these people... MIDIbox demonstrates, what great things can be achieved with well-documented, but license-restricted open hardware - it is in many ways superior to closed-box approaches, because once you understand the guts, you can modify hardware or code to your hearts desire... Finally, I can´t stand individuals, who employ whatever available methods to try to make a profit off other peoples´ hard work, that has been donated to the public in only the best-possible intention: free music hardware for everyone...

Many greets,


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Guess I'm a member of some cult if that's what I choose to read into the blog post.

I don't get it: Is it bad the poor blogger has learned something about electronics? Not realizing that it was a large undertaking? It's like complaining that you went to university instead of working - it's *your* own choice. I occasionally build stuff (I'm more an engineer type) and occasionally make music as a hobby. If I wanted to and had the means to support myself only making music I could, but I don't see any knowledge gained as a burden.

There are other kits available that can be perceived as easier - you can get an assembled x0xb0x if that's what you want. Also, it's not that difficult to buy an assembled Sammich in the fleamarket section. Granted, there was no Sammich kit when this blog post was written getlost.png These days you can also get into Shruthis, Preen FM and other kits that are great synths that come with their own preconditions. Or simply buy ready-made gear...

IMHO: TK and others have done lots of hard work for free or little compensation. Sorry then if someone is offended that they don't want to share the fruits of that work in a way so that others can make lots of money from it. And (the horror) you might learn something from it! MIDIbox may not be all things for everyone, but there's nothing precluding someone from starting whatever own platform on their own terms. I don't see why someone all of sudden wants to change the MIDIbox into something else should be stopped or frowned upon, but that decision ultimately lies with the creator TK.

Anyways - have fun with your new SID synth! That's the endgame - politics aside flowers.png

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I don't know, I think the main point of that blog post is "I have come to realize that I have lost my creativity and become more interested in building electronics than I am in creating music." It's not like it's something bad, is it? It's not like it's midibox's fault either. Just as long as you are honest with yourself and do what you love. If you love messing with synths, there's loads of commercial offerings. If you like to tinker with chips and pcbs - there's midibox.

Let's make another blog post instead (strictly for giggles!), addressed to, for instance, Dave Smith:

"Dear Dave! Your company produces great synths, and, should one happen to be musically inclined, he could most certainly make some awesome tunes with them. However, I have no creative potential and don't want to make music, I just like building synthesizers, so I don't understand why your synths are not available as electronic kits. It would certainly bring more Dave Smith's synth builders to the community. I just feel that it's not fair that you have all the fun out there by yourself, building your awesome synths, and the rest of us, enthusiasts, are stuck building some old, boring designs.


Jack Syntmacher"


Edited by jackies
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This blog entry is all over the place. First it almost seems like the Midibox Synth fault he is more into building then composing. Then he goes on about building stuff for other people and restriction on sales. Then there is a tantrum about documentation.

And i am not really sure what the point is of this blog. But it seems to me the blogger actually likes building stuff, thinks he is good at it and would really want to make a business of it.

A little quote:

So even though the license is there to protect the Midibox platform from being used and abused by uncaring capitalist interests; it ultimately caps the size of the community of Midiboxers by forcing any and all users to be technically competent, musically inclined, and with plenty of time to dedicate to a complex electronics project. People who are just interested in the technical, or just interested in the musical, or who just don't have the time or space to do it need not apply.

Maybe the blogger just misses the point. I think the goal of midibox is not world domination. :wink: I think it is about a thriving community who are involved in technical and musical aspects.

Edited by Shuriken
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  • 4 weeks later...


But what to do?...

Go on a 2 year bender of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.....

Jump on a Harley and ride off into the sunset of deepest Yorkshire....

NO!!... I'll build a MIDIbox !!....

a) because I want to

b) because it's got more features than my current commercial solution

As I see it, the MIDIbox community is all about people who want to build this hardware for themselves, to use themselves, and in the spirit of the community where all this technical know-how, design and advice is given freely, I believe it's only right that the originator of a project is asked permission for one to be sold. In all the cases I've looked at, where this courtesy has been observed, permission is given.

What it all boils down to is MUTUAL RESPECT !!

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So even though the license is there to protect the Midibox platform from being used and abused by uncaring capitalist interests; it ultimately caps the size of the community of Midiboxers by forcing any and all users to be technically competent, musically inclined, and with plenty of time to dedicate to a complex electronics project. People who are just interested in the technical, or just interested in the musical, or who just don't have the time or space to do it need not apply.

Well, yeh. So? G'day to you, too sir.

Besides being partially wrong - in my opinion - (I can totally have my technically inclined friend build it for me), his opinion is... well, just that. His opinion. I applaud him for presenting his opinion in spite of the guard-dog reputation MIDIbox users have around the interwebs. And I enjoyed reading it, not necessarily because I agree with him, but because he actually used proper punctuation and more importantly coherent, full sentences.

That said, please do not respond to that or any other blog or reference to MIDIbox unless you actually have something to say that goes beyond "ur wrong - f*ck u!!!" and are capable of using full sentences :-)

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