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[FEELER] Mean Well RPT-60B Switching PSU


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Hi all,

I am in need of an additional RPT-60B PSU, and thought maybe I'm not the only one. I have already successfully powered an MB6582 and an MBFM with it, so it's a versatile enough PSU for most midibox projects (for an MB6582 with 8580 and/or 6582 SIDs just place a 7809 on the +12v line to regulate it down to 9v).

Short overview:

- Outputs +5v, +12v and -12v

- Small form factor

- Attractive price (price ex. sales tax and ex. shipping should be less than €25 per piece)

- High switching frequency (100KHz)

- Datasheet

The price per piece will go down at multiples of 10; ordering at least 10 units gives a small discount, ordering at least 20 a bigger discount and so forth. Exact price will be requested once it is clear how much demand there is.

I have done a few (small) bulk orders before, and have always used the same formula: Everyones expresses interest -> bulk order starts by wiring money to me by bank transfer (I don't use paypal, but if neccessary a workaround will be found) -> order is placed -> items are received by me -> items are repackaged and sent out to fellow midiboxers.

Please post interest (or questions) in this thread. Thanks.

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Nice! I have looked up the shipping costs; Sweden is €8,50 per parcel, Norway is €11,05. Why the difference; I don't know.

I'll copy/paste the shipping info from the Dutch post here; I didn't bother to translate all the country names so if anything is unclear do not hestitate to ask.

Zone EUR1: - cheapest € 8,50 / with Track & Trace: € 13

België, Luxemburg, Denemarken (exclusief Faeröer Eilanden en Groenland), Duitsland, Frankrijk (inclusief Corsica en Monaco), Italië (exclusief San Marino en Vaticaanstad), Oostenrijk, Spanje (inclusief. Balearen, excl. Canarische eilanden), Verenigd Koninkrijk (exclusief Gibraltar en Kanaaleilanden), Zweden

Zone EUR2: cheapest € 10,20 / with Track & Trace: € 18,50

Bulgarije, Estland, Finland, Hongarije, Ierland, Letland, Litouwen, Polen, Portugal (inclusief Azoren en Madeira), Roemenie, Slovenië, Slowakije, Tsjechië

Zone EUR3: cheapest € 11,05 / with Track & Trace: € 19,30

Albanië, Andora, Bosnië-Herzegovina, Canarische Eilanden, Cyprus, Faeröer Eilanden, Gibraltar, Griekenland, Groenland, IJsland, Kanaaleilanden, Kroatië, Liechtenstein, Macedonië, Malta, Moldavië, Montenegro, Noorwegen, Oekraïne, San Marino, Servië, Turkije, Vaticaanstad, Wit-Rusland, Zwitserland

Rest of the World: cheapest € 17,10 / with Track & Trace: € 24,30

This immediately implies that if you don't live in one of the mentioned EUR zones and/or you want your parcel tracable, it's probably cheaper to order from Mouser unless you want more than one PSU.

Last time I ordered these the price was €23,80, and they charged a flat fee of €25 for shipping to my address. Let's say we get 10 PSUs ordered, and the price drops to €20 per PSU (this price is just for indication and not based on anything). With shipping to my address included, the total price would be €22,50 per PSU. Add your preferred shipping method and decide if joining the bulk order is preferrable above ordering from (for example) Mouser.

Edited by NorthernLightX
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Prices are in:

10 PSUs will be € 19,50 per piece, 20 will be € 16,60 per piece. This is excluding sales tax (21%) and initial shipping (€25)

Including sales tax and initial shipping the price per piece for 10 units would be €26,10 and for 20 would be €21,35. You will still have to add the shipping to your own address, see post #4 for pricing.


addition: for optimal connection you also need 2 Molex connectors; one 3 pin and one 6 pin. Reichelt sells these sets @ €3,15 per piece excluding shipping. I will offer these as well when the bulk order takes place, I am going on a short holiday in a week, when I'm back the BO will kick off.

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Reminder: bulk order will happen before the end of the month. Current list of interest:

NorthernLightX: 2

ilmenator:      1 or 2

jojjelito:      1 or 2

rosch:          1

Shuriken:       1 or 2

ytsestef:       1

janvanvolt:     1

Ajax:           1


Total:          9 to 12

We need at least 10 orders to get the better price, as outlined in post #10, so now is the time to decide how many units you really want.

Also, please state if you would want to order the Molex connectors with the PSU.

I also want to emphasize that I currently do not have a PayPal account. If you cannot pay by bank transfer (unavailable or ridiculously expensive from your country) please contact me so we might arrange something; maybe someone who participates in the bulk order could receive the funds on his PayPal account, and then bank transfer the total to me.

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Question about the molex connector. Will this just be the male connector, or will it include an empty female as well?

The Male connectors are already on the PSU PCB. The extra connectors I'm talking about are a set of empty Female connectors (one 3 pins and one 6 pins) with crimp pins. If you click the Reichelt link I provided before, you see exactly what's in the package :flowers:

The 3 pin connector has only 2 pins used, and it's very possible to find a suitable connector in an old PC PSU. The 6 pin connector however is harder to find.

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The Male connectors are already on the PSU PCB. The extra connectors I'm talking about are a set of empty Female connectors (one 3 pins and one 6 pins) with crimp pins. If you click the Reichelt link I provided before, you see exactly what's in the package :flowers:

The 3 pin connector has only 2 pins used, and it's very possible to find a suitable connector in an old PC PSU. The 6 pin connector however is harder to find.

Ok, sign me up for 3 PSU with molex.

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+5V 4A (!)

+12V 2 A

-12V 0.5A

is the 500mA for -12V enough to power

a) MB6582 with 4x seppoman filters and 2x seppoman VCAs? (Aout_NGs)

b) fully stuffed SeqV4 STRM32 with Aout (MAX525) and all the midi outs and Gate buffers?

i know, good question, but maybe someone who build it that way knows that?

in this case i need 2 psu

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Hi Rosch,

as far as I know the -12v is only used for bi-powered opamps, and those really do not draw that much, I'd be surprised if your mentioned setup would draw more than 100mA. 4A on the +5v line is very high, so I don't expect any issue there as well. 2A on the +12v is also way more than needed for the stuff you're mentioning, even with 8 SIDs.

I am planning to use one of these PSUs to power an MB6582 baseboard with custom control surface, and at least 2 MAX525 AOUT, 4 Seppo VCF and 1 Seppo VCA. I am even planning to add more modules later, and still expect the PSU to handle it without any trouble.

That all said I still want to make a disclaimer: your mileage may vary.

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